InicioJuegosHelios Rising Heroes
Helios Rising Heroes
Helios Rising Heroes
Helios Rising Heroes
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Helios Rising Heroes es un juego otome móvil que se lanzará pronto.

  • 57.54 MB
  • N/A
  • Android 7.0+
  • No
  • Si
Versión actual: v6.7.1
Actualizado: 2025-02-03
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
  • Helios Rising Heroes
RPG For Girls Turn-based
Idioma: Japanese
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Las mejores reseñas(613)Más>

This game is just AMAZING, another one on my list that made me like it so much and stuck in the game, I literally lost my life just doing Reroll's to get Akira's letter lying down, there were more than 50 Reroll's, and I'm serious, I counted them all, and in the end I couldn't catch him. But the game is really good, I recommend it highly, just don't get your sleep because of this game [委屈][害羞][發困]
Really fun game with lots of fun features you can enjoy even as a very laidback player! The characters are all lovely and very interesting, with their own issues that get addressed through the story. A detail i love is that all characters have some sort of interaction between them! The voice actors all do a great job and even some big names are part of the cast too. Important specially for the seiyuus fans out there: helios releases songs and drama CDs too, so you have lots to enjoy even outside the game. The main story is completely voiced and gets updated with a new chapter periodically! It's really interesting and the events in the stories are usually connected between them, which is really cool. You can see and actually feel the characters grow up as time passes! The gameplay is pretty simple and can remind you of games like azur lane, arknights or even fgo. You can play on auto without much problem to get things done, but more strategy will be needed for the harder stages. You can easily get all the important event rewards without having to play too much, no matter how weak your teams are! It's fun to set higher goals for yourself once you get stronger, though. The cards are adquired both through gacha and events. The more copies you have the stronger you'll get, even for 2* characters! The gacha is usually kind, the spark system is good (30 rolls for the max rarity character) and each 10 rolls you are guaranteed a max rarity character. Those cards have a special animation that is always amazing! Lower rarity ones only get special motions but it's still fun to see what they come up with each time. There is also a room you can decorate with the furniture you get from events or buy in the areas (no real purchase, game coins only). You can have the chibis of the characters there and visit random rooms too! If the art is what matters most to you, helios has some truly amazing illustrations! The quality is very high and won't betray your expectations! Overall, it's a very enjoyable game with great characters, super interesting story and easy to play! It's very kind to f2ps too (overly so, even) so unless you are too weak to gacha (understandable) you'll be able to play without having to open your wallet. I do recommend supporting the game though! They have some cheap monthly packs that are very worth it and even a monthly pass that gives you game money each day you log in. I love helios a lot and hope everyone can have such a good time enjoying it like I have been doing for months already!!
Le daría más puntos pero el rate del juego es tan mierda que hasta me atrevo a decir que FGO es mejor en ese aspecto, aquí ni siquiera hay probabilidad de que te salga un 4* en el roll inicial sino que es cuestión de mera suerte y ni hablar de los banners fuera del roll inicial que son peores, el agregado de spark para que te salga el personaje despues de 100 rolls es una completa kgda ya que ni siquiera dan gemas para poder llegar a hacerlo, literal debes ahorrar 1 año para que logres llegar a 100 rolls y obtener un personaje que quieras, realmente horrible. El gameplay está genial y los gráficos 10/10 este juego prometía bastante pero el rate la kga. Espero mejoren los rates, tomen en cuenta que hace casi medio mes que lo sacaron y ni siquiera dieron algo como recompensa de forma significativa xD
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