Beware this game is almost 7 GB big, eats your battery like a starving pig & turns your phone into a hot potato.
Besides all that miHoYo did not disappoint with the graphics, they're mesmerizing & the soundtrack is excellent as well. It's an open world game, so there's a lot to explore.
While everyone is talking about Breath of the Wild here, I'm getting some serious Tales of Zestiria vibes from it with all that elemental stuff & entering the city in the beginning.
I found the start of the story interesting but after playing more, it lost my interest. It's nice to learn about the world you just dropped in & find comrades along the way, but it seems kinda basic to me & looks like you're gonna be stuck only in this city. Well, it's still just the beginning so maybe later there'll be more to it.
Now this game committed 2 serious crimes.
1st crime: Paimon is too adorable
2nd crime: I can't pat the doggos & kitties
EDIT: This is clearly outdated as I wrote it back in 2020. I played it a few more weeks & then I dropped it, so I don't know what's been added, changed or how much space it takes now.
You're better off looking for Reviews that have aged well or are newer
After playing the game for almost 4 months, this is my progress and review. It's gonna be a long one cause this is how I feel after playing this game for this long. This is a review for clearing out misleading stuff about the game and as for review, you can check my ratings above that I gave to it;
Progress: AR48, completely F2P, have 3 5* characters in team (Ganyu, Mona and Qiqi) which I got from hitting soft pity everytime, have all of the 4 stars except Razor, daily playtime: 2 hours average, Original resin in the inventory: 43, Console: Android 4GB
Despite getting all the hate the hate for being "predatory" and "not f2p friendly", I wanna clear out some rumors or straight up, lies about this game,
First off this game is extremely f2p friendly and not predatory at all cause you can clear the entire game even with just the starter characters that they give you. Gacha is completely optional and you don't even need 5* character at all to finish the game or by that extension any 4* character from gacha as well. There is no resin pay wall unless you are a hardcore gamer who plays for 8 hours daily. You won't even need to use your resin supply that game provide after ascending Adventure Rank if you are a casual gamer (This comparison ofcourse only holds true for F2P players). And to be fair, the resin cap is only there so the people don't skim through all the game content in one go. What MiHoYo failed to foresee was an impatient fanbase who treats the game as a PvP rather than PvE.
Secondly, the gacha in this game is one of the most generous gacha I've seen in mobile games and I know this for a fact I have fair share of experiences with gacha games. People will say that the gacha is terrible cause the drop rate is even below 1 percent. Factually what they should be saying is the gacha drops of 5* characters or items are 0.6% but for 4* it's unbelievably 6% which is saying too much cause even some 4* are as good as 5*, if not better. Moreover the game has pity system which means at 90th roll you'll definitely get a 5* but you'll have to be really unlucky for not hit a 5* at soft pity. The rewards for the game might seems really low from a first glance but if you look at it collectively it pretty fair. My average result from estimation will be that over a course of almost 4 months you can get upto 300 rolls if you don't spending any money. This also brings one yet another small point that the F2P players in the community are acting as if it's their right to get all the 5* characters as if they paid for it which is absolutely absurd. If you miss out on a character then be patient. It's a gacha game. They're sure to rerun the banner sometime in the future meanwhile you should save your primogems for that character.
Third point, artifacts drops in this game have random stats so it's extremely difficult to farm good artifacts that's why (from my personal experience) they're not worth the effort. The artifacts I use on my characters are mostly four stars with just crit dmg/rate substats mostly which are really low if you take my adventure rank into account (AR48) and hence the reason I don't farm for artifacts and still have 43 original resins unused in inventory. Talents material on other hand can be really tough to farm, but for players like me it's more of a challenge than frustrating. The reason why people call the game difficult for F2P cause they don't know how to build characters properly, end up getting stuck in the progression and jump to the conclusion that it must be a pay wall. No, it's not. To the contrary this game is quite easy if you know what you're doing.
My concern for the game is that from what it seems so far is that this game is about 25% finished (personal guess) and it's already occupying 10 GB space on my phone. And I fear that with future content and update this size might stretch upto 50 GB by the time the game is complete which will be too much for android players unless they find a way to compress it somehow without effecting the gameplay.
So in conclusion, I'm really excited for what MiHoYo will bring to this game in future.
Alright guys, This game's the best game I've ever played on mobile. Story line, music, VA, char design, almost everythings mastered. The only problem would be that the game's heavy grind. Even whalers have to grind at a certain point. And also, a lot of people call it botw copy.. But its false! I've played the game and the only common thing is the game mechanics which is the same for every other genre. This is a new genre in itself so yes people will call it like that. Under close comparison, I noticed many differences and the two games are completely different!
