rate icon起源少女(Zgirls3)





  • com.starring.zgirls5.qooapp
  • 684.34 MB
  • N/A
  • Android 4.4+
當前版本: v1.144.3431
更新日期: 2023-02-28
  • 起源少女(Zgirls3)
  • 起源少女(Zgirls3)
  • 起源少女(Zgirls3)
  • 起源少女(Zgirls3)
  • 起源少女(Zgirls3)
  • 起源少女(Zgirls3)
  • 起源少女(Zgirls3)
  • 起源少女(Zgirls3)
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鑒於最近S25最新大型活動"鏡子假面" 有很多風波 特別寫上來讓各路玩家知道一下 活動20天 有4階段 112/03/01 過了6天快7天 BUG有至少4個最多10個 (小到任務無法完成 大到沒有實裝獲得途徑 除了課金) 沒有要修復意思 每天都有很多人新增BUG回應 客服罐頭打發 之前的貝拉米跟莎莉婭等大型活動其實也有一些BUG 不過過了2.3天也都有修 也有一點點補償(真的就是一點點) 所以各路玩家選擇默不作聲 但這次的活動 過了4天仍然連個消息都沒有 還有超過VIP10的超大課長有回覆BUG 全都罐頭回應 所以這次選擇了一些管道來做發聲 希望能夠讓各路玩家 看到這公司醜惡的嘴臉 避免其他玩家誤入歧途 這遊戲就是換皮戰爭手遊 這個伺服器不賺錢了 就開下一個 然後伺服器開始飽和之後 就開始合併 然後繼續開新伺服器 無限循環 該公司的作品: zgirls zgirls2 zgirls3 last escape 都是收割完就走 最近比較夯的就是 last escape的艾肯伺服器收掉 導致許多玩家帳號直接消失連個屁補償都沒 請大家玩這類遊戲建議都去當伺服器蛀蟲 玩的沒有壓力 一毛錢都別課 畢竟課了數十萬的VIP10意見都可以無視了 In view of the recent S25 latest large-scale event "Mirror Mask" there are many distractions Write it down and let players from all walks of life know 20 days of activity There are 4 stages 112/03/01 6 days later, almost 7 days BUG minimum 4 maximum 10 (too small to complete It's so big there's no real way to get it (other than class money) No need to fix Many people add BUG every day to reply customer service canned food There are actually some bugs in the previous large-scale events such as Bellamy and Salia But after 2.3 days, it has been fixed And a little bit of compensation (really a little bit) So players from all walks of life chose to remain silent but this event 4 days passed and still no news There are also super class leaders with more than VIP10 who replied to the BUG all canned replies So this time I chose some pipes for the sound Hope to let players from all walks of life Look at the ugly face of this company Prevent other players from going astray This game is a skin-changing war mobile game This server doesn't make money open next Then after the server starts to saturate start merging Then continue to open a new server Infinite loop Company works: zgirls zgirls2 zgirls3 last escape are harvested the most recent one is Last Escaped Aiken server closed As a result, many player accounts didn't even disappear directly with fart compensation Please play this game, it is recommended to be a server moth play without stress don't take a dime After all, after hundreds of thousands of lessons, you can ignore the opinions of VIP10
有玩過少女都很漂亮 但有些廣告真的不要未經過他人盜用
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