because of how bad the rate are i rate this all 5
(Update - 3rd January 2023)
the game isnt bad at all
if i was to do it genuinely ill put sound and gameplay at 4. everything else at 5
Storywise its a really easy to digest and always keep me entertain, u know the fell when the story too long u just wanna skip it theres none here :)
Graphic are depends on ppl but its hv unqiue character design isnt just copy paste, like almost all shitty gacha game.
Value wise its one of the few game that i dont get bored in 1 week and that a huge things coz i bored easily. even the 4% rate are really generous
even than in banner i rarely see on other game that u got dupe like 3 same unit at once unless here..
the rateing are just too low, its so underated.
(UPDATE 3rd January)
for those who complaining about the price of gems in this game, sure i know its pretty pricey, especially skin without effect.
there's normally 2 event each month that stay 2 weeks each
on every event u got 20 pull from shop, and 10 pull from daily login.
the total of free pull u got in 1 month are
(this doesn't count 1 time only challenge/lost sector/tower/etc)
60 from event (20 special banner tickets, 40 normal banner tickets)
14 from daily & weekly quest (4200 gems)
3 from coop biweekly event (1000 gems)
84 from friendship banner (840 social coin although its 2% but the rate is true)
total 161 free pull
i usually found games that give false hope on friendship banner that have same rate with normal but in reality its really hard to pull SSR.
for the skin!!!
well as f2p i don't want the skin have effect that's p2w in my dictionary so yah the price is steep but that doesn't effect f2p.
its there for ppl who have money to support the game. so us f2p can enjoy the game.
Where do I start with this game, first of all this game is owned by tencent and using the shift up name to draw more people in, tencent is a greedy greedy company only cares about maximising profits and leaving f2p community in the dump, tencent dose not like people criticising the game, they have disabled the reviews on the Google play store, banned people on Discord, reddit and any other social media trying to criticise the game and I am a victim from their banning spree in fact I had a huge argument with their reddit mod who stated that I was inciting hatred which in fact I was stating a fact that they disabled reviews on Google play store and banned me for 7 days, but the overall game is ok but the optimization and bugs and terrible the story and voice acting is brilliant but overall the game is ok.
Putting this a 5 to anti-cancel zoomers crap.
Before anything, this game is 80% afk sweeping, 20% active. and when you are active, you don't even have time to check out on the waifus assets and actually have to deal with mechanics (ie. killing certain mobs in orders / using specific guns / saving ults at the right timing). Its not a game for you to world first, or fill in your hyperactive mode to try to min-max and finish everything in time. Nor is it pointing a gun at you to pay money and roll for waifus.
The events so far is up to par and suffices to give enough good units to progress through hard stage (and if you are stuck REMEMBER ITS AN AFK GAME YOU ZOOMER)
There is a wall at lv160, which requires you to have at least 4 same copies of the 5 characters, which you can manipulate by using the preferred list in the rolling system.
All in all, I give this game a 4/5.
Stop playing afk games like how you race to finish other new games, or complaining about other players whaling. and your experience playing this game is 2000% better.
60x Rolls + 10x Molds (TOWER/SSR/SR)
Keep grinding and keep saving but not receiving a GOOD ROLL FOR SSR (any)
4 or 2 percent is really hard to get.
Molds 50/61 percent for SSR is not real. It is the opposite.
Trust me.. I can't have the duplicate or the wishlist to improve my Characters.
Yeah the event is helpful to upgrade.
I got a new nemesis in the rankings. In 1-2 days, goodbye rank 1 in my 45-60k BP. Think of it that new player rise in 3 days from 30k to 57k BP. Loader or not, I don't know. All I can think of is leaving the top place since I cannot receive anymore Nikke in my grinds.
I better cut my hope of getting Pilgrim or Event Nikke since all my rolls/molds are waste of expectation. 400 recruitment, 37 Nikke (with SSR/SR/R).