I hope they can squeeze/reduce/compress the size more for mobile players cause sheesh it takes 2 GB for every version update. I don't know how much longer my phone can handle but i really hope i can play this game till the endgame. The game itself is very good! I have fallen in love with this game and spend much time in this game more than the other games i played. If you love anime style and into waifus and husbandos the characters itself are all very cute, unique, colorfull and well design, because there's this system in the game called "artifacts" the 4 stars and 5 stars characters is very fair, this game is F2P not P2P so for F2P do not worry about it, but you can also whale if you want. miHoYo keep it up! I love your game. Don't forget to give us more Primogems 🤭. Enjoy playing the game guys and gals.
I've been playing this game right from launch but I didn't want to write a review before getting more familiar with the game but with the release of 1.2 I feel like I'm at a point where I can trust myself with writing a fair review. Before I start I wanna say that I am completely f2p.
Now, first of all let'a get the gacha out of the way. This game's gacha system is... okay? Yeah it's pretty okay. It's not super rewarding or f2p friendly but it'a nowhere near as bad as fgo or knights chronicles. There are 3 banners; a character rate up banner, a weapon rate up banner and a non-rate up/story(?) banner. The currency used for the stoy(?) banneris different so I recommend only use those with that banner. Also there is a pity system so I recommend you looking that up.
K, now that the boring stuff is out of the way, let's get on to the good stuff. First of all the graphics are way above most mobile games, maybe besides a few like Sky and Dragon Raja, but you need a fairly powerful phone to be able to run the game at acceptable levels. With the 1.2 update they added an option to make tge game run at 24fps for those people who want to experience the game's beauty without cpu throttling. It's a great option for casuals like me who doesn't want to be overly competitive with the game.
As for sound, it's honestly my favourite part. The soundtrack is amazing and Iisten to it regularly before going to sleep every night.
The gameplay is perfect, atleast for me. It is highly inspired by Zelda BotW and that's reason enough you should be playing this. Just like BoTW this game has a built in chemistry system that affects the you, your enemy and certain parts of the environment and you have to make clever use of that fact to to cause damage and defeat your enemies.
The story is just as good as all the other parts of the game and the only gripe I have is the fact that they went with silent protagonist aproach. It's not bad, but it bugs me a lttle too much.
also quick note. game is over 10gb now
(отзыв если что от 2020 а сейчас 2022 просто мне захотелось убрать одну тупую строчку а куап зачем-то решил обновить дату всего отзыва нахуй. спасибо большое pososite короче за актуальность написанного мне предъявлять не надо я не хочу перечитывать что тут написано всё всем спасибо всем пока)
игра мечты, девочки.
геймплей чудесен. не какой-то автомусор, а беготня/плавание/карабканье собственными ручками (или ножками лол) и сражения ими же. очень интересно и занимательно в процессе боя сочетать скиллы персонажей/иц, дабы найти самую мощную комбинацию. но и мобы не стоят в стороне, порой отпиздохивая тебя так, что на душе остаётся только ">:(".
графон великолепен. даже на низких настройках игра поражает своим прекрасным небом в любое время суток, и вода тут красивая, и персонажи/цы выглядят как персонажи/цы, а не как большое мыльное пятно.
про сторик ничего говорить не буду, не вчитываюсь: пока не особо интересно.
очень радуют всякие мелочи, например разные персонажи/цы издают разные звуки шагов, поворачивают голову в сторону взлетающих птиц или бегущих ящериц, цветы в зависимости от своего "атрибута" либо замораживают всё вокруг себя, либо сжигают. ГОРОД ЖИВЁТ!!!!!!! днём можно встретить девушку у фонтана, желающую здоровья, а ночью — её брата, собирающего монеты на её лечение. и это здорово! это очень живо!!
квесты выполнять увлекательно. порой даже не замечаешь, как в процессе выполнения одного квеста и после отвлечения на другой ты всё больше и больше отдаляешься от изначальной цели, открывая новые миры.
плюсов много, в общем, но есть также и минусы:
1. пусть квестов и много, но камней на них выдают довольно мало — от 10 до ~100 за квест. а гача дорогая. и
2. ГАЧА ЖЕСТОКАЯ. нет никакого гаранта, что даже в тенролле тебе упадёт хотя бы один/а персонаж/ица. отчаянно жду добавления zhongli и уже готовлюсь жрать повторки 3* оружек.
3. спустя некоторое время после игры телефон превращается в раскалённую плиту. хоть и понятно, почему так, но всё равно страшновато. отсюда, кстати, и быстро разряжающаяся батарея.
4. слишком мало стамины. порой не хватает всего одного-двух прыжков по скале, чтобы добраться до вершины, и ты срываешься и летишь вниз навстречу - 1к хп, роняя слёзки :(
5. нельзя гладить собачек/котиков. буду ждать следующего обновления.
6. в процессе игры не замечаешь, как пролетает время, из-за чего пропускаешь абсолютно всё, что происходит вокруг. хотя это в какой-то степени и плюс.
