Fantôme de la tuerie | Japonais
Fantôme de la tuerie | Japonais
Fantôme de la tuerie | Japonais
Phantom of the Kill | Japanese
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2021-07-27 17:08
Please help me!
Good morning to you all, fellow Phantom of the Kill fans! I need your help to solve a problem with the game! You see, yesterday, I got a SD card because I didn't had the stockage to have more games. Thus, I transfered all my Galaxy Note 8 datas to the SD card, however, this action suppressed the datas of many games, included Phantom of the Kill and Fate/Grand Order. Can someone help me retrieve my datas, please ?
2021-01-15 02:25 Shared 1Card(s)
i don't know x) it's the new perso