To begin the story, click the upper button (screenshot 1 & 2) then press OK. Choose the country you want to enter and press start.
There are 4 countries to choose from..
East: 楻(Wong)
Northland: 艾格尼萨(Agnesa)
Westland: 弗尔萨瑞斯(Fersares)
Southern: 塔帕兹(Tarpaz)
To find out more about which character is in which country, go here and scroll down to see character images and info. (Use Google Translate to translate the page~ like I have done. Screenshot 3)时之歌Project
I found where some characters are in which country.. labeled them with E, W, N, S. (Screenshot 4)
I only used Google Translate so I might be wrong. Please do let me know if you find a fault.
2018-11-25 05:48