Absolutely looove this game! It's super kawaii! ❤️❤️❤️
There are 6 classes to choose from, and you get promoted after you hit level 50. Fun events to play everyday. There's a marriage system too. Outfits are adorable! Voice acting is funny actually. 😂 You don't have to whale a lot to get far ahead in the game.
MMORPG lovers..this is something you will not regret installing.
TOW is the other Laplace. Laplace was more populated(Bug hunt finished in under 3 mins, more servers and guilds) as of july 2021, TOW has better features and rewards. I switched yesterday when I discovered it. The game offers the Mercenary system that originates from the Light of tiel(limited only), This was best and common to do when teaming/partying to finish the realms. Unlike tiel, the features can be use 90% of the time, and encourage it to use by players who starting out. No need for leveling guide since EXP drops anywhere here, even Farming gave exp. P2W, ofc if you planning to become number 1 all over Japan. F2P, yes! I confidently say it, as long as you get help by friends, guildmates, b**tard oldman, your dog husky from farm, AI mercenaries, and your Mom the game will be still enjoyable. I probably played this game 6-8 hours. I quit LON and GOC cuz of this
A very enjoyable game character design is fair although in my opinion more of a variety would be preferable although never the less an amazing game very unique, cute as well as funny with the voice acting. Highly recommended
Although it's a little P2w ,it's still a fun game .With way too many events and features. If u have time to play everyday then this game might just be for u .
stunning game but u get problems with qooapp it never installs and while playing it crashes thats annoying if u van help me out with the crash id be happier :)
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