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DISCLAIMER [If your unit almost died you can retreat it for recycled points] for those who weren't prepared for the game the trick for rerolling is Play the game until map 01 ---->surrender to avoid wasting time then proceed to claim gift and gacha if you don't like the guaranteed 6 star just overwrite By clear arknights Data then proceed to Google settings--->ads--->reset advertising ID THE good 6 star are (silver ash ,siege and Exusiai). After getting the above don't claim you pre reg 5 star ticket yet. do a 10x roll first for something that you want so your early team spread out better. Because the game punish you for stacking level on one unit and having too much of the same attribute so better make your team diverse so you don't get hardlock at the start Then for the pre register 5 star It offer you 4 operator which is Red project (spamable redeployment=good bait fodder) Silence (fast healer and can accelerate other healer ) Liskarm (tank+stun) Pramanix (high Dmg magic in general) Pick one that you lack after doing the 10x pull because everyone on the list is good T1 Anyway Goodluck on the search and happy hunting P.S game better than girl front line [怪笑]
I've been playing arknights since the game launched and kinda fell into it. its ok f2p, like you can get orundum 3k perweek for gacha, its like 20 pulls for f2p player in a month + awesome events. my personal review Gameplay : Gameplay is amazing, for those who love tactics game, tower defense, gacha system and waifu character, this is your place ( they have cool ikemen though like silverA*s ). My iQ kinda low can i still play this game ? yes, theres some tips and walkthrough in youtu*e if you have low iq :> *im not gonna talk about Sanity (Energy in-game) in here though.* *also with *6 gacha percentage* Voice line Character/Soundtrack : you will love them, trust me. Storyline : Perfect, cant ask more about it. feelsbad some of player skip it, i doesnt mind though they have their own reason. Overall the game is amazing, i dont know if theres a people out there saying the game is bad and suck just because they didnt get Operator that they want in current banner, *cough* *cough* newbie gacha-ers* (i didnt get corona though, well stay safe out there) if you love the game please show them support by reviewing the game or buy the monthly benefit in-game for 5$ (・–・;)ゞ(f*ck off you're not f2p player because you buy the monthly pack. well i buy it because i want to support the game dev, i even didnt buy it every month.) the monthly package is really worth it, not just you get 60 Sanity package per day but with Orundum 200 perday for 30 days.
Decided to give this a try, went on playing it for 5 months straight and sank around $200 on it. Log in everyday, doing daily, doing weekly, running annihilation -> farming originite, spent some dollar bucks -> agonizing over the gacha -> rinse and repeat. Did I regret everything? No, I did enjoy my time with the game. But I did decide to finally put dơwn this game at the mid of summer event. Now the review, graphic-wise it is cute and pleasant to look at. The UI is crisp and clean. The chibis are nice and all but it did surprise me at the first time because I am not a fan. Though after giving it more time, the graphic did grow inside me. Nothing much to say about the arts, very beautiful, superb; just look at the abundance of fanworks on pixiv and you know what I am talking. Gameplay, your trategic tower defense game. Easy to learn but hard to master with its abudance of characters, unique abilities and "pause button". Then again, it is up to you to create your very best strategies to beat the stages, especially on hard difficulty and challenges. Beside, you have a very big dorm to manage which will help you with farming and upgrade materials. And Yes, please give my thanks to the auto system, without it the game would be a chore. Story? alot of potential with rich lores, yet failed to deliver many aspects due to the subpar writings and questionable dialogues. However, I did enjoy a portion if it, sometime it even tried to pose a philosophical question on wars and morality, a breath of fresh air but left many rooms to be desired. Another aspect I felt lackluster would be the casts themselves. Without proper side stories for them, each character felt as if they were just there for the sake of waifus and husbando. However, at the point of this review, I heard the game did make alot of improvement in the story aspect, which is good thing and I am rooting for the consistency in the quality. Music? very good, many catchy songs, high quality production. Lungmen Battle was indeed an adrenaline-inducing song fueling you through the nightmare of annihilation 3. Gacha? ok rates, you have pity system that will carry over to the next banner you decide to roll for. In my experience, I would consider this feature as a double-edged sword. On one hand, you can get shafted and come back with your desire characters. And on the other hand, you will get spooked by dupes at the expense of entire your karma. Becareful for what you are rolling. Why did I decide to stop playing the game? Well I did got salty over Schwarz whom I spent around 70 rolls and only got 2 ifrit dupes. Secondly, the very core design of the heart surging flame event turned me off completely or maybe I just felt salty. Anyway, I did comeback for the CC, great event encouraging you to push the difficulty further and further. Again, I failed to get another best gurl, Blaze. Well enough with my ranting. In conlusion, arknight is a great side game with beautiful artworks, engaging gameplay that encourages you to replay with different strategies. If you have not played it already, please give it a try because it is definitely worth your time. Edit: Finally got both Nian and Blaze, guess I am back!!!
