HomeGamesBLADE XLORD | Japanese
BLADE XLORD | Japanese
BLADE XLORD | Japanese
BLADE XLORD | Japanese
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About This Game

[This game is no longer in operation.]
[The game server has been shut down on 29 JUL 2022. ]

BLADE XLORD is an adventure mobile RPG that is designed by the same creators of FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS . Like many classic RPGs, you will take control of a protagonist and their gang and explore the world that is packed with various rich geographical locations.
  • jp.co.applibot.bladexlord
  • -64.86 MB
  • N/A
  • Android 5.0+
  • Yes
  • Yes
Version: v1.0.1
Updated: 2022-07-07
  • BLADE XLORD | Japanese
  • BLADE XLORD | Japanese
  • BLADE XLORD | Japanese
  • BLADE XLORD | Japanese
  • BLADE XLORD | Japanese
  • BLADE XLORD | Japanese
  • BLADE XLORD | Japanese
  • BLADE XLORD | Japanese
  • BLADE XLORD | Japanese
  • BLADE XLORD | Japanese
RPG ADV Voiced Dialogues BLADE XLORD Fantasy 3D Real-time
Language: Japanese
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Best Reviews(80)More>

good game. like that i can auto farm. no need for vpn tho(im from europe lol) . dont understand much japanese but its easy to go around. like that there is a little more higher summon rate and units. overall nice. i play the English version too but i feel the JP one is better atm.
I've just installed it and completed the first campaign. Before I say anything further, I must comment on the graphics. The graphics are beautiful! the characters are responsive, and the combat mechanics seem decent. my experience of course, is tainted by the fact that I have no idea what any of the menus do. it took me 20 minutes to find the inventory, and even longer to find out where my gatchas went. I really enjoy this style of game, and am playing Last Cloudia, which is very similar. I'm enjoying that very much primarily because it's in English. I'm certain that if this game had an English patch, I would love it. but until then, it's unplayable because I simply don't understand the storyline, and I can't navigate through the menus for the simplest of things. oh, by the way. obviously I live in the USA, and I have no need of a VPN. it connected straight away without any problem at all.
喜歡的點很多,所以先寫缺點: - 需要日本VPN,意味網速和穩定性打折扣 - 開服的精選卡池活動太手緊,沒有抽爽爽的感覺 如同簡介和其他人所講,故事聲優和內容都非常豐富,一開始玩就有十幾章故事,每一章都有好多文本。 雖然說3D畫質沒有想像中好,但美術水平很統一,最重要的是每個介面的切換非!常!快!這個優化帶來的爽度,是好多遊戲不能比擬,有玩其他日本RPG的玩家,一定明白。 戰鬥時打撃感很好,原以為是自動遊戲,結果解除自動的操作也不錯,諸如拉、避、轉目標的控制也很直觀,打上位BOSS時,還要考慮仇恨值,比好多標誌自動打怪的手遊要好很多,只是奇怪官方用自動來做賣點,讓一些朋友以為是自動戰鬥遊戲性零的免洗作品。 組隊育成的部分有點失望,事實上很依賴農素材和轉蛋SSR武器,角色有技能和定位差異,故事也會送角色,但中間可以客制的地方不多,好不好就目仁見智。 暫時寫到這,打通主線再更新
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