Reviews(718)Sort by Popularity, English

so nicee and increase rate for legendary!!
This is the best One Piece mobile game out there. The only problem I've had is that I can't link my google account to the game and let it save my account. Because I have to start over from a 300+, really great account now.
Im a big fan of One Piece and this game is just perfect for those hardcore fans! The sprite is really cute and gameplay is really fun! Been playing for four years and its still a great game for killing time! The game is also pretty generous with gacha currency so even as a small Gacha Dolphin i managed to gather around 90 Legends🥰 Download now and join the fun!
I have spent a long time on this game and even into the hundreds of hours playing it. Yes I know O should be doing other things but it's such a good game, yes it has been lacking a lot and it's gotten to the point where having on character makes you really over powered and you can do most content, but they are starting to fix the game and I like that. It's starting to do better on community interaction and that great. All in all I recommend this game and good luck all.
New characters graphics are amazing character sounds are just like the characters it can be repetitive but still enjoyable story follows one piece so of course its good it can be p2w
its a great game. it's enjoyable and they give a pretty good amount of gems for free. if your a One Piece fan i recommend playing it
been playin for nearly 5years. the game is really good and got most legends being basically f2p. if i spend money it's bc i need like one more multi or sum, which is like $20 if a deal is up
Way better than global,got a bunch of legends. [哇噻][哇噻]
前期可以,但是后期确实没什么玩头,当期的副本只有抽到当期的角色才好打,这不明摆着充钱吗,支持一下可以 但是就是抽不到。反正是越来越不良心
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