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Please don't be discouraged by the previous reviews; in fact, I recommend you ignore all reviews posted in September-October of the past year, since by that time there wasn't nearly enough information to judge the story and it's not unusual for game to have bugs in its early stages. Pros The storyline's bloody amazing and full voiced by famous voice actors like Hino Satoshi, Okamoto Nobuhiko, Tsuda Kenjirou, Kobayashi Yuusuke, Ishikawa Kaito, Shirai Yuusuke among many others. The gacha rate its not bad; (☆5 3%, ☆4 12% ☆3 85%, the usual) The best part of the game though it's the music. The songs are sung not by the voice actors, but by utaites, professional singers(Akira) and (in Kei's case) actors. All the songs are based on opera (such as Verdi's "La Traviatta" and George Bizet's "Carmen"), plays ( William Shakespeare's "Hamlet", "Macbeth" , "Romio and Juliet" , etc) and novels ( Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol" Victor Hugo's Hernani, among many others). If like opera and novels, good for you! Have fun finding the all the easter eggs. But if you don't enjoy such things, don't worry! There're not really relevant to the main story. Cons Although it's been a while since the game was released there're still a few bugs regarding certain card's skills which can be a little annoying since they affect the total score. If you don't have an event's pick up card gaining event points gets rather complicated. And that's all I can think of right now. I've become addicted to this game to the point it's affected my sleep. But you know, I don't really mind since I get to read a wonderful story ( I wouldn't be surprised if it got animated) and listen to great music. I honestly recommend this game. Please try out and tell me what you think!
Honestly, I enjoy this game, and was very surprised by it. Though the UI seems outdated, I don't mind and find it as part of the games charm. The thing that really sets this game apart though is its story. To begin, MC isn't the sole focus, and in addition to that, the goal isn't just to raise idols. There is intrigue and, at times, can get dark. To be honest, I was really blown away by the fact that the story itself feels more for a mature audience. Especially considering some of the content and context. The music is also great with a mix of rock, pop, and hip-hop. I'm honestly a giant fan of the music from this game. I also enjoy that the singers are not the CVs, which I felt were unique (except Takuya IDE ). The rhythm part of the game is also highly enjoyable. My only complaint is that sometimes certain skills or characters will change the color of the notes, and it can be difficult to see. Did I mention, the CVs are also fantastic in this game. It definitely had an Allstar cast with Shirai Yusuke, Saito Soma, Satoshi Hino, etc. The story is also fully voiced!! I like the rehearsal system as well and how it aids overall to how you do in the rhythm game section. Making it both beneficial to rehearse on top of leveling your cards. Last but not least, the gacha. I love the art of each card; they're beautiful. However, when pulling, it sometimes feels like you will never get a 4/5 star card, which can feel frustrating. Overall, I recommend this game, especially if you're looking for something that is more mature and, in addition, a good rhythm game.
this game is great, story is really good, instead of idols, it focuses more on performances, all characters in this game are adults with the youngest being 18 the story timeline happens in real time which means the characters have actual ages (yes they actually aged), there are schedules for the cast members (perfomance day, staff, off day) which i find interesting as tiny details SPOILER ALERT FOR A STORY SUMMARY the story tells us about an MC who got invited into as a special guest in a Perfomance Restaurant named Starless, where she meet all the cast. While being a guest in there, the MC discover her hidden past related to a murder she witness that she apparently forgot about it (MC had an Amnesia) the gameplay is not really focused on rhythm it focuses more on your cards/skill strategy, you can still play the rythm too while positioning you own cards/skill in a summary it's like this: rhythm mode: you play rhythm, the skills activated automatically, from 1-5 according to the position auto mode: the rhythm is auto but you activate the skill manually there's also rehearsal mode where you increase character levels on each songs, this mode is important to achieve high scores but this mode is just tapping (something like A3! or twisted wonderland). Note: this mode is also used to increase your heroine level, which affects on how fast your skill gauge fill during rhythm mode. Rehearsal is the only way you can increase your heroine level) and the songs, dont forget about the song, the song ARE GREAT, i have to use capitals because its so great. instead of voice actors, actual singers are the one who sings it. i cant list them all but there are some famous name like Fujita Ray, Kobayashi Taro, Kradness, Ajikko, etc. each team has their own style of music which is very interesting too each perfomances and music are based on famous literatures, both from western and japan in example: During the Demise tells about Lohengrin, Breaking it faster tells about Romeo and Juliet so yeah get ready to listen a rock song about