HomeGamesArcheland | Korean
Archeland | Korean
Archeland | Korean
Archeland | Korean
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About This Game

Archeland is a 3D Turn-Based SRPG developed by ZlongGames.

Players will follow the adventure of Avia, the princess who once witnessed the murder of her family and now finds a new purpose in fighting in the name of Pharos, the god deity she worships with her new companions.

Characters can have different basic abilities ranging from healing, dealing with AOE attacks, and devastating single-target attacks. With so many varied units and attack patterns, you’ll be able to build your team based on a strategy you want to implement and dominate the battlefield.

Strategic features such as occupations, enemies attributes, terrain and formation will be the keys to win the battles. There are also unique features such as “preemptive attack”, “additional attack”, and “pincer attack”, and you can make full use of terrain such as traps to turn the tide. A real-time PvP system will also be available.

Official Cafe: https://cafe.naver.com/archelandkr
  • com.zlongame.kr.u2
  • 18.13 MB
  • N/A
  • Android 4.4+
  • No
  • Yes
Version: v1.18.0
Updated: 2024-04-03
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
  • Archeland | Korean
RPG Turn-based 3D
Language: Korean
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Best Reviews(121)More>

great game, character art really looks like fire emblem character.. SKILL CG IS TOP NOTCH
the game is amazing, love the gameplay and story. the only issue is playing on my android phone even tho it a flagship phone the game would just crash randomly during gameplay or even during summoning. although the pc version runs perfect and never crashed on me yet. could be a android issue i hope it get optimized soon!
Ive been waiting for a strategy gacha game just like this. Ive played alchemist code, fire emblem, Brave exvius, etc and none compare to the graphics of this game. All the charcters have a skill tree so your character isnt stuck with the same 3 skills. You can switch them out so it has charcter personalization which is so cool. Every chracter has their own attack animation and its different depending on the situation examples are the double attack, extra attack, counter. Most games just stick the same attack animation depending on class. The art, music, and designs are so well done. Sadly Ive just been skipping through the story since I cant read korean but the cut scenes seem cool. You can tell their was a lot of work,money, and time put into the game. Im definitely a fan and cant wait for it to come out on global. Lastly its a gacha, your not gonna have every character and every weapon without putting out money. As a free to play I have 3 SSRs. Im progressing just fine the only block is the stamina. I would say thats probably the knock on the game. EVERYTHING takes stamina there is literally no coneltent that doesnt require it except arena. Overall 10/10 for me.
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Latest Update

신규 내용
1. 신규 영웅: SSR 영웅 “발렌틴” 등장! 한정 영웅 집결을 통해 획득하실 수 있습니다.
2. 한정 이벤트: “마음의 저편으로” 이벤트 오픈, 악령의 여왕 젤비나트와 같이 보스에 도전하여 보상을 획득해보세요!
3. 신규 도전: 별의 연옥 번개, 어둠 속성 보스 도전 개방, 더욱 높은 랭킹을 차지하여 풍성한 보상을 획득해 보세요!
4. 실시간 pvp: 왕의 전쟁 S3시즌 토너먼트 시작! 천계 대륙의 왕의 탄생을 함께 지켜봐 주세요!
5. 한정 이벤트: “축제의 특전”, “주사위의 축제” 이벤트 오픈, “축제의 특전” 내 임무를 통해 획득한 고양이 주사위로 “주사위의 축제” 이벤트에 참여 시 보상 획득 가능!
6. 한정 이벤트: 신규 모험 수첩 오픈, 한정 총 코스튬 “실버 상어” 등장!
7. 한정 이벤트: “집결의 코드” 이벤트 오픈! 픽업 이벤트에 참여하여 일정 횟수 달성 시 다양한 보상을 수령하실 수 있습니다.

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