HomeGamesMetaCity M
MetaCity M
MetaCity M
MetaCity M
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Release Schedule:Not specified

About This Game

MetaCity M is the metaverse mobile game to feature Global Model LISA. Players can become LISA's neighbors and obtain limited items in the game. Join the metaverse now and together with LISA create a wonderful second life!
MetaCity M is a semi-sandbox open world metaverse mobile game running on a shared global server. Each planet in the game contains over 1600 towns, 690 level 2 cities, 55 level 1 cities, and an absolutely gargantuan playable area of more than 510 million square kilometers. In MetaCity M, you may become neighbors with your friends, drive, stroll, and fly on airplanes to travel anywhere you wish! Wander through seemingly endless open plains, hike up the most fantastical of mountain ranges, or soar through the vast expanse of space in a shuttle to visit other players in amazingly different environments!

==Game Features==
【Begin a Free and Diverse Dream Profession】
Within MetaCity M, players may gather resources, create tools, and build items to train over 15 different life skills. Players need only specialize a skill to become its master. Whether it’s a master chef or an elite architect, everyone has the potential to achieve anything here! Do you wish to begin your journey into your dream profession? MetaCity M awaits your arrival!

【Showcase a Different Side of Yourself in the Metaverse】
MetaCity M possesses a unique character creation system. From facial features, skin complexion, popular hairstyles, headdress, topwear, bottom wear, to footwear..etc. Over thousands of different combinations available for you to choose! You may even fulfill your desire by modifying your character’s appearance into famous game characters, anime characters, and brand IPs!

【Achieve Your First Mansion Dream】
No land from inheritance? Real Estate prices too ridiculously high? In MetaCity M, you may unleash your inner architect and overthrow traditional concepts, building unique cities after unique cities in the most fantastical ways. From personally designing furniture to arranging them in whatever manner you wish, feel free to fulfill your wildest mansion dreams in MetaCity M!

【Join a World of a 100 Million Players】
Every single day in MetaCity M brings a brand new adventure and challenge. You will have many opportunities to see players with anime IP characters, enter a crazy racing competition, shoot the lights off each other in a shooting contest, and various other role playing adventures! Do you wish to experience a second life? MetaCity M welcomes you to join our 100 million player world of the future! Let us turn fantasies into possibilities together!
Version: v
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
  • MetaCity M
Simulation Business Casual
Language: Simplified Chinese English Chinese (Traditional)