Reviews(1065)Sort by Popularity, English

I love it but I can't understand chinese
( ~'ω')~ Hello♡ just another English user (not my native language; fyi lol). I just wanted to say that I love this game! It's honestly-no offense love nikki, but it's better than the one we got on the west app store _(:3 」∠ )_ which...I mean I would've loved 'love nikki' more if it weren't *so* darn grindy to a point that I legit got stuck on the game, because it was too much for me. I lost my motivation to continuously bust my butt to get the clothing I needed for a special outfit for I could move on. -it really disappointed me, because I don't want to be in a position where I am forced to be stuck to a point where I have to legit use real money to pass it. -I don't like that, that's why I left the game -even though I did get pretty far in it. But, once I found out about this one -i felt hesitant, because of that annoying grind factor that the game had before. After playing it -no I don't understand Chinese, anyway I loved this version more. I also use english translator to play it
Lovely! So far a bit worse than Love Nikki, but that's understandable, LN was around for two years and this game just started out. I know nothing about the sound because I turned it off as always. Graphics? Oh my, every character in this game is my waifu/husbando, they're so pretty and everything is very detailed. Storyline? No idea, I don't know Chinese. Might have to learn it for this game, or I could just wait for the English translation. I recommend! 💖
if your a longtime player of love nikki who either just ended up leaving due to how pay to win the game is rn, or are just someone who want's another LN game and is still actively playing LN, this is perfect for you! Shining nikki to me is basically if love nikki was in 3d and had fancy UI upgrade and basically changed everything about love nikki. graphics: the graphics are absolutely stunning 🤩 one of the things i really like is how everything on the outfits has it's own texture and how detailed everything is to the littlest bow or the littlest earring. i also like how even if it is in 3d it's stil reminiscent of the og love nikki artstyle. i also like how the art is an upgrade compared to the og love nikki artstyle, it just feels new and fresh compared to the og love nikki artstyle. sound: i think it's spectacular! the music is great (especially the music that plays in the title screen...) it's so majestic and magical, and it's just really nice. the voice acting is great, and the voice actors did a great job! gameplay: the gameplay is kinda like love nikki with the style battles, but instead of you spamming random skills you have to press the right one or else you miss. everything is pretty much the same with a few features here and there, the gacha is pretty generous even if all new outfits are pavilions ;-; and you can get some really pretty outfits for free [開心] story: since the game is in traditional chinese and I'm not gonna spend my time translating every line in thr story, it's a N/A until i find out what the story is worth: i think if your a longtime love nikki player, this game would be fun, and totally worth it, but if you just jumbled upon this game, i doubt it would be really that worth it, but i say give it a try! the game is fun and it's a really good upgrade of love nikki.
Really like this game ☺️ But of course,it also takes time to enter for the beginners! Well, I think cuz I am a beginner player! But as Vivi Gamings played this game, I think she knows what the translation also means!My request to this game that pls pls pls make it as an English Server because many Non-Chinese players also play this game right?!And also make it load quickly so that everyone can play ok?! I'm not here to be so rude but I still gave the game good rank.Love Effie gave a video for all the Shining Nikki beginner players and now I need to play this game step by step.
please make an eng ver soon, i really love the game so far
I would love this game if not many times crash. I'm stucked with 1-8. It's with tutorial that i need to tap my skills. I followed the instructions, then just stopped, couldn't tap anything anymore. I've tried a few times, still same. I hope this game will available soon on google play with english translate and no crash. Thank you. Edited: If you have same problem with me, hold the blue guy til its moved, then tap again follow the tutorial. Thanks to Free Ticket whos helped me with his commented.[色色]
android version how much? can play the game . I downloaded , but cannot enter .pink screen
its a dress up game with a pretty polished story (if you can read it) and really, REALLY good graphics that would amke your phone heat and die faster, but thank god they have graphic settings to prevent those ^^ the music is also really good and fits the aesthetics of the game the gameplay is a what you'd expect from a dress up game— just chuck all your rare high attribute stuff on no matter how ugly, press some buttons, yknow, nothing revolutionary. there's this room thing + social media aspect which i find interesting but it doesnt impact gameplay, it adds more depth lore feel. theres guild functions, fashion battles, making clothes using other clothes— your stamina (pink hearts) will run out real fast, there's a lot to do and you'll end up going on and off the game really often. its a bit laggy sometimes and it on rare occasions doesnt respond to touch during the pressing buttons section which sucks but welp.
역대 니키중에 제일 예뻐요!!!! 쓰리디라서 휙휙 돌려볼수도있고 일러진짜 너뮈 예쁘네염 [色色][色色] 쿠앱에서 기프트코드 무료러 준것도 나름(?) 유용하네여!! 니키 잠자는거 너무 현실적인거 아니에여?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 글고 실패했을때 니키표정도 너무 귀여워서 계속 실패하거시파염....(?) [白眼][白眼][白眼] 배걍음악이 좀더 다양햇으먄 좋겠어요! 한국유저들 있으면 친추해주세영. 게임아이디: 5oozero
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