короче, настоятельно рекомендую если не начать играть на постоянной основе, то хотя бы просто попробовать, особенно если тебе нравится активный геймплей, беготня по сайд-квестам и анимешные девочки. и мужики. МУЖИКИ ТУТ ОЧЕНЬ ГОРЯЧИЕ КСТАТИ.
-Worth trying?
Short answer:
If your phone can handle it and if you don't mind the gacha, then yes.
Long answer:
If you haven't played it yet, then also yes because there's a good amount of places to explore and things to do. Graphics is really good. Character units are well designed. The story.... Well, it was interesting at first but I tend to skip those now. There's even teapot which is the housing system.
However, I have to say that the game can get repetitive.
I'm not saying this because I want to. The game is good but this is a review and other people should know what they'll be doing especially on end game.
What I mean is:
Want to farm skill books? Domain.
Want to farm Weapon limit break mat? Domain.
Want to farm artifacts with bad rng stats? Domain.
Want to farm a bit of pull currency? Spiral abyss. Which is also a bunch of domain.
Want to limit break your character? Get more plants or rocks and fight bosses for it.
Want to increase unit skill level further? Fight the boss weekly for it.
Daily commissions also feels repetitive especially if you're not in the mood to do those, but have to for the pull currency.
Again, I'm only saying this because others should know. I know tons of games have this kind of grinding and others wouldn't mind the grind.
Did i also mention that the grind is energy based? I think that's also important to some.
-Is it beginner friendly?
Yes only if you're going to use the mondstadt and liyue units and weapons. Because believe it or not, other units needs different mats from different locations and you'd most likely have no access to those.
In terms of events then I'd say it depends. There are other events as well that takes place on other location which you won't have access to as well as a beginner.
This problem will worsen as the game gets more regions. Imagine getting a unit or weapon where you can only get the mats needed on the very last region as a beginner player.
So i hope they find a way to change this system.
Contrary to what I used to think, this is actually not a bad game at all.
Graphics: Amazing. The reason why I even started to play this game in the first place, and the reason I haven't quit yet. I only play this game to see the graphics. That's how good they are, even on a potato phone such as mine.
Story: I didn't pay attention. The character design is nice, though. Paimon is cute but a bit annoying sometimes.
Sound: The music is good and adds a nice feeling to the game, especially the battle music. It can be a bit stressful sometimes, however. The voice acting is not bad either and is actually pretty pleasant to hear.
Gameplay: It's very fun and similar to Honkai Impact 3, my favorite game. Although, this game seriously ought to take a page out of Honkai Impact's book and add a bit more special effectd to the characters' normal attacks. Seriously. All the characters have such beautiful skill animations but extremely boring normal attacks, why can't they give the normal attacks nice animations too?
Extra: In short, this game is not bad. In terms of characters, my favorite character is Yae Miko. In terms of gameplay, I mainly use Beidou as she is fun to use. What about you all?
The lore of the game is really compelling and deep, there are so many ties to themes of gnosticism and many more themes, there is so much to dive into and explore.
I'm generally a PC player, so the graphics and scenery for me are absolutely gorgeous, there are little environmental details within the game that show just how much effort is put into this game. The soundtrack is also very beautiful !! It does a very good job to set the atmosphere of each area, battle, etc., and I have many pieces from the OST in my playlists. The voice actors of each character are also well cast in each dub in my opinion. :)
Now, the gacha system. I'd say that compared to other games with gacha mechanics, Genshin is quite good with theirs !! You have an eventual guarantee which is nice at least. I really like this new system of dual reruns as it means that we'll probably get to see our favourite characters sooner rather than later, which gives both F2P and low spender players more chances to get the characters they want.
My biggest issue by far is the artifact system. The RNG is horrid, and you can farm for months on end, or more, and get nothing good. This system makes it hard to clear in game content, such as Spiral Abyss. It took me over 100 runs in the Crimson Witch domain to get a single circlet with a crit main stat... Took me quite a few more to get one that's usable. As your AR increases, it gets harder and harder to even get things like fragile resin, which makes getting usable gear even more difficult. Not to mention, with weapon and talent ascension materials, mora + book leylines when needed, it's very innefficient to even farm artifacts non stop. I don't know, it's just really dumb I think. I'm lucky enough to have gotten some pretty decent artifacts for characters within my main team, but the issue is how reliant on luck the artifact RNG system is.
Since I just hit AR16,I guess it's time to write some reviews & maybe take some rest after that(grinded exp for 13hrs straight).Mobile version is kinda buggy so pc version would be far better.Getting 5* is kinda ez despite having extremely low rates.Grinding AR exp is kinda ez too as long as u keep doing story,world & archon quests.Its just that exploration is kinda a pain to do after a while due to map being way too big.Even low setting graphics r already more than enough for me.Mix-matching artifacts is kinda fun but character & weapon ascension is kinda grindy.Overall,very good gaming experience that everybody needs in their lives.That's all,folks.
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