It's cute. Basically a "lite" version of TCG Live, but still has the same issues in regards to battling. Team building is hindered since you once again encounter players using legendaries that just sweep your team, even in beginner vs.
On the plus side, the 20 card limit deck is neat, as it requires you to think outside of the box. The "getting an energy card each turn" system is also neat.
Give it a try, but I wouldn't be surprised if you pass on this, as I can imagine things will get more unfair and unbalanced when newer cards are added to the game (also like TCG Live). What they really need to do is give us a TCG game that goes back to playing how it used yo be many years ago (like gameboy color game long ago)
note: There is no story mode at all, so I did not rate that part.
♡ Fun Pokemon card collector simulator. Just opening the packs is kinda exciting lol.
♡ Cool card art. You can rotate the cards around to see the holo effects and etc.
♡ Easy to learn but some battles can be a real challenge.
♡ I find myself playing this quite a bit. Doing a few matches and opening a pack or two a day is fun. Theres no stamina limit or anything on battles so you can go as many times as you want.
♡ Opening card packs and battling is all there is to this game. No story mode. No NPCs. No events (so far). Just open a card pack, make a deck, and battle. I guess this could also be a pro for some people though.
♡ Im kinda sad that the Pokemon attacks didnt get very much animation variance. You just watch the card "attack" the other player and it does like a little effect for the type of move (ie fire swirls for all fire type moves).
♡ Related to the last point, there are no 3D Pokemon models in the game at all and no cards are animated. What you see on the card is what you get. (Note: There are a handful of rare cards that have a little video that plays and takes you 'inside' the card to see more art. This is cool, but its very few cards and you can only see it while specifically looking at the card in the menu. Once youve seen it once, thats all there is to it. Just a little 'hey thats neat' and then you move on.)
♡ Right now, there are only 3 packs to choose from to open. This means that you will encounter the same meta team over and over (Gardevoir and Mewtwo is the current popular one.) I think/hope? this will get better as they add more packs to choose from to open.
I know my cons list definitely is longer than my pros list, but at the end of the day I do enjoy this game. I wish there was more to do or see, but I guess it IS just a card game. I would like to see better attack animations and maybe more to see with the cards like animations or 3D animations or something. It quite literally is just a collect cards and battle simulator. Nothing more, nothing less. Which is fun! I just hope they spice it up some in the future and give more to do.
Tbh I just like the game for respecting my time. Wait 12hrs everyday for a pack, logoff, maybe open it again to check the wonderpicks. This game is basically an idle game where you just have to collect cards, and PvP doesn't reward you except if you are willing to waste 3-8mins of your life for a miniscule exp if you won the match. So for a busy person like me that can only play while riding a bus or smn, this game is good/okay.
Some hates this game for being basically a "NFT Pokemon game" "Lol digital cards" "Wasted artworks", when in reality they're just some entitled investors that want the cards to have a resell value so that they could maybe earn something. Don't listen to them unless you want to.
TLDR; This is a good "idle" game being ruined by Pokeinvestor communities and PvP zoomers.
Edited: Ok so after people say need vpn to New Zealand to play it, i was try and only in New Zealand..why they not tell me first about this problem xd
It's fun, all my friends and family are loving it! Graphics and sound are great. There were a few minor bugs in the first week of release, but haven't noticed any since. Gameplay is simple yet addictive. You need some patience when it comes to collecting more cards though (which is a problem when it's so addictive). But it's bearable since they do give you A LOT of cards in the first 7 levels or so, plus you can battle infinitely (both online and offline). The cherry on top is that it's free to play friendly, though I'd gladly put money into this if only it weren't for my region being blocked.
graphics are great and optimized, gameplay is more fun than i was hoping, game sounds of something could be less generic and more matching with the others games/animations, there is career mode but no story so no point in rating and as always the game is not cheap bc everything with pokemon name on it go always all out
great little collector game and you can battle as much as you want (or at least i never hit a cap). love it. right now new zealand only, full global comes oct 30
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