HomeGamesEnsemble Stars!! Music | Korean
Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
앙상블스타즈!! | 한국버전
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About This Game

“Here, there is everything about idols!”
Ensemble Stars!! Music is a mobile rhythm game that is originated from Ensemble Stars!! with more functions and interesting stories. Ensemble Stars!! Basic and Ensemble Stars!! Music have the same content yet players cannot link the data of these games together.
  • com.happyelements.es2.kr.gp
  • 695.74 MB
  • N/A
  • Android 6.0+
  • No
  • Yes
Version: v3.2.7105
Updated: 2024-08-30
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
  • Ensemble Stars!! Music | Korean
Rhythm For Girls Idol Ensemble Stars School
Language: Korean
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Best Reviews(414)More>

someone needs to stop me downloading each ensemble stars versions-- 💀
Everything revolves around Nazuna Nito. Give NazunaPs a topic and they will relate it to Nazuna one way or another. Guns? Who's one person who would solve every problem they have with a gun? Nazuna nito
Very pretty on phones with bigger screens like Fold 3. The boys are all ridiculous and I love them. Songs are catchy. 2wink is the best and I demand they play Fighting Dreamer at my funeral. The body rolls on Eden are illegal. I had a big paragraph here complaining about the story pacing, but that'll be easier to deal with now that we have an English version. This game is visual and aural candy. The songs all slap. It's an easy game to grow addicted to.
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Latest Update

〓업데이트 내용〓
1. 카드 레벨업 시 사용할 육성 티켓 수량을 대/중/소별로 설정하는 기능 추가!
2. 아이돌 발자취 시스템 추가!
3. 멤버십 체험권 추가!
4. [앙상블 라이브] - [스탬프 설정] 업그레이드!
5. 상점의 통상 패키지 리뉴얼!
6. 3주년 기념 캠페인 추가!