HomeGamesEnsemble Stars!! Training
Ensemble Stars!! Training
Ensemble Stars!! Training
Ensemble Stars!! Training
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About This Game

Ensemble Stars!! Training is a sports game developed by Happy Element based on Ensemble Stars!! Music.

Ever dream of having your Oshi to be your personal trainer who works out with you anywhere and anytime? 
Happy Element announced that this new workout app Ensemble Training!! for iOS and Android will be released on September 19, 2023 in Japan.

The game will feature the series 51 idols and OBs, which give you the opportunity to select different boys to record your daily training progress and health status.


  • jp.co.happyelements.boyspower
  • 86.89 MB
  • N/A
  • Android 7.0+
  • No
  • Yes
Version: v1.0.6
Updated: 2024-11-19
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
  • Ensemble Stars!! Training
Action Casual Idol Ensemble Stars
Language: Japanese
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I'm a gym trainer irl and I gotta say I am very impressed with this app! During the workout the idols will explain, in Japanese, the correct way to do the exercises and it will have a little info card of each of them before you start. The warming up and cooling down are good and the exercises are all ones that I teach to people as well. I love the fact it doesn't focus on calories burned or getting thin, but more on getting healthy and building up muscles. You can train once per day which is enough tbh! Especially if you're a beginner. You can set the intensity level and if you want to focus more kn aerobic exercise, muscle building or a mix of both. You can also choose which body part you want to prioritise but pls do note!!!! This does not mean you will 'lose fat' in that specific area!!!! that is impossible. This is just for building muscle in that area. The thing I'm most floored by though is that it's all free. There's a shop.....but only for ingame currency you can only get by doing workouts. Nothing locked behind a battle pass or a premium version of the app. All idols are unlockable as well as more songs!! 10/10 will let Itsuki Shu bully me into doing a push-up
ibara got mad at me for not doing star jumps and shots me in the legs and now I'm paralysed😛😛😛😛😛😛send help I can't feel a thing 😂😂😂😂😂
lovw this game they managed to get my autistic self to exercise willingly thank you saegusa ibara😍😍😍😍
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