Romeo and Juliet or a catchy pop song about Wizard of Oz the gacha is well, a gacha. its not bad, rather than *5, the game focuses more on *4 cards. Even new cards added in gachas are actually *4s with *5 initial are the only cards you can gacha, the rest *5 are rewards from events which is i think is really nice (i honestly prefer grinding rather than gacha to death) BUT yes theres a but, not major but good luck fighting *4 with other *4s hehe (KOKUYOU PLS COME HOME I'M BEGGING YOU *SOBS*) The good news tho, the strong cards are mostly from the regular gachas one like staff cards and stage cards, there are limited event gachas but they are mostly used to boost a particular song and event points, they're usually useless outside of it (with maybe some cards as an exception like off day cards) and uh, you might get bit weird from the UI interface but eh, you'll get used to it overall i really recommend this game, its really good, especially the story, each character has its own depth and hidden past/identity, not to mention all the names that are currently used are stage names which means we dont know their real names and how the character is outside starless (there are some scenes and mentions about it but never detailed), which made it more interesting. And oh, they didnt hesitate to make a character quit (actually stop performing, 100%) so yeah we might never know what happen next to other characters lmao that's all for my review, i rarely review games but this i love this game so much i want to review it. sorry for the messy grammars, english is not my first language.
Enough time has passed since my first review (6 years!?) I decided to re-download this game to see what it was up to and OH MY GOD! What an enjoyable experience. I personally find the story to be fun and interesting. Saki is such a relatable MC! The music. It might be the best out of all the male "idol" games I've played... and I've played a lot!!! it's simply outstanding, banger after banger after banger. Character design is great. It's kinda rare to find games nowadays with ADULT characters and I love that everyone has a distinct vibe going on, there's something for everyone. Gameplay is nice, clean and fun. some beatmaps can get creative and implement interesting mechanics. Rehearsal mode can be tedious but it feels rewarding, so it compensates the "grinding" overall, just a great, fun game. it deserves more love and appreciation!
wew I'd been waiting so long for this game and it's finally out! Here's a few things I really liked about this game: - the artstyle is really, really gorgeous! (I MEAN LOOK AT MY SIN HOW CAN YOU NOT SAY THE ART IS GOOD D:) - I do like the theme, very badass styled omg T-T I can cry just seeing my bois - The musics are soooo my type of music! Rockish + my fav VAs singing! 😭❤ - the "leveling up" system is pretty simple. (except for the mats. grinding process ._.) there's also some that would need futher improvements: - there were some players that were having login issues (it has no issues for me) but really hope the devs could fix that D: - the rhythm gameplay is a bit too plain smh, kinda simplistic & the timing is not accurate despite chging it - the tapping sounds are delayed (for me) so it's a bit hard to ply the rhythm unless i turn off the tapping sounds T-T - the event released on game release date which is not convenient for plyers who do not have good strter cards...
I was interested in this game before it was even released. I kept waiting for quite a long time until I can finally play this game but I actually installed this game about 2 months ago because i was preparing for university test when the game was finally released. I can say that the characters are what made me installed this game but it turned out that the songs are really GREAT. I genuinely think that the songs, in terms of melody and concepts are exceptionally good and unique. The illustration for the cards are really pretty too, plus it's not so damn hard to get 5star cards. I don't read much about the story since I'm currently busy working on projects in my university. What's bothering me is the scores. I've levelled up the cards and they're the 4 or 5 star cards, i've also increased the cards' skill etc. and do a lot of rehearsals for the songs i played and as someone who's used to play rhythm games, it's not so hard for me not to miss the notes or to get full combo. what makes me frustrated is that it seems like all i do to increase the scores is useless. I understand from other rhythm games i played that it will be hard to get good scores at first, but as your rank goes up and your cards are getting better, it will become easier to get the good scores. in this game, the score is increased but it's not significant and it seems impossible for me to reach the score required in a mission, the gap between the score i get and the score required is too much that it's making me crazy. I used the same amount of effort and time as when i played other rhythm games and it worked really well in terms of increasing the score. I wonder if i will ever increase the score so it will pass the misssion requirements. is it because i need more effort and time? or because i played it wrong? or is it just a matter of time until i finally get the desired score? i think that's all and I've decided to give this game another try. what do you think should I do about the scores? any advice is welcome.
