My Hero Academia ULTRA is a RPG based on the anime series “My Hero Academia” and is released by BANDAI NAMCO. The game is available on both Android and iOS platforms with Japanese as the supported language. Foreign players will need a Japan VPN to play the game.
As a game targeting the original fanbase, the game provides a re-roll option for the first 10x gacha. After the tutorial, players can re-roll without deleting the game data.
The game battle is 3vs3. Players can train their favorite heroes and use their "quirks" to fight the enemies. If you don’t want to spend time fighting, you can also turn on auto mode or use “Skip tickets” to proceed.
If you like the characters in My Hero Academia, the game contains a number of newly drawn illustrations to collect. After a player obtains the card, s/he can set the picture to be shown in the home page. The card illustration will also change after the character evolves. In addition, you can customize your "Hero Base" and watch the communication between heroes.
If you like the story of My Hero Academia, you can also rewatch the stories when Midoriya and Allmight first met, the growth of class 1-A, USJ incident, UA Sport Festival, Shie Hassaikai Incident, etc.
Official website:
Official Twitter:
- com.bandainamcoent.hiroacawwjp
- 30.53 MB
- N/A
- Android 7.0+
- Yes
- Yes