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Graphic: Superb & sexy. Great for horny players. Sound: Japanese VAs are mostly famous (dunno with korean, etc). Music is good, with many action themes. Gameplay: Immobile TPS type. With potrait orientation in smartphone, the sight is so limited, and the control which player must swipe first to initiate attack is kinda difficult. (Wonder why it's not using gyrocontrol or direct tap). Storyline: First thing that comes to my mind is Eighty Six anime, but android sexy girls vs rapture (legion). Do you know, their anorganic body is more resilient than the organic one, so it's better for brutal.... And remember when commander says that rapi's head is heavy, it means that overall nikke is heavier than human, omg death by snusnu. Value: The gacha has (unreliable) wishlist feature and no pity. Always check for daily shop. Without enough dupes, your team level will be stuck. It's enjoyable despite all of the bugs & other problems.
I think the devs are trying to kill this game before Christmas... It's getting more issues by the minute instead of the opposite. Turns out EVERY character in Nikke is now majorly bugged. It started out as people finding a few major bugs here and there like a characters burst only dealing 1 damage for example. Now it's gone out of pocket. Issues: - Buffs not stacking. - Buffs straight up not working - Every character with a charged basic attack applies the extra charge damage to their whole kit instead of their basic attack. - Skill descriptions are at times completely wrong. - Characters forcing enemies outside of the map. - Characters that change ammo capacity just resetting the ammo count back to max after their buff ends, no reload needed. - Characters that make temporary buffs permanent. - Single shot nukes firing multiple times. - Taunts just not working for some characters. - Soline can teamkill with a bug that affects her burst. Your reticle disappears and she just smites a random teammate sometimes...just to mention a few. 😒 In conclusion, this game is not gonna see an anniversary if they don't fix it.
I updated my review. Yes, the gameplay is appealing but sadly, i don't see a bright future for this game. Given that 10Cent is in charge, the shop is expensive af, more important, the game is leaning to CENSORSHIP. The gacha rate is bad, enemies health scale is way off from players dmg esp starting from chap 12. #10centout.
First things first: THIS IS AN IDLE GAME. Adjust your expectations accordingly before going in. Graphics: worse than I thought. Even after you chose high quality (this game weirdly defaults to low quality no matter how good your phone is) the graphics are still bad. The character sprites are somehow still kind of blurry, and the environment still look pixelated somehow. Anyone who has watched trailers of the game will expect lots and lots of butt jiggle, but in reality, many of the girls' behind are covered by either a coat/jacket/shield/whatever OR by your thumb since the gameplay is press and drag. Sound: I haven't played with sound enough to rate it. However, from what little I heard, the jp dub is good. From what I see in reddit, people at least praised the voice acting in multiple dubs, not only jp, and the BGMs are also allegedly good. Gameplay: it's a rail shooter. Think house of the dead or time crisis, if you're familiar with arcade games. Whether you manual or auto it, both have advantages and disadvantages. Auto will aim at random enemy, even if the boss has already appeared. Meanwhile manual, you'll get bored fast since the girls' skills are so bland; it's either increase some stats, or just pure damage skill. Your skill activation speed is also inferior to auto, except in cases where you want to hold it. However, there are some contents where you have to manual, and from my experience in CBT, those will at least be more interesting since the difficulty is higher. Story: it's good. It's not too edgy, yet it doesn't take itself too lightly either. There's a balance between serious time and the jokes. This is what makes it shine compared to other idle games since it actually has a good, coherent storyline. Value: only the one time packs are worth it. You shouldn't ever buy crystals directly unless you're a whale. The battle pass is also overpriced in my opinion, not to mention the grind for it is also awful. Additional notes: 1)the loading screens are atrocious. Initial loading after you boot up the game is very long, the game also asks you to choose a server everytime you log in even though you've already made an account. The in-game loadings, while not too long, are numerous. Main menu to stages? Loading. Go back? Load again. Go to the base? Yep. Enter a stage and exiting it? You guessed it. It is so irritating. 