Reviews(225)Sort by Popularity, English

To put it simply, this is the DFFOO of SRW. No energy on the story missions, this is a highly grinding game (if you wish to play fast). You can take your time and play casually. Its highly recommended that you reroll for SSR, but not all SSR has the same function as different unit has different type. And at the moment SSR rate is 3%, so..yeah..REROLL! Stop complaining and enjoy the game, if you cant then just uninstall and move on with your life. [no][no][no]
I understand that some of you may not enjoy the game due to its difficulties (It was difficult even for a SRW veteran like me). But if you actually do some research on how to upgrade your mech for instance, the game is very enjoyable. Furthermore, PLEASE don't waste your gems on Gacha. The game often offers package services for 250 gems that includes aSSR tickets. Its way better than rolling with 250 gem with 3% x10 chance of getting a SSR skills. Here is what I recommend for new players -Don't get obsess with Alteisen stages, they are extremely difficult to beat and since it is the first event in game, it can easily diminishes your motivation on playing the game. -As I have mention before, save gems and buy special packagefor a 100% chance to obtain a SSR skill. -Try to do a reroll in order to obtain mech skill such as Gaogaigar, V Gundam, and others that contain higher attack/def/agility than your average mech. Each mech has its own style, but mech that specialized in one aspect tend to be stronger/ more useful. -Focus on clearing item stages and upgrade your mech, as well as upgrade your character(you can boost your attack this way). -Pay attention to upcoming events, as they often give new items, SSR tickets, and gems. (Even though they hardly give anything good in the daily mission >.<) I hope my advice can help you advance through the game. Although it might not seem as enjoyable from the beginning, it tends to be easier once you get the grasp of how the game works.
Hard for new SRW players But easy to all SRW Veterans Gacha? its fine not like fgo Not pay 2 win just proper grinding and level up of your mecha you will get it easy Event stage are easy to just right tactics poof you will finish it in no time Chapter get harder by each stage you stage so if you cant finish one stage on that chapter you can jump to other chapter to get mech or do pilot enchantments Remodelling mech is core even you dont have ssr mecha card you become op with only remodelling -------------------- [色色][色色][色色][色色][色色][色色][色色]
the first thing ever is THE PAYWALL IN THIS GAME IS SO HIGH !! yup, you need must have certain mecha, you need must have certain support character. why?? because they decided you can't clear the stage without those certain char. alot of mecha from alot of series, 95% of the mecha is fricking useless even you max upgrade it and have all the SSR skill. why ? they fricking do no dmg to the boss and got 1 shoted by the boss. BURN YOUR MONEY TO GET THE 5% MECHA's SSR skill. here another one you are already max upgrade everything have the best mecha but still cannot beat the stage ?? cause you forgot this upgrade called SUN UPGRADE IN PILOT TRAINING, that you can only get from "PULLING THE SPECIFIC SSR SKILL THIS MECHA FROM THE GACHA." TIME TOOO BURN MONEY !!!! ohh i still lacking dmg or cannot tank the boss, you forgot another big thing, what is it ?? you need to equip skill ability chip !! but how do u get it ? TURN YOUR HARD TO GET N PRECIOUS SSR SKILL INTO THIS CHIP !! but don't forget turning into this chip is another GACHA !!! YAYYYY [開心][開心] IF YOUR LUCK IS BAD YOU WILL GET TRASH CHIP. YAY AGAIN !! [開心][開心] anddd burn your money again. conclusion if you are not a rich bicth or having rich papa, don't play this game. if u see people saying this is grind game or i am f2p and can beat this. say FKCU YOU!!! to their face. oops forget bout this. - BGM SUCK (sometimes the bgm won't even playing) - story ?? your preference (typical srw story) - graphic not so good comparing to ps 2 srw, this game still lose - gameplay can be awesome without those HIGH PAYWALL.
The graphics are horrible. Its lag. The Series BGM not even playing during attack animation. The menu are clunky and keeps connecting whenever you're scrolling. Don't starts with daily achievement! That things took forever to load on each reward and it gives garbage. My skip tickets keeps disappearing. What's the point having upgraded your favorite mecha when the storyline keeps forcing you to use random robot that not even worth to upgrade. The upgrade are horrible. You can upgrade your mech to max and its still weak without pilot skill who can only gained from Gacha. Not to mention, upgrade material only can be obtained free 3 times a day and that's all. In term of generosity, the game are stingy. Strong or decent player are the whale. You cannot do a shit without paying decent amount of money. Don't play if you're poor.
Como eu já mencionei em outra resenha, eu adoro robôs de todos os tipos e tamanhos, dos gigantes às miniaturas! E em Super Robot Wars DD você pode jogar com uma quantidade enorme de robôs de franquias diferentes, dos mais anojados aos mais obscuros!!! O jogo está em Japonês então fica um pouco difícil levar a jogabilidade ao extremo e estudar cada efeito e consequência de cada habilidade ou equipamento, mas ainda assim dá pra se virar. É um RPG em turnos com gráficos simplíssimos, mas bem satisfatórios. A jogabilidade é desnecessariamente complexa (e em Japonês) e a complexidade pode ser completamente ignorada. Explosões de fundo com robôs em poses, coleção de robôs das mais variadas franquias, sistema de Gacha, personagens de tantas franquias diferente… Esse jogo é exatamente o que parece, sem desapontar ou impressionar!
