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I put storyline N/A because I haven't read any stories yet and it's all in Japanese so I don't think I will read them [開心] A cute game, if you love to DJ you will love this game [色色] Pro's : 1. A really unique gameplay, won't get bored by it 2. A bit like Arcaea to me because of the pink sliders 3. Cute characters, I love Happy Around and Peaky P-Key Con's : 1. Idk if you can change the speed of the notes as I can't understand Japanese.. 2. Again, the graphics of some characters are weird like Starlight (read my starlight review to get what I mean) That's all I think.. So I recommend this game for pro players (newbies can try it too since it's pretty unique) who are bored with bandori [微笑]
Um, for thumbs user like me, I'll say this. I don't recommend you play this game with thumbs okay. In my opinion, it's too difficult to catch the notes when u use thumbs. But, you'll be able to do it if u practicing a looooot. Or if you have played Nananiju, Bandori, and Prosekai, that's better to adapt with this game cuz the notes a bit similar. Yea, that's only my opinion as thumbs user. Nd, yah, I like the graphics. It's nice. The songs too, it's makes sense uwu. Imma bit confused but this is a good game. Last, Kurumi and Miyu are cutee. Who's ur best gurl? :D (P. s. forgive me if my English so bad, too long quarantine, Imma bit forgot about language ueueue.)
TL;DR first, D4DJ is unexpectedly interesting, unique, and fun. If you're into a rhythm game, you should give it a try. --------------------------------------- Ok, let's start the review from the negative first. [Cons] - This game is a bit underrated right now. - Too much japanese on UI. If you're not good with japanese and want to better understanding the game, you can just use Google Lens or another translate app out there. - This game always have their issues and problems. Tho, the developer is often quick to react and give a compensation. - Some QoL settings are locked behind subscription. Especially, a retry song feature. - The card powercreep is real, despite that's mostly affect only for spender or competitive players. - Some items are very hard to get at the late game. - Lacking of skill based titles, and the advance version of these title are come from paid pass. - Above 50% of event type of this game is all about gambling and RNG. - Yuri (or L) characters, tho personally i don't care. - Auto mode on multiplayer. It's just a bias, but i'm against this. Auto mode should be more punishing imo. - Maybe this is a pro, obviously from my 2 previous points, this game is designed more for casual player. - Meta song spammer everywhere (is it Bang Dream?), another meh for multiplayer. Combine this with auto mode, instantly make a multiplayer become less/no fun to play. - Ahem, busty characters and have a lot of fan service. Even, cute (also rori *cough*) characters have those traits. Not really a con if you're prefer these [鬼臉] [Pros] + The dev is generous, so it's easier to get ssr or character which you want. + A lot of QoL settings (from resolution, gameplay screen adjustments, hitsounds, notes auto, etc.). And kek, some ppl complain and leave a bad review because not knowing about these setting. + Have a tutorial song (like osu!). + Have a lot of playable groups. Tho, most peoples are prefers Rondo, because of their amazing songs and similarity like Roselia from Bang Dream. + Club customization, so you can adjusting which themes are suited for your eyes or preferences. + Unique gameplay, complex mechanics and patterns. So, it's more fun to learn, adapt, and play. + For gacha rhythm game, this game is truly a hidden gem, it have easter egg (or hidden) songs. And, some chart have an interesting gimmick (i don't want to spoil which ones, for enjoyment purpose). + Unique feature and event. Medley is the most fun imo. + The game have "good" hits/notes for not breaking the combo. + Expert (highest difficulty) charts are evil and seriously challenging. Even, average difficulty of expert charts (difficulty 13) are hard to full combo. And also, some hard difficulty charts are legit hard too. + Have many number of playable songs. The total is 500 songs right now when i'm editing this review. + Despite a lot of songs, the game size is relatively small. + Song and collab choices are not mainstream and unexpected. More knowledge is always welcome. + Have some beautiful 3d waifu, i mean seiyuu (check d4dj live on youtube for extra simp) [色色]
This game is very overwhelming at first try but when you go through everything slowly, you figure stuff out and the gameplay was a nightmare for me but I'm playing since 22.10. so I mastered it now and can full combo songs easily. The graphics are amazing and I love the card art already. As many stated it has an auto mode and you can use it but you're not gonna get a high score fron it unless you actually play the song by your own properly. If anyone else has an issue with this game then it's cause of their devices being crappy and them being lazy to go deep into this game itself cause in reality it's enjoyable and for everyone if you actually put effort in it instead of playing for 5 minutes and declaring it's bad. I'm gonna ignore the obvious laziness in other reviews and say this game is absolutely stunning and recommended for everyone.
