Game reviews and game recommendation✿Afk journey
Please don't misunderstand, I think it's a fantastic game overall. I adore the expansive open-world map, the charming little details like being able to pet cats, and the convenient public message outposts scattered throughout different locations. Additionally, I appreciate the unified equipment system for heroes of the same class.
However, I'm not particularly fond of the concept of earning glory points through rankings and "activeness," especially since it seems to disproportionately benefit players who spend money on the game. I feel sorry for solo players and those who prefer not to spend money, as they end up grinding endlessly only to be disregarded and discriminated against in terms of rewards and in arena matches. Even some guilds exhibit this discriminatory behavior. It's disheartening to see such toxicity emerge so rapidly, especially considering that the game hasn't even been officially released yet.
By the way, I'm not a fan of the portrait layout either.
✿Pixel Heroes
Good game but it's p2w to get quickly growth
✿Tales of Grimm
I rarely take the time to review a game, mainly because I usually lose interest too quickly. However, this one has truly captivated me. Perhaps it's my enduring fascination with dark fairy tales. I use the term broadly, encompassing more than just the Brothers Grimm's tales as the name suggests. I've invested about $10 into the game, but overall, the gems are readily available. I recommend saving them up for special summons and avoiding wasteful spending if a 5-star is not guaranteed. Best of luck!
✿Clash Royale
Well, a lot of people complaining that the game is pay to win, but me as a free to play players didn't think so, this game can train your prediction and good for children to play.
✿Call of Duty
I love this game... (Even though it looks horrendous on my phone 😭)