もういい!!! 二度とSD !! 新スーパーロボット大戦のリニューアルが必要です!!! 実際の土地の違い(砂、海、空など)がないため、戦略はほとんどありません。 戦闘シーケンスが速すぎる。 融解/分裂の欠如 (たとえば、戦闘機バトルマシンは、必要に応じて個別に戦闘しません。) これは深刻な戦略の欠如です。 何年もの間、宇宙魔神ダイケンゴーの到着を待っていました!!! (ダイケンゴ、ゴリオン、Gガンダムの到着をお待ちしております... AND... 平行次元から、ここに来ます... デビルマンTVシリーズ(またはAMON Apocalipse)!!! 夢が叶うでしょう。 そして...「戦隊ワールド」より... "爆竜合体! アバレンオー"。 その場合は…ありがとうございます。
【我玩中文但也來日版留個言】 11月27日更新: 分數基本沒有變太多,就是課金一項由3蛋變到5蛋,蓋特光線還有一些小禮包關係都增加課金慾望。之前改成每日一抽、登入曾送過有精神,算是有多一點動力去玩,介面卡卡的情況也比此前改好了一點。課了一點,再觀望!別死呀,DD ====== 開服到現在玩了快兩個星期,打得通的都打通了,剩下的都是戰力突破不上去的關卡。大體來講,我覺得是「無一些朋友講得那麼差劣,但也絕對稱不上是好」的遊戲。全通過後,要靠EX關卡和每日的曜日任務來強化機體、插件和角色,但每日限次數,輪替週期長,今天忘了打機體強化材,要等一星期才可以把機體升高一階。 好看:中規中距 好聽:沒有專屬BGM,不如讓我一直播DD主題曲 好玩:我打4-5分,其實只要加快節奏是挺好玩么 故事:最忠於機戰的部分,劇情其實是不錯看 想課:課了無感,不如不課 要歸因做3個字的評價就是:「不夠爽」 戰鬥和介面切換頻繁且緩慢 = 不夠爽 育成和強化戰力沒有成就感 = 不夠爽 機體平衡差和關卡難度過高 = 不夠爽 沒有BGM打得不夠熱血 = 不夠爽 花了錢卻沒有得到戰力大幅提升的體驗 = 不夠爽 玩起來就是一直卡卡的,一方面是物理上的讀取的轉介面,卡卡的;另一方面是機戰那種打爆敵人,炫目必殺的體驗,情感上都是卡卡。 遊戲目前經歷了一次更新,在27日起每天登入都會送出SSR強化素材以及轉蛋券,在育成進度來說,一定程度舒緩了「關卡藺度過高」VS「無法階段升育成強化」的困窘,事實上在節奏上已經比21日開服時要好,現在大概1-2天可以升好一隻ATK4000能打EX關卡3/4的隊伍重心。 末來只要大幅度增加機體、增加更多獲得素材的手段就好,因為這樣才是最低限度,可以令機戰FANS真的有爽,有收集到機體的慾望。 必殺方面,現在吃很重部件的白值,甚至出現了白值比必殺卡更有重要性的情況,那官方不如,把在副插槽的部件都可以支援必殺技的功能,低階必殺性能容易增加,冷卻時間短;高階白值強;SR中階中庸,如果必殺可以有多幾個選擇,戰術上才可以有更多玩法,現在都是拼拳頭大。 課金不是問題,現在是課完金沒有爽度,抽了的R/SR卡又無用,旁邊《七大罪》最少可以把重覆的R/SR人物,換體力水甚麼的,而機戰DD卻沒有。 最後,我還是一邊吐槽一邊玩,希望DD可以像XQ一樣,慢慢做好,第一個活動非常關鍵,如果還是又吝嗇又小家子,本作下場很慘呀
EDIT: Updating review now that attack limit increase... Super Robot Wars DD features traditional SRPG gameplay combined with non-traditional mechanics like the Break Gauge, and has a wide variety of attack animations. However, the gacha mechanic feels rather forced here. It'd have worked just as fine to earn D-Crystals to use in a weapons shop while also providing an option to purchase D-Crystals for said shop, similar to older SRW titles. Another mild disappointment I had was a lack of licensed tracks, even in MIDI form. A minor complaint due to licensing but a complaint.
bandia you guys are worse then thief's, literally wasted 1000 u.s dollars to try and rolls for Kamille Bidan a featured ssr unit and still didnt pull, idk whats worse dokkan or this, look into it and fix MY RATES, Im pretty pissed off, my in game name is MAJINKING AND NUMBER 725035333
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