[ID Review] Disclaimer : Apa yang ditulis disini berdasarkan pengalaman saya sendiri selama main, jadi mungkin bakal ada kesan yang berbeda kalau udah nyoba sendiri. [Update] Akun JP bisa ditransfer ke versi EN [Update 2] Transfer akun udah gabisa Size : 1.2GB (Mar/17/21) * Size awal (belum mainin lagu sama sekali) : 800+mb * Size ini semakin besar tergantung lagu yang udah pernah kamu mainin. [ Gameplay ] Sekilas mirip Bandori, tapi pas kontrolnya beda, ada 8 tombol : > 2 disc (kanan+kiri) : buat note flick sama hold. > 5 tap (diantara disc, alias tap utama) : mirip Bandori, cuma nggak ada note flick. > 1 slider (dibawah tap) : ga harus dipencet tiap ada note, cukup geser ke note yang bakal dateng. Kalau ngerasa susah ngendaliin semua kontrolnya, bisa disetting buat modenya jadi ada tombol tertentu yang otomatis sama sebagian yang kita kendaliin*. *Nggak tau ngaruh ke score atau enggak, soalnya ga merhatiin. Sama gw pribadi pake mode full control. Note speed, note size, tampilan note, efek note, semua customizable. Difficulty ada 4: Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert. Tingkatannya mirip kayak Bandori. Lagu yang ada macem-macem, ada yang original, cover, game, spesial*, other*. *Nggak tau terjemahannya soalya gabisa baca kanji, jadi anggep aja gitu hehe. Bagi yang internetnya kurang jos siap-siap aja sering gagal main di mode Multi (co-op). [ Gacha ] Gacha tentu saja, banner ganti tiap minggu. Gacha rate? ntahlah kupikir fair-fair aja soalnya saya f2p xixixi. Gems bisa didapet dari misi sama nyelesain objektif tertentu buat tiap lagu. Ada 6 DJ Unit utama : > Happy Around > Peaky P-key > Photon Maid > Merm4id > RONDO > Lyrical Lily Selain character dari 6 unig diatas, ada character lain diluar unit itu. [ Audio ] Ga banyak komen, mantep pokoknya. Musik ingame nya juga stereo, kalo main pake headset bakal kerasa banget suasananya. Suara notenya ada 4 macem, tinggal setting sesuai selera. [ Story ] Ga bisa komen banyak, nggak bisa baca kanji wkwkkw. ---- Akan terus diupdate kalo masih main --- FYI----- Device yang dipake : Redmi 5A 2/16 Snapdragon 425 PE 11 Android 10 Settingan live : very low Settingan lobby : low Masih playable, cuma ada beberapa momen bakal agak ngelag. Bagi yang devicenya diatas punya gue pasti lebih lancar. Sekian, @Nekociaa
just let's go to review. pro : 1. this game has a lot of rhythm variant, from simple hold + tap like bandori, swipe slider, and the dj's scratching things with a flick tap,. you can adjust your own play style freely. for tutorial, there's a tutorial on youtube, and at the commentary below/above this post maybe. 2. 3d's animation are created by "sanjigen" company. they've been improving their quality alot here, so, as expected from a company who's create all of bandori characters, bandori is like their first step to make the 3d's animation could become popular as the 2d's,and as you could see, they've nailed it. look at the characters movement, stage/live house background, chibi characters,etc they're all looks very amazing,so, as expected, it will get laggy (depend on each devices though). 3. the medley live. i like the medley live more than the multi live part, dj's is about remix, so its very good this feature is here,i hope,it could get a lot more improvisation in the future too, not only focusing on the character development, the dj's gameplay too. 4. rehearsal play! yes, it has rehearsal play too, so dont worry about the stamina's run out/empty, you could get bonus reward from rehearsal play too, but it's not much. 5. it is simplified as "music library" like the title say. the devs plan to adding a lot of game bgm now, and there's an mv too, lots of 90's Japanese music also coming. hope the devs will add a lots of cover songs outside jp too,not only jp songs (especially for photon maiden, they're likely could cover some of alan walker song too, like alone,lily,etc) 6. there is multi medley live. yes, with this feature, now you can mix a different songs in multi live. better than multi live, if you want to experiment different combination of 4 songs. 7. DJ Time Mode. dj time mode allow you to become dj's yourself. just try it yourself if you want to know more, also, you can get reward normally (like character exp, player exp, unit exp, and some coins), similar to any normal free live mode except, you cant get bonus exp ticket rewards, etc. con: 1. gacha issue, well, if you have read my review back then, you probably know the reason. after latest latest update,i dont have any issue about anything, for now (except gacha one), as expected. the devs probably already did fixing the lag issue. cause there is 30fps and 60fps option there. since ive been busy and just come back recently, i think, ive missed a lots of new feature, so, i will update my review above. also, there is a good news about global release, it will come around 05/27. i think i will test the english version as well, cant wait. i prefer english ver because of gacha, i hope it will be better than the jpn one..
