In Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. ENGAGE, every anime production of Universal Century, including TV animations, Movies, and OVAs will assemble. Players can enjoy the amazing fusion between the anime and battle/action game while being entertained by the original new story.
In addition, 3D Mobile Suit 6v6 fights will present a realistic and thrilling simulation battle experience to the players. Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. ENGAGE also has a low entry bar thanks to a simplified command panel and an autoplay option, allowing players to feel they are a presence in the warzone of Universal Century and dive deep into the world of Gundam.
Official site:
Official Twitter:
- com.bandainamcoent.gundamucengage
- 70.18 MB
- N/A
- Android 8.0+
- No
- Yes
Version: v3.8.0
Updated: 2024-08-18