Reviews(198)Sort by Popularity, English

please plus the game chain chronicle english
English version shut down about 2 years ago, there was another company who wants to revive it since last August but until now, they have been saying nothing but asking players to sign the petition.
I LOVED this game a few years ago. I remember playing it non-stop and it was practically my favorite mobile game back then. but when they shut down the global server, I was very sad. I really enjoyed it and now fast forward years later I found QooApp and can finally play Chain Chronicle again! Though, I am going to miss the Story because it seemed much easier to read it in the global version, than having to constantly translate it every now and then. I really enjoyed the storyline and gameplay and would wish for the global servers to be back on again. Or maybe a 're-make' of the game? that would be interesting considering how good the game is ^^
That is one of the best games that I played. The storyline that are made me interested for playing. But what's pains me is doesn' t have full voices for Main Story, same as FGO. Besides, the mobile games nowadays are full voiced. If it is full voiced, I bet the rating rank will higher. Oh, this is my comments about Act 4 - Shin Sekai no Yobigoe: 1. Genju no Sekai - The land of mythical beasts and fairytale creatures. 2. Bouryaku no Sekai - It's like Mafia Group vs James Bond's disciples vs Arsene Lupin's disciples. 3. Yuugi no Sekai - That's very entertaining world and I bet Japan's famous card games is in that world. 4. Shinsen no Sekai - It's like Chinese Dinasty War but the characters are Superhumans.
this game is full japanese and i ain't no native at that so for the storyline i actually don't have any clue what they said (but i used to play the english one until what chapter) and skip the story x'D for anyone who asks the english, english server already closed down and that's why i downloaded the japanese version x( the gameplay is cute, for me i never came across a gameplay like this (let me know if there's any like this) i love every characters design [色色] it's so prettyyyy
Played this since GL server launch until they announced the game shutdown right after they released V2, and now I'm back and able to read katakana and hiragana.
there are ways to translate the game. i chose the 2nd one 1. play it on bluestacks and press buttons to translate on screen. 2. buy bubble screen translater on google or ios which is 50$ for full lifetime access and It'll be like a bubble on the phone to translate on screen for those that dont have PC or Steam Deck.
As always great game too bad the eng. shutdown but it's alright i can understand a certain level of nihongo
Best games, i love collab with TateNoYuusha, thanks for bgm opening anime for TNY. Also gacha good, but wondering why global shutdown, maybe u guys need to improve their chibi char, rework again, thats only. I love gacha here. Also voice when TNY character use skill 😍 Great work! Hopefully i can see another collab Demon Slayer, Kimetsu No Yaiba something like that, with character Tanjirou, Zenitsu etc.
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