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About This Game

WitchSpring4 is an RPG developed by Kiwiwalks. [Warning: This game does not have servers, all data is saved on devices locally. Your game progress will be lost if you uninstall or delete the data.]

The story focuses on a witch that defeated humans in war named Moccamori. As a queen that rules the continent, she plans to awaken the Devil and further conquer all of the continents.

This Little Queen, called a Witch, rules over the Ürphean continent.
She trains hard to conquer all the continents.
She orders her minions to collect magic ingredients,
or goes on explorations by herself.
The items she crafts enhance her powers.
The Warriors retaliate harder, as Moccamori becomes more powerful...
To face numerous dangers that despise her...
Will Moccamori realize her dream?

1. Size of UI adjusted
- Most of the UI buttons and fonts has been 20% larger than before.
Ensuing to the changes, some designs of windows have been adjusted.
- Additionally, the 'map zoom in/out' function available,
exit simple information by touching outside of window'(x button discarded), fast forwards of training and Moccamori’s awakening scene' and other convenience functions have been added.

2. Game balance patched
a. The balance of particular section has a bit downgraded.
(ex: The battle from Rubid village in Chapter 3)
b. The power of STR related skills have upgraded much as 1.5~2 times.
c. There is a maximum limit to increase stats by consuming items. Without this limit, errors occur in stats and others. Which makes normal game playing to disable, so decided to put a limitation on it.
However, even without reaching the maximum limit.
By playing as usual, not at all affected to clearing the game.
In other words, there is no effect on the game balance with it.
  • com.kiwiwalks.witchspring4
  • 831.71 MB
  • N/A
  • Android 5.0+
  • No
  • Yes
Version: v2.6
Updated: 2024-02-02
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
  • WitchSpring4
RPG ADV Paid Games
Language: Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese English
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Best Reviews(154)More>

I just got a grey screen afterthe first Act. Where the boy asks the father, mother and the witch to follow him. I had to play the entire game through the VirtualXposed to get past the grey screen. I'm using version 2.6 (the latest) and the problem is still not fixed.
Unfortunately i havent play series 1 and 2. But ive play 3 and 4, this game was so good, game like this was so rare and so hard to find. Im glad find and play it. I love everypart of this game art, story, gameplay, sound.
Like any other Witchspring series, it got a great storyline, it just that I couldn't really relate to moccamori character. In my opinion she's just your typical brat without any care in the world and just obliterating everything in her road to success. There's indeed a growth in moccamori character later on, but it just too plain and nothing really surprising happens. In my opinion, Witchspring 3 have better storyline compared to Witchspring 4. I could totally relate to Eirudy character and I could really feel the stories as if I'm right over there myself. It could've been just my biased opinion since Witchspring 3 was my first game on this series, not gonna change my thoughts on this one tho. Other than it's storyline, there's really nothing I could complain about. They did an overall improvement compared to the previous games(except for the battle difficulty, it's too damn easy) Well, with that being said, it is still a good game to play.
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