the game just suddenly had this pop up on my loading screen can somebody tell me what this means cause idk if ive been kicked or is it a maintenance notice?
You dive into the virtual world to stop the runaway AI 'Redshift' that is hostile to humans.
Meet the various incidents that occur in the confrontation structure between the pretty girl superintelligent AI ‘Proxian’ and Redshift!
Starseed: Asnia Trigger
I like the art style, and looks like you can have a mmore colorful touch with the chars
ASTRA: Knights of Veda
kinda remind me of harry potter, idn, kinda, to some degree
Fate/Dream Striker
omg, this game looks so silly and... funny
Phigros is better only because phigros don't need real $
Tales of Grimm
Just like the Dark fantasy