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Arknights | Japanese
Arknights | Japanese
Arknights | Japanese
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About This Game

Arknights is a mobile tower-defense RPG developed by Yostar Limited. on the mobile platforms. This is the global version where the default language is set to English.

In the world of Arknights, the people, who all have a kemonomimi feature, live in a post-apocalyptic and futuristic world. The world's civilization is built upon the discovery of a valuable mineral called "Originium", which allows people to acquire a magic power called "arts". However, the power of this mineral also infects people with a deadly, transmissive disease called "Oripathy". Hence, the government is keen on isolating the infected even if cruel and radical actions are needed. The tension between the infected and non-infected then escalates to an extremely worrying level. Players' roles in this game are to be the "doctor" who commands a crew of "operators" of Rhodes Island, a self-defense organization that aims to find the cure of the disease whiling fighting against other parties.

In this game, players need to deploy up to 12 operators in each stage to defend against the waves of attack from the enemies. Players need to check the requirements and hints of each stage to think strategically and bring the most effective operators for that stage. Operators are categorized into different classes and have unique abilities to deal with different kinds of situations. Their special skills, positioning, and sequence of movement also need to be considered thoroughly. It is on the player to bring out the potential of each operator to clinch the victory. After beating a level, players will be rewarded with many prizes and resources to strengthen the squad more.

Operators featured in Arknights are all full of interesting characters and designs. They will have different roles in the team of Rhodes Island and have different backstories and personal relationships. In addition, many professional voice-actors from Japan have voice-acted these operators to bring out their charm in a lively way. It would be crucial for players to collect as many operators as possible to build the strongest squad.
  • com.YoStarJP.Arknights
  • 94.19 MB
  • 1707.46 MB
  • Android 5.0+
  • No
  • Yes
Version: v27.3.61
Updated: 2025-01-23
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
  • Arknights | Japanese
RPG Bishōjo Tower Defense
Language: Japanese
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Best Reviews(771)More>

明日方舟是一款策略塔防游戏 这里为 🇯🇵日服🇯🇵 最先开放的是陆服,日服&国际服&韩服是游戏扩张版(统)图(治)海外而开的不同语言版本。 日服开服时间为2020年1月16日 陆服开服时间为2019年5月01日 目前游戏进度跟陆服相差了大约6个月。 日服的绑定账号方式为 Twitter, Yostar 账号 和 引继码。 里面的角色都是各种动物拟人~ 【顶上去让更多人看到~】
Welp this game is might be better than Nexon's latest offering ( i'm looking at you Counter:Side ) if you understand this honest comment of mine well then reply if u don't welp never reply The Pros of Arknights: 1.Illustrations: there's a few to say about this i would say the art in this game is just nice and the character illustrations were done by many artists but the nice thing in this game is the decent graphics 2.Sound: it's 80/20 for me and the character voices were done mostly by famous Japanese seiyuus ( Voice actors / actresses ) 3.Gameplay: it's ok-ish for me reminds of ur typical tower defense game ( e.g PvZ or DMM's Millenium War Aigis ) but the difference is u had to postion ur unit in a different direction b4 placing them on the spot. but one thing that this game did not had.... a PvP in which this game does not need it yet but the underground base costumization might be tricky even costumizing the dorm but it's an another feature the extra here is collecting some 7 clues which i dunno wht it's use until now and tbh this game is would be a value for ur time 4.Story: Just Decent for me and the post-apocalyptic setting is bonus points here 5.Gacha: You can do it by spending the red thingy mix w/ the yellow one ( u will spend 6000 red thingies for it ) or use the recruitment tickets but u need some thinking to get the top operator that u want if u going recruit them P.S: the Prices of the yellow thingy might be depends on the server that u playing The Cons of Arknights: No Live 2d yet that's all that i could say If u want to Play this game well then go ahead there's no one to stop you
[怪笑]yes ill marry this game to my very end of my life , SOO good , its like tower defence game but requires skills and SilverDaddy *unique operators from guard , vanguard , healer , sniper , supporter defender , speacialist and in those tier has viarity of ranges , atks , unique skill *so as the enemy they has speacial abilities from high def , res , stun shot , high atk when low hp , nuking ur ops out of nowhere *get ur self Hoshiguma first (yep SilverAsh is still my fav but Hoshiguma is like "anytime , anyplace",she laughs on high atk enemies with dmg resist , all her skills are good as heck new? skill 1 , tank and reflect 100% dmg ? skill 2 , meme dps? skill 3 ...) *DONT SAVE ORUNDUMS it will make u progress very slow , ( well not for KyostinV .... still dont know how he could go through high lv stage with low tier op) *originite prime is easy to get but harder as u soon harvest all in story game so consider using it wisely ( for me i buy orginite lv pack till pack lv 45 ) *Newplayers note playing Aak thats a no no , he will be ur enemy if ur op is like paper health *OrO and a lot of stuffs ingame that im too tired to type and it would make this long
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