I got into the game by seeing the art (it's awesome) And then comes the song OMG I HYPED I LOVE THE SONGS ESPECIALLY BLACKSTAR THEN COME SEASON 0 WHICH WAS INTERESTING And finally the game got released! I was like "FINALLY!" I was so hyped even though I couldn't play at first due to my phone's Android version. Data download didn't take much time with WiFi In-game animations and motions are great, the arts are still gorgeous As for art, I was kind of disappointed when the character got zoomed (on the scenes where they talk closely to us) the art/image quality is kinda low and the image is unclear :( My men got pixelated :( Gacha rate is kinda shitty on me (because at the moment RNG god hates me) I managed to get 2 ☆4 Cards on 2 pulls though I like the dark vibes of the game, not only the story but also the layouts etc Event on release day? No problem! Just remember to rest your hand once in a while when grinding 😂 Rhythm Game is kinda laggy on me but I hope will get better over time :)
some of the most fun I've had with a rhythm game in a long time. The notes are reasonable, the songs are a good length, and there are many different genres from the different teams that keep things interesting. Giving the option to reroll in the first place is great and it features a boost system depending on how a character ranks weekly which keeps things interesting. It may not be new or innovative but I'm having a good time
Even though I didn't play the game since the very release, I really liked and enjoyed it until recently. The story and the setting is quite interesting, I like the portrayal of the chaeacters and their unique personalities, and the fact that, although interact between each other a lot. However, there are some plotholes and unresolved arcs — most likely a result of having different freelance writers. The music is amazing (honestly, it'sone of the reasons I have stayed), and the art is always good — both 4* and 5* cards are pleasing to the eye. I find the vertical gameplay very nice and convenient as well, not to the mention the ability to choose the skills you want to activate. But, that's where joy end and pain starts. The game is extremely unfriendly not only to beginners, but to f2ps as well. If you are not lucky in gacha abd don'thave cards with the right skills, you have to be prepared that you will not be getting all the event rewards unless you grind really, really hard. Recently, it has been even more difficult and the amount of poins needed to get rewards has been gradually rising, which, personally, discourages me from even trying unless it's the team I really like. In short, if you are here for the music and the story, I recommend trying the game. Otherwise... maybe better save yourself the stress c':
Mainly here for Stunchan (Sinju) and Shakesan (Zakuro) cuz I'm a big fan of CleeNoah _(°ω°」 ∠) [為什麼] OVERVIEW It was confusing at first ngl but thanks to the angels who handled Blackstar Wiki and people from BLST server, I could play the game independently now (っ´ω`c) It's a good game for someone who likes rhythm games and auto grind (I'm a lazy person and let my oshis do the work). Also, (cough) hot bois, yummy for health ( ^p^)b [為什麼] STORY God idk how much I died from Sinju's personal stories, he's my sunshine and whoever hurts him will get beaten up/lh Okay so the main story was unexpected ngl, there some violence too so be prepared. It was a fun ride reading them, the lore is long like enstar (maybe more dramatic?) but still enjoyable tho ( ・ิω・ิ)b [為什麼] GAMEPLAY It's a rhythm game but you can autoplay if you're lazy. You need to focus on rehearsal in order to get big result number. Some selected cards can help boost the numbers too. Idk what else I should put but it's pretty cool [為什麼] SONGS The seiyuu for the game doesn't sing for songs so they have singers for some characters. They dragged some utaite like Kradness (Maica), Stungun (Sinju), Shakemii (Zakuro) and Ajikko(Rindou). The songs are so cool I ended up simpin for every singers_(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
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