At first I was skeptical to play the game because of the ads or how I seen that the game is more focused on horny people until the chainsaw man collaboration came out and I thought I should try it. The game is pretty grindy and it got all of the sudden pretty hard at some point but I do like the game mechanics or the combat system since I think its interesting but it will get boring in the future since there is not much too it. And the game gets hard if you dont have good characters other than that there is nothing much to it. I dont know what to say about the gacha system though since its been decent with me but the graphics and design of each character in the game seem high quality. I play in japanese but I listened to other audio languages and they seem pretty good too and the bg music and sound effects are pretty decent. Although I have nothing to say storyline wise since I have no interest. I think its a pretty good game.
day 1 F2P nikke player here. the graphics voice lines and story are all okay. but the gameplay is where the entire disaster strikes.
overall the gameplay is ok but most of the gameplay is locked behind SSR Characters.
when i say character i dont jst mean the power of ssr's oh no it goes deep. u see this game employs a tactic called "unless u get the same charcter 3 times on 5 different characters u wont progress past this stage ever" tactic.
what i mean is your characters are locked on level 160 on your entire account unless u get 3 copies of an SSR character u own. and to increase the power of your entire account u need to do this entire process 5 whole different times. and let me tell u unless u arent the god of luck himself u forget to ever level up your character past 160 for the next couple months or so.
edit: gotta say, my impression has been blown away.
the story, the gameplay loop especially the end game, the rewards by the dev team on various events, the music are all top quality.
my feelings for 160 wall have still not changed but i am now willing to overlook it for other aspects, hence my new rating for the game is waayy higher.
Is a great idle game that provides great fan service and great storyline for those who like those things.
Gameplay is great but as with most games just use the auto feature because all you really do is watch your characters shoots stuff whilst things jiggle 😬😬
Events give out good rewards through the shop in which you must complete missions to earn tokens and then exchange them for goods in the event store. Mainly just use them for summon tickets.
Biggest gripe for this game though is how expensive everything is in the shop, $31.00 AUD is absurd for mission pass, skins and event mission pass which only gives out summon tickets and some minor rewards.
Summoning is rate is I think not that good but it is luck base.
Overall just play casually and you won't be disappointed :D
good game ,good story , gacha rate is also high .
they give around 30 pulls perevent , and fp gacha can give you ssr (already got 4 ssr from fp) .
The bad things are how manufacturer mold not guarantee ssr eeven when theyre really scarce .
also Story and sidequest reward of ch 13++ is nerfed to a measly amount( 10 cystal + measly amount of credit ). Like cmon shiftup change manufacturer mold to 100% it wont cost you anything cause its so scarce .
Battlepass is more expensive compared to other game , but easy to clear and have decent reward battlepass skin have additional voiceline . (15 pullish + skin + mold both ssr and sr ) . so overall its okay
The skin price is a big no no . Supremely overpriced without additional effect whatsoever and no bonus .
the dev also quite responsive with fixing the bug , only few bug left here and there . but iitsreasonable cause considering game still new need to give it more time.
overall its a good game unlike what most people says here , and if you want to support the IP just buy batllepass and monthly . anything else not worth
This game is beautiful. Story is good. Nice part is over. You will feel tencent stranglehold around this game, especially if you know the original Devs games such as Destiny Child. Tencent has ruined this game with censorship, wallet destructive tactics, gaslighting, etc. You will need to be something close to a whale or levithan to meaningfully progress in this game after a certain point. Which is absurd. Resource collection is so poor after a certain point that leveling characters become a chore. (Even using the lvl sync system it is a pain)
Don't even get me started on leveling gear and skills. This game was one of my most looked forward games in the year. It is upsetting you can see the diamond it was meant to be in this game, but only to be ruined by greed, false promises, gaslighting, lack of communication, absurd bugs that shouldn't even exist.
/An entire 5-star unit is useless. Vesti, her ultimate only deals 1 damage and has since launched. They just got around to fixing it. But there will be more bugs. Heck, I don't have enough SSRs to know all the bugs, but there is a lot so it makes half you cast useless./
Oh and the game punishes you for being underpowered. I don't mean massively underpowered, I mean 1-100 points under power will result in a massive debuff on your team. But 1 point over the rec. power you will stomp the fight that was slaughtering you.
Anyway, my biggest gripe is the censorship and gaslighting. However, there are countless issues and mismanagement by the current management. Despite my love for this. The value of this game is practically zero.
Just play anything else. Path to Nowhere slaps, play that.
