InicioJuegosPromise of Wizard | Japonés
Promise of Wizard | Japonés
Promise of Wizard | Japonés
Promise of Wizard | Japonés
Promise of Wizard | Japanese
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Sobre el juego

Promise of Wizard es un juego otome móvil en el que los jugadores tienen que entrenar a diferentes magos para defender al mundo del sufrimiento del caos que trae la luna. ¡Preinscríbete ahora para obtener bonitas recompensas cuando se lance el juego para que puedas sacar más gatchas!

  • com.colyinc.mahoyaku
  • 148.91 MB
  • N/A
  • Android 6.0+
  • No
  • Si
Versión actual: v3.0.5
Actualizado: 2025-02-07
  • Promise of Wizard | Japonés
  • Promise of Wizard | Japonés
  • Promise of Wizard | Japonés
  • Promise of Wizard | Japonés
  • Promise of Wizard | Japonés
  • Promise of Wizard | Japonés
  • Promise of Wizard | Japonés
  • Promise of Wizard | Japonés
Simulation Raising Sims For Girls Casual Single player Stylized Anime Life
Idioma: Japanese
¡Califica este juego!

Las mejores reseñas(659)Más>

I love this game, even though at first didn't catch my attention. The gameplay can be repetitive but if you're into games like enstars (the tap-tap kind of play) you may be quite familiarized. This bad part is really well compensated with the story which is a well-built story with charismatic characters, cliffhangers, and somehow manage to mix both, obscure stories with colorful scenarios/characters. Although you can choose your avatar, officially in the story [I'm talking about the chosen gender for the manga] MC is a male called Akira (or sage commonly know in-game). If you like a bit the BL/ fanservice subplot, this game will meet your expectations because is sober and light (and you can find the story on internet too). The soundtrack is relaxing, the main song of the game is a very good song and I liked it a lot too. Coly did a very well job on this game.
I've been playing this since 2020 and honestly I've never played something so complicated for f2p, the animations are good, the cards are beautiful, but getting them is really difficult, the only way to get guaranteed ssr at the moment is by putting money into the game (I've done it 2 times) and honestly the way to get mana stones is ridiculously complicated.... My only request is that you listen to your global players, we have been complaining about this for many years, it's a very nice and enjoyable game although it can become exhausting gameplay for how repetitive it is, waiting for an event to hopefully get 60 mana stones is very unfair to us.... 2 mana stones as a login and 5-8 stones for all the daily quests is even painful to see how they treat their player.... It would be nice if they implement a probability system to get the ssr's, something to make sure you can have them being f2p.... [大哭] Also let them implement more ways to get stones, it's honestly funny that they don't give you anything of value when doing missions and facing your chibis or waking them up, with them giving you 1-5 mana stones in each confrontation they won't go bankrupt [大哭] Please make your game more optimal and enjoyable, it's all too beautiful to be really cruel to your loyal players.
Hermoso juego la verdad, lo jugué hace mucho pero nunca me intereso, pero ahora lo volví a jugar y lo estoy probando, La verdad este juego es tambien como el A3 y el ensemble Basic, pero digamos que mucho mejor Los peroanajes son bien lindos (y hots) [開心][耍帥] las voces están bien(Aun que no conozco a tantos de los Seiyuus, porque no son tan famosos o no tiene tantos papeles de personajes) la juabilidad del juego no la entiendo bien, algunas cosas que tiene no llego a entenderlas aun que es fácil el juego...(ponele) hay lugares y cosas que aun no comprendo para que sirven...y no se aun como se elevan los personajes ahí... la calidad esta TOP, se ven con bastante calidad los personajes y las cartas de ellos[鬼臉][怪笑] El gacha esta bueno, la plata puede ser un poco "Facíl" de ganar.[汗顏] Subir de Ar, es medio difícil para mí, pero tampoco es tan, difícil[發火][發怒] aun estoy iniciando en este juego y no tengo mucho que decir, pero después cuando sea un AR mas alto hago la reseña mejor [睡覺][微笑]
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