2) beginner gacha experience is horrible. Note the "beginner" word. First, you can't delete an account. Well, you can, but there's a 30-day wait period. Next, you can only access the gacha after clearing stage 1-4. ALL. MANUALLY. Fortunately you can skip the tutorial dialogue to speed it up a bit. THEN, when you finally got to the gacha section, your first 10-pull will always include an SSR. Nice, right? Nope. As of launch, NIKKE boasts 44 SSR characters, with performance ranging from broken to "why is she an SSR?" and there are a LOT who tilt to the latter. If you don't care about rerolling and only want the ass, you won't have to experience this hell, but others who care to get at least 1 good character, like me, will suffer. I rerolled 14 times and by that time I'm already sick of repeating the stages so I finally relented and just use what I got. For account changing process, one thing that is good is that you can use salted emails, so you don't need to create a bunch of emails to reroll. One email is enough. After you got through that, the launch gift is really underwhelming. 20 rolls in total for a dupe intensive idle game (which genre usually shower players with pulls) is very lackluster, especially compared to another game that I reviewed recently, Path to Nowhere, where you easily get around 30 or 40 pulls at the start. Tl;dr it's an idle game. A very, very polished idle game, yes, but still an idle game. At least there are SOME actual gameplay here. The fan service is nice too, although it's held back by the aforementioned drawbacks. All in all if you like idle games, or if you've always wanted to try one, NIKKE is good to try.
The game is okay I really like the story and world building but unfortunately they do so many questionable thing to this game giving me terrible playing experience. The gameplay is simple just shot your enemy until it dead while under time limit or before your enemy kill you so you need to kill them fast so you need good Nikkes, Equipments, and elemental affinity this is where it goes bad. To be able to get good Nikkes you need to roll for Gacha like any gacha game the problem is the line up, they have more SSR than SR & R, with how difficult to get SSR are in gacha those who are unlucky will stuck with SR & R. The next problem is those SSR didn't feel like SSR at all because from my experience (I don't know if it just me) my SR & R line up are more useful than SSR line up that I got making me feel frustrated that I have wasted my time and resources on them. Also there are no pity in this game. The game loading is really slow it took me like 2 - 10 seconds when I switch to various thing like main menu, Main Campaign, Ark, etc. And the slowest of them all is the loading when you open the game, somehow it took me almost if not more than a minute to finally be able to login and the login it self took almost 20 second. On this recent event you only get 5 energy per day making it pretty much making it impossible for majority of the players to finish this event. I didn't know what they thinking when whoever design this submit it and somehow got an ok from the higher-up despite it clear how bad idea this was.
What about Destiny Child? This game is basically the same thing to some degree, but people love Destiny Child but shit on this one. I don't get it since their both published under the same company. I dont get why people are dogshitting this game wnen Destiny Child is a a thing. Mind you I have been playing Destiny Child on the first release, despite it being only in Korean I played it like no tomorrow. Yea this game could use some polishing, but its not as bad as people are making it out to be. Plus there are by far WORSE GAME OUT THERE WITH THE GREATEST REVIEWS AND RATINGS! IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE GAME, DO NOT PLAY IT! It's ok to not like the game and have some form of issues with it, but giving it a bad rating compared to the other games that are worse or just like this one is hypocritical. Also the quote " Overly Sexualization " of this game is coming from the same people who either watch hentai, corn, of play games with other " Overly Sexualization " of women. Im a women and I have no issue with this since stuff like this happens in reality ALL THE TIME! So quit with the HYPOCRITICAL COMMENTS from hypocrites that take things waaaaay to seriously.