(Disclaimers: 1. Review begins with TL;DR then a detailed one; 2. I will be quitting the game in a week or so; 3. I am Top5/10 on the Leaderboard of the server I am assigned to; 4. I am a F2Player with NO REROLL; 5. I only do blind playthrough without guide)
If you think this review will help others to quickly identify whether the game works for them, please LIKE in the end. Feel free to discuss in the Comment below.
———TL;DR Review———
1. Great graphics, wide range of selectable BGM (freedom of choices is always appreciated 👍);
2. No ground-breaking gameplay if you have played a game from PS Vita era, this is not something new;
3. there are holes in the plot, like average games overall, it's not all bad, just somewhere here and there not making sense personally;
4. ULTRA level of time consumption, if you have a life, DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME; the amount of time needed to MIN-MAX at the highest level can go up to 3-4 hrs; rewards to time consumption ratio is about 1:5...definitely one of the highest one for all the gacha games I have played, especially for a primarily IDLE game...
YAY//NAY: Nay...!
———Detailed Review———
Wonderful graphics overall. You can complain they completely wasted their potential by covering up the NIKKEs' assets...but I am not that much into their assets when I am playing a gacha game, in the end, these mean NOTHING...
The 2D designs, 3D modelings, 2.5D live animations, the chibi versions: all of them are above average, relatively, better than most average gacha games on the market. So well done in the graphics.
If you take a closer at each NIKKE, at the very least, not that many NIKKEs are completely identical! That is better than most of the bad animes with interchangable character designs XD
I wouldn't say all of their BGMs are in top tier quality, however, you can select your own BGMs. That is something most gacha games lack of. Apart from that, you get to collect them all via treasure huntings. It's fun, interactive and it opens up a system of choices and rewards. It's something enjoyable, it's nice.
Cool sound effects too, though I do expect more lines from the VOs overall.
Are you not ENTERTAINED with the booties jiggling technology? Are you not SATISFIED by the boobs wriggling mechanics? ......
Personally, those are OLD features from SRW I am not impressed by the old tricks. The shooter gameplay looks kind of new to average players, to me, as I have repeatedly mentioned: the WHOLE GAMEPLAY is nearly a replicate of a dead gacha game back from PS Vita era. Not even the idle elements look new. The basic combat gameplay is simplified to only COVER & STRIKE. In that PS Vita game I mentioned, it had manual control of where I want my character to go. Or if you want to compare this with a AAA failure — The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, even that massive disaappointment allows players to move to different vintage points as your character slowly advances and gains strategic advantages from FLANKING. What kind of LAME AI design would be created just so your ROBOTs//NIKKEs stay in the same location, and NOT FLANK THE ENEMIES AT ALL? AIs are specifically designed to be better than average human. If I am the Commander who can make a superior order, yet, DON'T ACTIVELY correct the bad strategies applied by your sub-coordinates...I am a BAD COMMANDER...
See? Our main boy is a bad boy and that makes me a sad boy...Hence, gameplay wise, its simplicity literally kills the strategic play. Imagine you can move NIKKEs to FLANK your enemies, gaining a strategic advantage and dish out more dmg.
The design of ONE-HAND control seems to offer most of our gentlemen a FREE HAND to do whatever they want. But with less control and less vision, that also means more restrictions on gameplay...based on the videos on YouTube etc., PC players HAVE MASSIVE ADVANTAGEs over mobile players as they have a COMPLETE WIDE VISION on the battlefield...which means SUPERIOR TARGETING PRIORITY. And that is something vital in the late game. By removing that option for mobile players, it is clear, because of the restriction, that has already caused me PROGRESS DELAYs. For a game heavily relying on Ranking for rewards, THAT KILLS our motive to continue as a F2Per. Again, when your entire F2P population is against your game, like what we are seeing within weeks after the launch, THAT'S GONNA LEAVE A MARK...
Despite how much the developer EMPHASIZEs on STRATEGICAL gameplay in their survey, the balancing of the game literally proves them WRONG. Where maxed-out SR and R tier NIKKEs are NO LONGER feasible picks for Campaign in the early game or game modes in The Ark, SSR tier NIKKEs have proven to be THE ONLY VITAL PICKs for any situations. Then, you need to make sure, you have a diversified SSR skill needed in nearly 90% of all the stages I have cleared (all up to Chapter 10 of Campaign; 65 Levels of the Tower; 4 zones of the Lost Chapter; Level D of Annihilation......); no STRATEGICAL picks can be applicable (if you can't clear it with a SR and R mixed squad manually, you can always simply AUTO MODE your way out with a full SSR tier squad......); you can't beat a stage with an UNDERPOWERED squad? Your overpowered squad shall totally clear the stage easily then.
