Reviews(132)Sort by Popularity, English

First of all, this is for casual players. (Also, it's just like playing A3! but with iChu characters. Both are by Liber Entertainment.) After you input names and stuff, you have to read the first few chapters of the story. (you can skip them one by one) Next, when you get to the Home page you can skip tutorial by picking the left option. Gacha time! The free 1x10 is nice. The best pull I got was 3 SR and 2 SSR which you can reroll how many times you want. Left option to reroll btw. (I forgot to check the gacha rate for this one, but does it matter? Most people play this for the dudes.) I didn't pull the normal gacha. Now, the Produce section has 4 things: Lesson, Work, Live, Event. All of these are in chibi animation. - Lesson, you can level up your cards here and get item drops. You can Auto and Loop this. 2.0x speed is available. - Work, you pair up 2 characters for jobs that have specific item drops and watch them move around and talking. That's it. You can play it on 2.0x speed. - Live, how do I describe it.... Just characters moving around. You can Skip this. - Event, you collect points by doing the stuff listed above. Then you can trade the points for items and cards, SSR card included. There's no ranking for this. (the 'brand new pop n star' event was ongoing when I logged in. not sure if this is the only type of event that exists.) The item drops you get from all of that is for upgrading your card, called Kirameki Step. There are lots of steps you have to unlock with items before you reach the final step which I'm guessing it changes the card's image. You can unlock character stories, home lines etc from the bear sitting on a chair icon. (Can't read it) Each unlockables need requirements. Graphic wise, it looks great. Gameplay wise, it's nice if you're into it. (... I play On Air!) I guess that's all for now... --- Personally, I think it's great for players who played the previous iChu game. For me, I'm unsure since my reason for playing iChu was because of Satoi's art and the rhythm game. I'm just going to wait for Pop n Star scout because from the free gacha, I took the *characters* who I don't even remember, since the rerolling was hellish with so many *characters* in the game. I only stan Pop n Star [難過] edit: I gave in and rerolled [發困]
After playing for more than a few days, I feel like I can give a proper review. This is basically A3 but with Ichu characters. It's the type of game you set down while playing some other video game. Very grindy, but it's worth it for the anime boy PNGs. My only real complaint is that Eva doesn't look as mysterious and cool in his chibi form as he did in the last game. Overall, this gets a 666/10 for Eva. I will do anything for the Bloody Master, be it play a tap tap game or not.
Ah!!!! finally here!! i am so happy! unlike other raising games, this one doesnt feel overwhelming! it is actually pretty relaxing, and this comes from someone who DESPISES this kind of games. i don't know, it just feels so chill and friendly. the UI is nice and clean, and even if i was a little nervous over the artstyle (other liber game comes to mind) it actually turned out to be really pretty! I hope this time we can have an english version, so more people can enjoy this franchise impressed!!! let's see how events and gachas are in the future
gonna love this game, I've downloaded it once, never know if you can REROLL the first gacha pul as many time as you like, so, I deleted it, than redownload it again and now I got my fav boi, Torahiko Kusakabe, from the first gacha, really need some patient to get him, overall, I love it, A3 with different characters[色色] FYI, I've fallen deeply in love with A3, and thus, I've fall for this one too
Let's continue to support our IChu boys! o(≧v≦)o~ Can't wait to see my Mio and Runa~ ♡ Hopefully the produce gameplay is fun! [開心] After short play of the game, it reminds me of Dreaming, well with some differences. 1. Gacha - Beginner gets a free 10 scout and you can reroll until you get the member you like (引き直す reroll) - Free random SSR ticket 2. Produce includes lesson, live, and jobs. - Lesson is the typical idol training (auto + 2x speed) - Live is when you use a team to clear (like a battle) - Jobs is to get extra materials 3. Cards - Level up by using points - Kirameki Step is a staircase where you use items to upgrade stats I have only played the tutorial, but so far it is pretty simply and casual game to play. Recommend to anyone who likes produce games! [厲害]
My main focus is always Eva Sama and Re:Berserk! I love the story but sometimes I'm against the producer's fixed dialogues hahaha! Anw it's a lovely game and if you are trying to collect diamond as many as u can, NEVER SKIP ANY LESSON! Just do it! Lesson, Live or Work/Job. Do it! If you're busy u can always let the auto play do the job for you by clicking auto and 2x speed. And also besides diamond you need to collect as many gems as possible along with heart points! That's why do every single lesson u have. 😊💖
I change my review ehe, it's 07/25, For the games is similiar like A3 (yes they are from Liber Entertaiment) but it's very simple game. For Gacha they really kind tho (for me) or maybe just my beginning Gacha. Let me tell you a story /nah/ I'd play since they release the game, but i stop play when I SKIP SEIYA EVENT, really foolish me, i think the event will begin when 19th but that date is the end of the event :/ i'm very heartbreak and take a break for Etosute bcs i've an exam too. After that, i back again to this game when i heard I-chu Rhythm game will stop service. Oh my that heartbreaking too. FOOLISH ME AGAIN, I skip many event [大哭] So for the gameplay, i think it's very simple game. The gameplay are Lesson, Live and Work. Lesson is very interesting btw, From Main Lesson we can get Live song, but you have to try all member Lesson. From Daily Lesson we can get many item for Kirameki Step. I'm dissapoint for the Live, i think they will give us Rhythm game but this is just tap2 game. For Live, we can skip it and it's not full song just like "Preview" song. Last is Work, for work we can get item for Kirameki step, but not too much. Then for the Card. I'm very happy i don't need to get two copies of card to make etoile (like Idolized) you can idolized your card by Kirameki Step. Max your Lv card to Lv 80 and grind many item from Lesson. For Lv up card, You can do a lesson and use Producer Point. Producer point can get from Live, Lesson, Work or event. Well the card is very beautiful, especially Hikaru and Kokoro. The main story is very interesting. I haven't read all, but i think they have similiar story line like ichu rhythm but a bit different. I cannot spoil here, go to Ichu Wiki if you want to know the story translate. Also they have Group story, it's very interesting. For event, i think it's boring. Bcs they don't have ranking player. It's just collect event pts from Live, Work and Lesson. You can get SSR card when you have 450k Pts, meanwhile i can get 5k pts from Live Lv 19, Lesson (i forget), Work 3k pts. Ah really hard one [汗顏] ah and i have card event. Really tired, but i want Tsubaki. So overall, i love story and card management system, but i feel boring when it's not rhythm game (yeah i've play many rhythm game, but i know this ichu etosute make produce game), i love the gameplay too, i hope they will release soon Ichu new album. Keep going Ichu! I hope the event will make a new system. AND Finally for waiting 5 years they will make Ichu become Anime [大哭] I CAN SEE MY BOY MOVE. Btw, do you have any discord for Ichu game? i want to join it [不滿] ah and can i share my Game ID? i need a friend
i love the game! there's only one thing that's bothering me though, I'm new to the game, but i cleared the first 4 songs and nothing new is showing up?? i tried going live and doing work but nothing happens.
I like the game as I love A3!, but I keep getting error message when doing 'Work'. Like it keep saying that i need to update my data? Anyone gets the same error and knows how to fix it? It doesn't bother me so much right now as everything else is fine, but because of that I can't even do my daily mission.
The game is super fun! The animations are so lively and the style is so cute! The new and improved story makes every single character shine so much more! I truly cannot recommend this game enough, the interactions are so cute, everyone is so full of life! It's the best ichu adaptation so far!!
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