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2% Rates/Mixed Gacha/Heavy dupe system/Paid Banners on launch. And the icing on the cake... a VIP system! What a letdown.🤡
First of all good graphics. That's to be expected from game in the new era. The rest aside that is shit. Grand launching with paid gacha is a no no. UR rate is really bad. The rarity start at rare end with UR. Amazingly bad for those who want to collect waifu husbando. Gameplay? The movement is kinda shite. A bit laggy too with my high spec phone. I prefer smooth tactics like langrisser or the old FFT. ViP system.. well u know.. Job system is on grind mode. The old tactics would only need to kill enemy to get job level up. This one need ingredients. Above all no unlimited reroll for new player. Expect some re downloading doing that.
a clone of the alchemist code in pretty much every way with terrible monitization. its sad because it looks really gorgeous. instead of doing what it could to be closer to final fantasy tactics it choses to copy another gotcha with awfull pull rates, the need to pull multiple of the same unit to max them while polluting pulls with cards that amplify units so its even harder to get units. the grind to max abilities and summons is insane. how they thought any of these terrible mechanics were okay beats me. ill play for free for a few weeks ans drop this game for good pretty much.
Great artwork (tho these days mostly all gacha's have good artwork), subpar modeling but i'll ignore that just this once. However, you would think they'll learn a thing or two from the controversy surrounding The Alchemist Codes management & monetization. But it looks like they did not and have doubled down, throwing in a V.I.P system, lowering the summon rates, on top of that bringing back the terrible shards based limit break system with worst rates!!! A multi-gacha system...did i mention you have to limit break the cards, the units and the weapons? No? Well you gotta limit break all three of them bichs. A out of date job leveling system that probably would be fine 5~7 years ago but its about to be 2020! WTF GUMI you gotta evolve with the times. This game is gonna feel as dated as its low resolution environments look. You don't want that, nobody wants that. The U.I is fine, the skill tree system could have potential. Note i said "could" it may as well be another step to waste ur time
I want to share my personal experience with the game: I love playing it because of the story and the art, si progressing thr game even with SSR wasn't a problem. The story feels a lot like FFT but of course is different. Regarding the gacha, I have to say that from all the gacha games I've played so far, is one the most generous in terms of gacha currency and free pulls. Like a wise priestess once said, "rate up is a lie", so besides paying once like 20 bucks to support the game, I don't think you really need money to enjoy the game (unless you really want a certain waifu/husbando or being competitive in the arena) Is hard to get all the details at first for the job system and grinding/gameplay tends to be a little annoying after a while, but playing for the story and thr precense of good auto combat makes thinks easier Overall a good game to enjoy, after you get pass through the first salty gacha moments and the first rounds
寫評論時角色平均等級40,Job Lv.4;微課了兩個禮包,講一下感想,但先說個人主觀不負責結論: 「你可能會覺得煩或者不對口味,但這絕對不可能是糞GAME(不含閃退黑屏...)」 可能由其他玩家的評論都可以見到,會和 Gumi 另一款遊戲《為了誰的鍊金術師》比較,實際上這款也是 SE 跟 Gumi 聯合開發,好些介面和玩法是有類同,這不意外,但就說不上是抄襲,因為本來就同一家做)菸 畫面、音樂故事媲美主機作 講些表面一點的先,一打開遊戲就可以感受到整個人物、地型和戰鬥是統一又滿滿吉田明彦色彩的《FFT》美術風格,這個年頭看到如斯高成本,被鈔票一把一把擲在臉上的感覺,真是爽到不行!對,吉田明彦就讚!聲優和世界觀故事也不用多說,光是那個國別故事和人物關係,個人故事就已經足夠的好。問題是王子兩兄弟前面的故事也太過王道,沒特色,有點陳濫,但也不失是一手安全的好棋吧。 育成系統新瓶舊酒 其實更直白的是育成和課金的強化部分非常有《為了誰》的惡意,碎片、突破和 VIP(遊戲內叫 Royal Rank 王家等級)在2019年聽起來覺得不可思議,但不得不讚是《為了誰》後期的福利很好但肝!而《FFBE 幻影戰爭》不是全盤只取早期血尿的《為了誰》,有適度優化。SSR 主角順主線來行進,突破、覺醒和強化,竟有那種慢慢隨故事變強的神奇感覺,而事實上SSR主角還真的因為容易突破,戰力不錯用。 戰鬥介面複雜卻又是必需 戰鬥方面有非常多《FFT》要素,不意外甚至感到這種不意外正是很多人想要的。高低差、面向、技能、TP還有非常多的狀態異常狀態都讓人覺得,這很本格SLG,基礎很穩,後面再有其他別樣的關卡和難度,都不只是那種架床疊屋的戰力通漲(雖然SE很擅長又老馬)的低階關卡設計。 轉角度的部分有時因視點搞到很氣餒,要習慣用拖拉形式來讓角色在指定空間中移動,早期技能少,玩法有點單一,戰術也不多,武器多樣性受限轉蛋結果,玩家實際可以展示的能力不多,最後又回到了上一段是 Gumi 的育成套路。 因此快速完成主線非常重要,報酬多,又會開放不同模式、設計圖,想要客製組建喜歡的隊伍,應該快速推主線,交錯完成素材關卡,最後挑戰 Hard Mode,才是最低門檻,享受 SLG 的體驗。
User in this qooapp is dumb or what? They put low point because low percentage gacha on UR? Sir. Thats called Ultra Rare because of low chance. If u want to get easy ur, play offline game and hack the chance rate. Just because they put paid gacha, doesnt make it bad game. If ur fav game dont make any monetizing plan, theyll dead in 1 month. And lastly, u play game, not running for competition, dont make gacha ur base for rating game.
i have been playing this game for 5 months since released. Below is my commnent and feedback:- 1) This is a good graphic gacha game. Gacha game = Luck Game. No Luck = No UR despite the rate of UR is high or low 2) VIP system: There are 2 really useful features only to unlock it a) Increase number of time to farm character Shard b) Speed x2 Paid Banner: This kind of banner only gurentee to get random UR unit / vision card 3) This game require you to spend time in grinding for weapon & equipment recipe and craft material. 4) You need basic management skill in playing this game to upgrade your character. Awakening material is available to farm from monthly quest and event. You also can exchange it from coin shop once per month. Furthermore. Shard can be purchase with free lapis. Those kids or maybe adult complain that this is not a f2p friendly game. Please face the reality of life. Nothing is free. If you are a f2p, please dont expect thing which can only be achieve as a P2w. Enjoy the game but dont defeat the purpose of playing game.
we talking about SQ here, the fact that there aren't appearance change with job changing it's totally disappointed. they are known as full blown nice graphics with awesome detail, seing them like this makes me want to say that they get pretty lazy. gameplay pretty Final Fantasyish, so you know what you got if you fans of FF. the game is basically Alchemist Code without different job appearance of course. I take everything back, the GamePlay pretty bad. if you put sub job you'll lose some of skill for your main job, who thought this is a good system? it's basically becomes bad games with all it's worth. you must fully aware about that, if you like tactical games, please do try, but just don't hope too much. there is not much to see
They nailed the whole FFT feel, from the thick political atmosphere, the intrigues and characters, and all the way to attacking one's own units. I'm just disapppointed by the UR chance, been reset marathon-ing for a while, yet not a single UR has been summoned. Still planning to get at least Mashuri or Gilgamesh tho.
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