So...I guess they did promote this clearly before the release: NIKKE is a titties-&-booties game, DO NOT PLAY this if you are expecting more...and I clearly have not read the Terms & Conditions...
I didn't know: a game without GAMEPLAY can still be fun as a GAME. I truly thought that is called a piece of art, not a game at all.
At this point, I think we all have to agree to disagree that the plot for this game is absolutely PERFECT and LOGICAL. There are certain area that are seemingly less optimized and less ideal; sometimes even finding it odd when they are being told in the story. But this is a gacha game, it's not a AAA flop like God of Wok or Borderland 3, or a AAA scripted nudity movie like Bayonetta...
DON'T hold a high expectation on the plot from a game that FOCUSES your POV entirely glued to BUTTs and 80081€5. They didn't think it through...
Value: (PLEASE read the end to get more details)
I will simplify this to this sum-up:
"If you are ONLY min-maxing via completion of Daily & Weekly Missions, you won't be able to min-maxing to a competitive level where you can keep up with the in-game requirments; you won't be able to gain rewards from Rankings that worths HOURs of rewwards."
Basically, if you only LIMITED to playing 60mins on NIKKE per day, you won't be able to complete the 70 missions from the Launch Event...because simply, within 60mins, you can't get a lot advanced in Campaign or the other areas.
The Rewards:Time Consumption ratio is approximately hitting 1:6 at the highest point. On average, 1:5 when you compare to most of the average gacha games on the market. * (more details in the end on the ratio)
If you are a busy person who wants a simple game that gives you boobs and butts, buy an adult game, it saves you more and it will be more rewarding. If you are F2Ping this game for the same things, STOP COMPLAINING.
General Scores without personal opinions:
6/10 —
8 if you really love big butts and boobies...NGL...
General Scores based on my experience and preference:
2/10 —
A game with gameplay that is not fun at all? BAD.
If the only selling points in this game are boobies and butts, why don't you turn it into a hentai anime instead...
A good game requires great graphics and visual designs; a wide range of memorable BGMs that paired perfectly well to the plot or the visuals; impressive VOs; fun and unique gameplay that lasts for some time; a logical yet intriguing story that allows players to immerse themselves into the world; FINALLY, it should be rewarding for the players in every aspects mentioned.
A game that only satisfy our visual and audio needs (or sexual desires in this case)? That just sounds like a sex tape...perhaps, [Goddess of Victory: NIKKE] does sound like a title of a sex tape...instead of Victory, maybe "Sex Appeals" could be a better option.
(All of my reviews are usually made after running a week or longer of testrun thoroughly without using any guides from Internet. No loopholes is abuse for rewards:time consumption ratio. I count ALL AVAILABLE DAILY+WEEKLY+MONTHLY rewards for the rewards part; every 30 minutes of playing as the basic unit for time consumption. So Rewards:Time Consumption ratio shows approximately how much time you need to perfectly min-maxing per day)
(In the case of NIKKE and games at launch, the launch event is also taken into consideration since most launch events are newbie-based to welcome new players. Whereas the actual regular Rewards:Time Consumption ratio for NIKKE is around 1:2, during the launch period, it is at a whooping 1:6; so it's not surprising for the overall negativities from the public)
(Average time needed for min-maxing on AUTO-Mode:
Approximately ~1min-1min20secs per stage;
2mins for Annihilation;
5-10mins for Lost Chapter;
All SKIPs for every SKIPPABLE scene saves around 3-5mins per day depending on Campaign progress and everything;
5-15mins+ for Simulations depending on how many Sectors;
Gifting and Purchasing from Shop takes around 2-3mins;
Leveling up NIKKE and equipment takes 1-2mins;
Regular logins for Outpost rewards takes 2-4mins;
I only managed to complete 70/70 missions from the Launch Event on Day 13, pushing Campaign to beginning of Chapter 10, Tower to Level the math...not to mention the time where I failed and retried for using squads consist ONLY SR and R for STRATEGIC testruns...)
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