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明日方舟是一款策略塔防游戏 这里为 🇯🇵日服🇯🇵 最先开放的是陆服,日服&国际服&韩服是游戏扩张版(统)图(治)海外而开的不同语言版本。 日服开服时间为2020年1月16日 陆服开服时间为2019年5月01日 目前游戏进度跟陆服相差了大约6个月。 日服的绑定账号方式为 Twitter, Yostar 账号 和 引继码。 里面的角色都是各种动物拟人~ 【顶上去让更多人看到~】
Welp this game is might be better than Nexon's latest offering ( i'm looking at you Counter:Side ) if you understand this honest comment of mine well then reply if u don't welp never reply The Pros of Arknights: 1.Illustrations: there's a few to say about this i would say the art in this game is just nice and the character illustrations were done by many artists but the nice thing in this game is the decent graphics 2.Sound: it's 80/20 for me and the character voices were done mostly by famous Japanese seiyuus ( Voice actors / actresses ) 3.Gameplay: it's ok-ish for me reminds of ur typical tower defense game ( e.g PvZ or DMM's Millenium War Aigis ) but the difference is u had to postion ur unit in a different direction b4 placing them on the spot. but one thing that this game did not had.... a PvP in which this game does not need it yet but the underground base costumization might be tricky even costumizing the dorm but it's an another feature the extra here is collecting some 7 clues which i dunno wht it's use until now and tbh this game is would be a value for ur time 4.Story: Just Decent for me and the post-apocalyptic setting is bonus points here 5.Gacha: You can do it by spending the red thingy mix w/ the yellow one ( u will spend 6000 red thingies for it ) or use the recruitment tickets but u need some thinking to get the top operator that u want if u going recruit them P.S: the Prices of the yellow thingy might be depends on the server that u playing The Cons of Arknights: No Live 2d yet that's all that i could say If u want to Play this game well then go ahead there's no one to stop you
[怪笑]yes ill marry this game to my very end of my life , SOO good , its like tower defence game but requires skills and SilverDaddy *unique operators from guard , vanguard , healer , sniper , supporter defender , speacialist and in those tier has viarity of ranges , atks , unique skill *so as the enemy they has speacial abilities from high def , res , stun shot , high atk when low hp , nuking ur ops out of nowhere *get ur self Hoshiguma first (yep SilverAsh is still my fav but Hoshiguma is like "anytime , anyplace",she laughs on high atk enemies with dmg resist , all her skills are good as heck new? skill 1 , tank and reflect 100% dmg ? skill 2 , meme dps? skill 3 ...) *DONT SAVE ORUNDUMS it will make u progress very slow , ( well not for KyostinV .... still dont know how he could go through high lv stage with low tier op) *originite prime is easy to get but harder as u soon harvest all in story game so consider using it wisely ( for me i buy orginite lv pack till pack lv 45 ) *Newplayers note playing Aak thats a no no , he will be ur enemy if ur op is like paper health *OrO and a lot of stuffs ingame that im too tired to type and it would make this long
Ko Ko Dayo~~ [開心][開心][開心] If you're gonna play this F2P, do a REROLL!!! Look for siege with silver ash/exusiai (or both if you're lucky) Great 5* to consider: ptilopsis, blue poison, skyfire & meteorite If you get siege + ptilopsis + blue poison + skyfire/meteorite you're basically good to go! Good luck on rerolling! [厲害][厲害][厲害]
what makes this game more attractive than other games is the gameplay itself. it's better than other F2P players out there as the gameplay is much attractive but so far don't force you to invest (actually waste is the better word here) money to clear the missions. the storyline is so far good. but it is not clear yet. and the most annoying part is some side stories only available in certain event and no longer viewable once the event is done. being objective here, the story graphics is okay but this kind of level won't bring any satisfaction to me. the sound is good but it is just that. repetitive and just like that overtime. the characters got some great quality voice acting and (un)surprisingly they come with anime logic.
Almost into 1 year anniversary for this game, i had never skip a day to log in at all, everysetting of this game is near to perfect! im in love with it, no doubt, even my wife like it so much! Character design and story are totally awesome! Gameplay wise you dont need to pay much in this game to get tru all the event, which if you want an slightly easy life, a month card is enough to go tru all the fun of the game, basically im not a tower defend lover but this game just let me get addicted to it, such awesome. And the bgm? i had looped them daily during my office work, they are soooooo good! value wise? compare with most gacha game the rate of this game is generous! i cant complain much about it, since its really very easy to get the character you want with a small top up or maybe luck in next pool, its still a gacha game right, you want it, you pay, tats the rules. of all, i must really praise this game, its Beyond Amazing! good job!
日服開服元(鹹)老(魚)趁半週年紀念來評一下 劇情講述玩家是在一個疾病橫行的時代統領自己的一個組織戰鬥的故事。 經典的末世題材,可編劇總能讓你看劇情看得眼淚橫流不可自已TAT 在劇情裡面的選擇不會影響劇情整體走向,只會改變後續的對話框。 間中會有活動劇情,過了可以拿5星角色。 遊戲角色平衡度拿捏得很好,幾乎不會出現星級詐欺。 (也就是說你抽到6星他就是一個6星的戰力,不會出現表面6星實際5星的情況) 就算抽不到最高等級的6星也可以靠戰略跟培養3,4星作低等替換穩過 又或者反轉來說,有些時候你不得不用低cost的3、4星來進行任務(不然你就會卡Cost卡到懷疑人生) 例如是Melissa,升進1之後的攻擊力不會輸給未升進的5星們,然而cost低,我就拿來當先鋒用 池子出貨幾率有點迷,3星出貨幾率比4星低(略 池子溢出的角色系統會直接換成印章或者資格證,可以用來增強角色或者換各式各樣稀有物品,不怕沒地方用要丟掉。 角色的獨特性透過cost,大招跟攻擊範圍,還有特性,配音跟資料庫(也就是說人物背景)等等很好地展現了出來。 可是有些角色的大招要到後期才能看得出跟其他角色的不同,這點要稍微注意一下。 配音的話陣容還算不錯,主要是用日本那邊的。有佐倉,陽子太太等頂台柱,也有像石見舞菜香這種新人聲優的入陣。 配音會展現在戰鬥和資料庫,把角色設定成秘書的時候在主畫面調教的時候也會有配音。 資料庫裡面是角色的背景資料,小故事或者是一堆亂碼。 解鎖方法可以是增加信賴度,也可以透過強化角色來得到聲優出門想要的角色語音/角色資料。 最後就是... 明日方舟過完劇情就變成抽蛋佛係升等遊戲了(悲) 畢竟沒什麼做的呀( 劇情沒有全配音感覺還是有點失色,鷹角什麼時候能請聲優全配了(不可能的) 半週年池子一發入魂出了年,特此紀念(逃)
I liked the game a lot, however, I believe it needs more improvement as it stands. The gameplay is pretty nice, but not everyone can finish a later stage without a guide, at some point it becomes frustrating. The limited operator spark isn't intended for f2p players because the requirement is too high, but aside from that, it's still my favorite game so far and I'm expecting a lot in the future.
well, my friend told me about this game after i tried totally addicted the only thing not so friendly is my luck when drawing for characters🤣🤣hardly get 6 stars
this is the one of my best game ever gameplay, design, storyline, artwork and actually my gacha luck sucks
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