SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2 | English
SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2 | English
SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2 | English
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2023-07-22 06:38
*intense drums plays in the background* An angel appears and an eva point its gun *triii triii triii* The barrier breaks and the angel gets ready to fire its laser. *buuuuuuh* The eva dodges. The battle continues!
Oh how I love Neon Genesis Evangelion. The first anime I fell in love as a young teenager. I think it was the dark undertones and story telling of an apocalyptic world in the brink of destruction that got me hooked into this telling of a dark universe. I loved the berserk collab, and I very much enjoyes the dmc and bayonetta collabs too. So when I got the update of an evangelion collab, my mind went bonkers!
+ 1
2022-05-04 07:57
Crazy but fun acolyte duo!
For those familiar with smt liberation main story line, these two were assassins sent to kill the liberators, but when things go to worst they switch sides and realize what is really worth fighting for. They always had each other from the very beginning, and no one can tell them what to do when it comes to who to protect: each other. This isn't much of a showcase, but these are the eight demons I have been working hard for many months (years?) being f2p. This is my main squad, and my main strategy is to nuke hard with critical hits that target random and all enemies. My second main squad relies on debuffing enemies and lowering their turns so I can retaliate if they do attack first. I might make another post showing each demons movesets and stats, but that may take a while. Anyhow, that is all for far. Take care!
2023-07-14 15:20
Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 x Evangelion Collab is Out Now
The 5.5 anniversary of Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 brings a crossover event with Evangelion starting July 13!
2023-02-17 16:09
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 - A Bite-Sized RPG Celebrating the Series
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 may be a lesser-known entry of Atlus’s famous series, but it certainly brings its iconic strategic gameplay and notable demons to a more mobile adaptation right at your fingertips!
2021-07-15 16:27
Have you play this game
i play it on 2019
2020-12-04 19:10
2020-10-07 06:20
My SMT Dx2 Demon Collection!
Just want to flex my 99% (because I purchased Berserk Collab Package to get Shrieke) F2P account. Here is my entire demon collection that I currently own without spending anything extra other than what I mentioned above. For any SMT or Persona fan, hope this motivates your curiosity or willingness to replay or play this game. Enjoy!
+ 1
2020-08-05 22:25
Better the second time around?
I used to play the game when it first came out but stopped playing for a year. Months ago, I came back and started fresh during the berserk collaboration and haven't stopped playing since having completed the main story on every difficulty and playing other modes that I was able to beat. STORY 3/5 I give the story an average rating because even though the half part of the current storyline is what hooked me to reading, other parts of the story bored me making me skip them everytime. When it comes to event stories, I have the same feeling of being torn between reading and skipping. It's not that it is bad, it is just sometimes it feels slow paced or dragged a bit too much. GAMEPLAY 4/5 My favorite about the game is the battles. You create your team by choosing your liberator who sets up passive skills to buff you team or debuff enemies and then choose a team of four demons plus a support demon from a friend to send to battle. Just like most SMT games when you exploit an enemy's weakness you get an extra turn and if you do the opposite you lose a turn. A very nice strategy game where the harder the levels, the more you have to adjust your battling style to defeat the enemies. MUSIC 4/5 Personally I love the music of the game, gives a nice setting of how the SMT atmosphere feels like. The battling OST is what you will hear the most of the game but to be honest its what hypes you when you enter every battle. There are other battle OSTs in the game but you don't hear them often which makes you appreciate them even more. DESIGN 5/5 I give a perfect score not because it is the best of the best BUT it perfectly portraits how the demons should look like especially them having 3d models. The character models are only in 2d but thats totally fine since the monsters are the number one thing you'll be working on and looking at most of the time. Their 3d models match with their 2d models, and even though they do look a bit choppy, it still does make them look legit being all data like since the liberators use their phones to summon the demons. Overall, lovely designs and so many to see and appreciate! GACHA 3/5 The main reason I stopped playing the game was because how ridiculously low the gacha rates were, even till today BUT what makes the game more playable now is the fact lots of side events and anniversary events offer so many gems and tickets that you can literally get 1 to 5 5* demons every time if you really dedicate time to playing through the events. My advice here is to save up your gems for collaborations OR for a demon you really want, otherwise just keep saving up or if you're a risk taker and okay with spending your free gems then no problem, sometimes you will get lucky and that feeling is something else. CASH GRAB 2/5 Does this game require you to spend cash to keep up with the game? NOPE. You can just play through casually or a little more dedicated than that and you will still be able to enjoy the game pretty much. Only time I spent money was to buy a limited package to get a character from the berserk collab, and that was that. Everything else isn't a necessity, and unless you wanna spend to be strong in PVP or get through challenges then spending is a total A-ok in this one. Overall 4/5 Not the best game out there I will admit, but when it comes to an SMT/Persona game for mobile? It is the only and best one out there. With a new original story and seeing every monster that will leave you nostalgic and hyped to see them is something to hook you up for sure. Events are simple to do and the game runs fine for those just wanting to relax or play competitively. I will say that this is my opinion and everyone's may differ. Thank you for reading through my review of the game. If anyone agrees with me or have a different opinion on my take of the game then please do comment as I would love to hear what you all think. Have a nice day!
2020-01-10 22:36
2019-02-27 22:04
2018-10-27 23:15
#AntiHero was he friend, or foe?