Sengoku Night Blood is a turn-based RPG (similar to Touken Ranbu) from the otome project Senbura, which is jointly carried out by Idea Factory, Kadokawa and Marvelous. The characters are designed by most famous illustrators who have worked for other notable Otomate games. The background of the game is the Sengoku period, in which players are able to romance Sengoku warriors.
-52.8 MB
Android 4.2+
Version: v2.7.1
Updated: 2019-12-26
Romance For Girls ADV Sengoku period Sengoku Night Blood
This is a great game with great stories and even greater memorable characters. Features all the big names as well. A really good enjoyable game... that has unfortunately made my money budgeting a little bit harder lol. But overall, this is great game. I hope it can last a long time.
When you mix every popular female-oriented titles like Sengoku Basara, Diabolik Lovers, Touken Ranbu and Hakuoki together... you get this tryhard version.
great story plot and graphics, the anime adaptation butchered it btw. Gameplay is ok, however it's a moneygrab game, not noob-friendly, gacha rate sucks, repetitive. Slightly recommended, but I didn't wastevmy time and immediately uninstalled it without a second thought.