To start of, Arknights is a game that has a tower defense system, add in gacha, grinding and a bit of base management. They mixed it well and below is my thoughts. First off, the fact that the characters are all in anime style is already good for me. But still, their CGs are great, nice arts for the characters(with some of them being drawn by well known web artists), and home screen also looks nice with the atypical look, although there might be some who feel awkward towards it. Next is sound, or I guess music. What can I say about this? Their OSTs are great, I even used the store OST as my ringtone. Home screen music gives that peaceful feeling, very nice, and etcetera. As for the character voice, I am not an expert in this field, but even though the storyline gets no voice, I still give it my like since they all sound really nice and seems to fit in character. Gameplay, the game is mainly tower defense, which is how the fight works. If you find it too difficult and play more for the waifu and husbandos, worry not, YouTube has all the guides you need, just grind a bit and you will get strong enough in no time. Furthermore, your free units given during tutorial are usually good enough to get through most of the contents, personally, I only have one 6* that I received from the guarenteed 6* beginner gacha. Farming is also made a bit easier with the auto deploy function, although it could occasionally fail. The gacha is also not bad. It has two systems, recruit and headhunt. Headhunt is basically your typical gacha with tickets and gacha currency. By the way, you can farm for more or less 2000 gacha currency each week, and 10 draws costs 6000 of the gacha currency, so you do not really have to whale unless you really want someone or feeling desperate. As for headhunt, it is like the recruit system in AzurLane and GirlsFrontline, but there is a tag system where you can only get 6* Operator with the Top Operator tag. Otherwise, you will only get a chance of getting 5* and lower operators. More explanation will take too much space, so try searching for newbie guide in YT for more info. Lastly about gameplay, there is the base. At first, micro managing it feels annoying, but as you go on, it would not feel like much. Since I might take too mucb time explaining, I will skip this too. Lastly, storyline. Most people in the game are animal girls or guys. A unique theme, yeah? But that is not all, the story has depth, each character has a story behind them, not told quite explicitly, but still there nonetheless. The world also has an interesting background, but to stop myself from spoiling, I will stop at saying, Amiya is a donkey(not, she is a rabbit, this is confirmed, further donkey jokes are memes) Overall, Arknights is a nice game, has several unique and interesting points, not too gacha heavy, and not too grind heavy. This game feels more like something you do casually unless you decide to use money. As long as the game does not come to a stand still, I will most likely keep on playing.
Pretty mediocre gameplay, nothing really noteworthy. Girls are cute, art styles nice, UI is smooth and well designed, but the actual gameplay just ruins the game, for me at least. I'm sure theres a lot of people that will overhype the hell out of it, but its more or less one of those "Play it and decide if it's for you" type of games. Storyline I left N/A as it didn't pull me in, so wouldn't be fair to rate that side of the game.
This just boring, just to simple even 6✩ doesnt have anything special attack animation. Plus this game is about 1gb + so why is the gameplay to plain so i think it wasnt worth downloading it. story is ok and also the sound.i also dont like the Character design .6✩ should have special design and att animation since they are harder to get. Enemies are almost the same its not creative so i really think its boring since its plain and kinda repetitive .p.s i played already throgh ep. 5.
this is a tower defense game, so I think some peeps will already think "This is not for me" (And tbh, me too, when I finally realized that this is a tower defense game). my only advice is: Try it at least until chapter 1. I never liked tower defense games (my only experience was FF7's fort condor and hooboi how I hate that experience of needing to complete it just because I was a completionist), but even this game's still manage to hook me. btw, in the case if you want to be a clue slaves with me, my ID is "fareast#2676"
Not gonna lie, this game is good, but the newbie experience in this game kinda... yeah you know it [發困](it's so damn rough to be beginners if you're the kind of player who want your operator getting maxed instantly after one week of playing the game, lmao dont even think you can maxed (lv90 e2m3) an operator easily if you are newbies[不滿] don't be like him(me):"oh my goodness i got Angelina (she's my first 6* btw) i should maxed her instantly!" [色色]there are a LOT of resources needed for ONE operator so you need to be patient if you want your 6*/5* operator maxed, not every operator is useful even the 6* ones, power creep exists in this games so be careful about choosing who you want to max (nah bro I choose my waifu), and you need to watch low-end guide from lord kyostinv (the goat) if you want to clear event stage when you're still newbies... and believe me, It's very difficult to do event stages (especially the challenge mode) if you don't have any basic of tower defense games, lastly... don't be mad if you didn't get limited operator ;) (i didn't get wis'adel fu-) please... 300 pulls to spark? hell nah bro, nah just kidding... Keep the 300 pulls spark system yostar i really like (hate) it[開心]
I...uuh, don't know about this. I like TD, starting with Fieldrunners, then PVZ and of course Kingdom Rush series. This one can't really be compared with the above. Anyway, here are my thoughts: Pros: - Good anime art - Nice and Intuitive UI design - Simple upgrade system Neutral: - Maybe it's the chibi arts, or the fact that all the unit classes do are basically the same so it really give little on what TD gameplay can offer, though the skills help a bit with keeping the gameplay fresh. It pales in comparison to Kingdom Rush, and compared to Fantasy Defense (just the gameplay), Fantasy is still more fun. My point, as a TD game it can't be compared to other "high class" TD game. Treat this game as a standard hero collector game - Arts could've been better with Live2d - Story...not that engaging, it's decent but not amazing enough to captivate me in exploring the characters lore more Cons: - If you're not a player who likes Azure Lane, Girls Frontline, Girls X Battle and such I don't think you'd play this game for long since this game will be carried by it's art designs. - Base could be better...but then again, I'm comparing it to HI3 so... - Double currency. Basically if you buy a paid currency, you'll need to convert that currency to gacha currency. As you can see, there's not much pros or cons so it's a decent game to me. Give it a try for a couple of days, you might get hooked, especially if you haven't played TD for a long time. For me, unfortunately there's not much the game has to attract me. Anyway have fun.
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