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Azur Lane | English
Azur Lane | English
Azur Lane | English
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About This Game

Pay-to-win isn't necessary at all!
An ideal Naval Warfare game like you always imagined!

・A unique mix of RPG, 2D shooter and tactical genres combined in a beautifully designed anime game
・Easy and intuitive gameplay, built on the concept of 2D side-scroller, is the main feature of Azur Lane
・Organize up to six ships into flotilla, break through enemy gunfire and defeat them!
・Both AI and manually controlled battles are available, choose whatever you like!
・Build your own fleet. Azur Lane has a wide range of warships from all over the world.
・More than 300 ships, each with its unique stats and represented by a beautiful character!
・Live2D interaction technology is available for selected characters

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  • com.YoStarEN.AzurLane
  • 72.85 MB
  • 1471.69 MB
  • Android 5.0+
  • No
  • Yes
Version: v8.2.1
Updated: 2024-09-25
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
  • Azur Lane | English
RPG Raising Sims Voiced Dialogues STG Bishōjo Azur Lane 2D Live2D
Language: English
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Best Reviews(1741)More>

Cute boatgirls in a game that isn't a pure rng simulator like certain other game with shipgirls in it. I must applaud devs for sticking with people that will actually play this game, not SJW and NOT CENSORING ANYTHING. So many limp dicked devs/publishers lately are censoring their western ports of mobages because they fear SJW. Guess what, they won't pay your bills, they won't even play your games in first place. Lying about lack of censorship and calling it "localization" just proves how dishonest some devs can be, removing original content = censorship, localize my butt. Anyway, where I was going with this is that even tho I dont have time and I'm already HEAVY invested in JP version of this game (started playing soon after its release, rank 101), devs showed that they care about community so I will be spending some $$ on that sweet skins for my 2d tittyboats that I don't own on JP. After NepNep event I realized that translation got much better and isnt really a problem anymore.
-Loved the game when i downloaded it. -Deleted it cause of studies -Got worse Marks cause my waifu was looking at me from far away...felt really sorry -Realised that this is not just a Game but a man's happiness and dreams come tru -Redownloded the game today, reunited with my dear waifu and GOT A 10 IN maths So that has never happened before in my life....happiness over 9000 umu -Moral of the story... never let ur waifu be away from u *sniff be happy and may the devs live on.
Seems like most reviews here shows you why you should play the game, I'll give a guide instead. Reroll: Reroll here is optional since you'll get all of them if you have patience but if you think getting your waifu as your first UR/SSR/SR/R/C will give you a strong motivation to grind, then sure do it. Who am I? to stop a man/woman getting his/her favorite waifu? So feel free do what you want, nothing bad about it since it only affects you, not them and I don't mean it in a bad way. Things to do when starting: Tap Akashi in the shop 30 times for easter egg If you don't mind spending a buck in the game, you might want to get Saratoga(CV) by spending 0.99$ She's strong and will carry you till late game plus pink hair supremacy. Spend most of your cubes getting ships you'll need. Heavy is for Battle Ships/Heavy Cruisers. Special is for Aircraft Carriers/Submarines. Light is for Destroyer/ Light Cruisers. Buy Helena(CL) [Enemy Debuff] or Unicorn(CVL) [Healer] from guild shop, can be find through: Shop>Munition>Scroll to Guild Shop You'll get a lot of gems in this game and you might don't know what you should do with it? Here's a Priority List 1: Dorm Space(3-4 slots for f2p, max if whale) 2: Dorm Expansion 3: 2nd Floor Dorm(can be unlock at maxing dorm expansion) 4: Dock Space 5: Skill Training Slots 6: Oath Ring (Don't if you are faithful to your waifu) Optional List: Skins Tactical Books Cubes Coins Oil Foods Repair Kit Depot Space This game is pretty free to play friendly, doesn't matter how hard enemy whales, you will always beat them with the right ships and equipments. (I reach Rank 1 in exercise/pvp as f2p) tip: Avoid Joining the Official Discord and mute the world chat in game. Don't worry if your waifu is shit, Worry later when you're at chapter 12. Also avoid figthing enemies with high levels, levels here isn't just about adding raw stats, you'll get damage boost and damage reduction per level your ship above from the enemy ship. Ship Terms in the game: Frontliners: DD = Destroyer (low hp ships but with insane torpedo damage and moves very fast). CA = Heavy Cruiser (very high hp ships but moves slower). CL = Light Cruiser (High hp ships with great AA or Anti Air that moves normal). Munition Ships = (very high hp ship that has a fleet buff skills). Backliners: CV = Carriers (high hp ships with aircraft interceptors and clears the enemy's bullets when air striking). CVL = Light Carriers (Low hp carriers that are mostly ships with support skills such as damage buff or heal) BB = Battle Ships (High hp ships that hits very hard and can defend your backliners from suicide boats with its 2nd gun). BBV = A high hp ship with a combination of Carrier and Battleships. BM = Battle Monitor (ships with decent firepower and cost a little oil when sortieng, good for farming). BC = Battle Cruiser (A Large Cruiser that looks like a Battleship, High hp similarly to Battle Ships that also hits hard). AR = Repair Ships (Low hp ships that heals your whole fleet and gives your fleet an ammo and also has a high AA). Submarine Fleet SS = Submarines (Hits hard with their torpedos, good for enemy boss fleets). SSV = Submarine Carriers (A carrier in disguise hiding underwater). And don't forget these 2 important things: "Do your Dailies and Waifu>Meta"
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Latest Update

This is a mandatory update. This patch provides functional support for the new system. Several minor bugs were also fixed in the patch.

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