As a thumb player, this game is very fun to play. I can definitely see that learning how to play this game will be difficult, but if you've played bandori or another rhythm game similar to that, it will be easier to adapt to it. For me it took around a day and a half and after that I could play expert. The highest level I can play passing is 13+ and since there's not a lot of songs that are 14+ and 15 I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. The ui is clean and easy to understand without knowing Japanese. The only times that I have to use Google translate are when I'm changing the gamplay settings. The game is very customizable with the settings and you can change the speed of the notes, the hitsounds, and many other things. The gacha rates are ok but most of the time you won't be getting a 4 star. Most of the 4 stars that I've got are through ticket summons. I can't say anything about the story because I just skipped it and it's in Japanese. After the en release comes out, which is in spring 2021, I'll read the story and update this review. One thing I do have complaints about are the 2d models. Most of them look so pale, and Rinku looks like a vampire lol. It's not a very big issue and it's just something I laugh at especially when I see Rinku's 2d model. Another thing I noticed is that after an event is over, it takes longer to calculate the event rankings than it does in bandori. This isn't really a complaint but just something that you should know if you tier for events. The daily reset is at 4 A. M. (GMT +9), which is the time in Tokyo, Japan. Overall an amazing game with amazing art, likeable characters, fun gameplay, and superb cover songs.
I love D4DJ as a whole so much ! The game has a really unique ' play style ' (?) , and the characters are really loveable and unique ! I especially love the graphics with the cards ( which unfortunately fuels my gacha addiction lmao ) , and how they move when you max them out ! The songs are amazing too ! Navigating the app is quite hard when you start , due to the app being in Japanese , but after a while you kind of memorise where everything is , so its not that bad ! ( btw , if you go to the English D4DJ site , they said that an English translation will be added to the app sometime 2021 ! ) Now I feel that this is a problem on my end , but during the songs , the game lags very very hard . Especially during the hold notes , the app just freezes for a sec and then kinda cuts forward to try and catch up to where it should actually be . I had to lower the graphics basically all the way in the settings to get rid of most of it :( But it's really fun so it trumps it . The card rates when it comes to 4 stars is kind of bad , but the 3 stars are so pretty I dont really care lmao . The mixed media concept it has is amazing too ! D4DJ as a whole is really good , and I love it so much 1000/10 I wish I could feel the pure joy I felt when I found out about D4DJ for the first time again !
Coming from someone who has played love live sif for 7 years now, bandori since JP release, LL All stars since JP release, utapri, project sekai, revue starlight, idolmaster and who was there when they were trying to advertise the game booth. I can appreciate how it tries to be similar to other recent mobile games so it is more familiar for past mobile gamers who have played bandori and project sekai. (I mean... its Bushiroad. Obviously it will be similar formula with a few tweeks) However, the gameplay can have it's confusing moments. With that being said, it is not difficult but there is a moment when you will have to press a 3rd icon in the same time when you already hit 2.. it's not many times but it catches me out of nowhere and have no idea how to do it when I'm holding up my phone. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? or maybe it just takes practice? Everything else gameplay wise is pretty unique almost and fun. I like the concept of the dj and even added the actual dj elements in the game to give that feel. There is a bug aswell with the yellow icon. it's confusing and hopefully will be fixxed. The event had just started and it is pretty easy to get through. It is similar to Bandori and almsot love live when it is pretty easy to get the 3 star and that is great for casual players. The rates so far are pretty fair. I was able to get a couple of 4 stars and 3 stars when I just started besides the fact I used the gacha tickets. Though, I feel like I need to test it out more. 3% is still little and can be untrue at times. The songs are pretty good but not really something I can listen to everyday. The covers are good as well. I think it may depend on the person. The art... the art... it is the only thing keeping me in the game. It is very beautiful and unique. I very much love it and would like to just save a card here and there for wallpaper. Maybe not a fan of some designs... but I very much like the art style. Though, that is usually how you get into these games. The story.. I cannot fully understand the japanese sadly. Only small bits here and there. Hopefully this app gets EN soon so I can read it. Overall, this is a fun game with similar formula as other recent mobile games. I did stop for a while but gave it another shot and have a better understanding now. Maybe just a few fixes here and there but still love fhe concept. The only problem now is finding best waifus and farming for so many... I'll probably make a better review or update in the future.
I like it but... it really feels like "sensory overload: the game". I needed to turn the sound effects way down and turn off the visual gameplay effects to actually play well and see what i was doing half the time. It's kinda feels obnoxious and in your face to play (unlike bandori and project sekai) with a few questionable graphic design decisions. I've played a fair share of mobile rhythm games over the past few years and I think this is the first one where the appearance of the game has annoyed me so much. However, overall I would say its pretty good but I think I'll stick with playing other rhythm games other than this most of the time. It'll probably take some time for this game to grow on me some more. Those sliding(?) pink notes make my head hurt lol (because I'm not used to them heheh). (SIDENOTE: definitely try out if you want a challenging/ new rhythm game experience, which has some similar elements to bandori!) edit: I noticed that I sound awfully negative about this game but there are some really great elements (I'm just someone that *really* pays attention to graphic design in every day life) and is definitely fun to play . The layout should be pretty easy to figure out if you've played a lot of rhythm games in the past!
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