Reviews(132)Sort by Popularity, English

it will shower you with a lot of goodies, it does feel good, but some major flaw like PVE are totally unbalance , they need to find the way so F2P player feels like they are having fun too, not on every single match we will face a full deck of full enhance 6* and that is on beginner bracket. story line a bit dull,gameplay and mechanic are kings raid for aire, but if you like kings raid this will feel like a little bit of fresh air Graphic wise. over all experience Is sadly.. generic.
It's a great game. Trying to Pull Draws just to get your favorite character is amazing. Only wish the game could introduce new character's and add a side story campaign where you can play as other kingdom's and go through the stories for them. The game gets dull once you finish the story but it's exciting when combining character's and doing pulls for draws. The Usage of the gold is quite a lot when combining and I would eventually run out unless I either purchase sapphires to buy the gold or either do the gold run in battle and wait for the next day to rerun it again. The devs should add some events into the game to make it more fun to play. Maybe add a World Boss mode where everyone joins to kill it and add rewards that would benefit every player who fought it (From Top "1-5", "10-15", "20-30", "40-50", "60-70", "80-90" and "100" for Top Damage) the benefit should only be for the amount of damage they did and the rank they were put in. Should make it so people fight over the prizes
Gods, I downloaded this with fear because of all the bad reviews but its actually so good?? It has lots of cool features, lots of freebies, gorgeous art and music... The combat is incredibly well thought, and using skills in the right moment is harder than you may think. It also has auto play! So if you need to do something, you can still play and get things~ Though as always,be careful with auto play: it uses skills when the AI thinks its best which... is not always the right time lol Gacha is very fair, and although I havent gotten any G6 via gacha, its easy to get G5 dupes to combine. It also has an user rating system to rate heroes, which is really good. The storyline is very interesting, if only it goes way to fast and makes it difficult to follow the text. But even then, you can get a feel of a well thought storyline, even if it can be a bit cliche sometimes. All in all, it's a really good game! Everyone should definetly give it a chance!
It's very generic. Feels outdated, like it was something released 5 years ago...
right after tutorial ends, they show you a whole tab of "packages" not just 1 or 2, but A LOT of it... geez i guess ncsoft (or in this case for global version skypeople) never fail to surprise me how blunt they are asking for money with their outdated gameplay, hero upgrade system and low quality graphic game
A so-so mobile game ( the graphics is obviously eye-catching, as any gacha game is suppose to be ) ... The drop rates for 6-star heroes is horrible, but it made up by allowing you to combine two fully enhanced 5-star heroes. The autoplay is a useful function, as this game is grindy as you level up further.
the admin of this game is full of bulshit excuse .. trash game ever. . if you lose your account after link or bind it on fb or Gp . they will never ever recovery your old account even you bind your account. . better those money wasted on epic seven or pubg
yeah if u already played dragon blaze its really looks like dragon blaze
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