F2P player No daily login reward but they have daily mission that consist of 100 crys, and weekly of 300 crys, quite decent [update 2023 sep , seem like daily login event will occur from time to time, just not everyday and consist of gacha ticket] gacha rate was slightly higher that some game imo 4% is fine and decent i played some game that is 3% or lower pity at 200 for featured banner, while normal banner do not give pity but limit breaks mats, your pity can carried to next banner indefinitely! limit breaks mats shop refreshed everyday!! character leveling cap is hard since u will nid dups to uncap lvl, and their gacha pool is like literary many of em each seasonal event (last 2-3weeks) give 10 premium pulls and 10 normal pulls each played 3rd day and got a total of 60 pulls including pre-registered reward friends list got useful each friend you have can get you 1 points max friend = 30 point everyday 3 draw everyday but decreased ssr rate to 2% gameply is repeative, recommended as a chill game daily quest is easy but quite not convinient (too many loading) anyway im still enjoying the game so far till now apr 2024
Pretty good so far and haven't ran into any game breaking issues playing the game. Gameplay is much different from any other gachas games out there. Nice thing about it is you can play it in Auto and have the AI do most if the work but don't expect to get thru difficult level without you taking some control unless you're over leveled. Story is good especially the beginning but isn't anything to write home about and the music good with lots of variety but you need to collect most of them thru campaign. Gacha rates isn't bad but doesn't have a pity system only a mileage system. The game still have lingering bugs from when the game was released. The bugs aren't a deal breaker but some characters are beyond broken in some modes like Volume in the arena. She's so broken that if you have her your guaranteed to beat other teams that don't have her unless your really underleveled. I can understand as to why people have quit this game, bad luck combine with bugs and progression walls can make a player quit especially if your not invested in the game. In my case I've had a decent luck as a F2P player and have managed to get dupes to get to 160 with all SSR characters just need a couple more dupes to hit 200. This game definitely requires a lot of investment to get far on and if you can't do that it's hard to recommend this game.
Very high expectations and hype but : •Can't reroll, can't delete Guest Acc/ Need to wait 30 days. •Very Low Rates and the Pity is Random so goodluck getting ur Waifu. •Very long Tutorial and can only pull 2 10x Draw and have a high chance that you'll only get 1 Ssr. •Gift Codes have Total Use limit, So if your new player Gift Codes means nothing. •Maintenance/Bug rewards are so little. •SSR pool are so Huge that some of them doesn't even qualify to be SSR so good luck getting dupes for Limit Break. and there are so many cases that the 10x Pull gives you 10 R.
So so far its been good but theres been a few things that stood out. 1: Its not censored and they really stuck to what they advertised and made at first, this is great. (Well from what I can tell from people's reactions there's server differences? I'm not sure.. But I'm on eu and it seems uncensored it all matches the uncensored early promotional material that we got early on, cleavage, panties etc are there and they move.) 2: The gameplay is actually somewhat hard it's not as easy at it seems with just auto locking on things and holding your fingers on screen, what also made me really happy is yhat you can turn off aim assist and freely aim at anything. 3: The pity is only 40, and duplicates seems to just add stats as a limit break for extra lvls so technically you aren't completely gimped if you fully max one out and haven't fully gotten duplicates yet, i mean time will tell with me getting into harder content and the game going onwards if it's as fair as it seems. Now for the few bad notes.. So the games store for crystals seems in my opinion expensive for what you get out of it, it has like normal crystals and "free crystals" and like the limited event banner for the "reduced price" and guaranteed special unit will set you back even with new player sales about 40€ for that one "special" 10 pull.... Majority of games like this usally let you get one for free with your 10 summons and sometimes you can roll it in game as much as you want but here.. with sales they're charging you 40€ and calling it an option event.. that leaves an incredibly bad first impression.. So on the cash front I'm down right angry and disappointed at the devs, as for the games gameplay it seems good but with the cyrstal stuff and repeatable content, dailys and weekly i can definitely see the ftp and spenders having a massive gap close especially when there's no good vale option for low spenders really, the game couls get intense and repetitive too as we get deeper into it time will tell and ill edit this when ive had more time with the game.
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