Reviews(205)Sort by Popularity, English

I.. never though this game was fun and rewarding at the same time, at first i though this is gonna be like any other anniversary game for long running franchise but i was wrong. The gameplay is consisting the same turn based combat like the previous entry but the uniqueness is came from the strategically play, even though you have SS unit or S unit it doesn't mean it will carry you to the end of the story because the enemy can/will wiped out you entire team in one scoop, not because the fact the enemy was difficult to deal with but the game has advantage system like the strategic game. The drawing art act as the reminiscent of the old running franchise is really good and the music is also sounds best. Check this game out if you want the old school rpg game esthetic, and if you are the fan of the series this is the direct sequel to first 2 game so definitely check it out.
I play global and JP, and I started JP with T260's first Omega form banner because I didn't think I'd be able to wait for her to reach global. My rating for the story is based on what little Japanese I can follow in JP ver and a combo of the global localization. Half of my review will also be split between gamer review, and SaGa fan review. Gamer/ Overall: RS RS is a good game. For where JP has updated to recently, I think they've consolidated a lot of the game so it isnt't as overwhelming for newcomers, returning or consistent players. The game is organized well, the UI has been very polished, and it still has a lot going for it. I think some of the art for Styles could be better, but it's usually very quality stuff. The pixels and rendered backgrounds are very nice, and attack animations are getting prettier and cooler. Mechanic wise, the difficulty can be frustrating but not impossible. The base sysyem could be better though. I think the game can't decide between a character's overall power or a single Style's power anymore, and it hit a point where having multiple Styles really is only useful for their inheritable skills. And part of the blame for this is a bad imbalance of what characters get new Styles. If you want a good game to play for meta though, especially for a gacha game, this is one of the best imo. However! The game has a bad habit of favoring new Styles and waiting a long time to rebalance older Styles back up to comparable. Typical gacha baiting, but for this franchise and even how this game sells itself, I think it's a very crap move and lazy decision. The sound quality and music are great, the gacha aspect itself is pretty fair and balanced compared to other games that released around the same time or a little earlier. The one real weakpoint is the writing. The writing here is all over and will have some cool lines and moments, but the writers often seem like they don't know what they're going for and can't keep consistency between any one thing. SaGa fan review: I wanted to play this series for a long time and didn't get to until the Switch ports, so I'm a newer but mildly obsessive fan. As a SaGa game, it's good! But only "good." The graphics are on par with any of the classic games, and the difficulty is there in line with the franchise. Only ItoKen does any new music, and that's fine as a fan, but kinda sad we don't get new music from Hamauzu. (Or even Sasai.) What bothers me about the game is the writing is not at all on par with the rest of the series. Even when the story is limited in the console games, there's something very solid and straight-forward about it that works. The writing is badly paced in RS RS and some console game characaters are even OOC (badly). Between the story and mechanics, there's an obvious bias to RS3 and a little toward 1/2 that can be disappointing at best and irritating at worst. For a while SSG barely got any love and it's kinda like that again now, US barely gets any love and even SaGa 1-3 get neglected unless it's Human Male, the Goddess or kinda Kami. If you really just like RS1-3, the game will be perfect. If you like SF, it might be good but characters like Riki and his route party are largely ignored. Same issue with SF2 if you're not Ginny or Gustave. Rich and Will get some good attention but it's very in-between. Basically, if it's not RS1-3, it's like they rotate what other game to give Styles to and there are still biases among them. Sometimes there's a cool exception, but it is way too rare. If you're an overall series fan and up for a JP game, I much more highly recommend using a VPN to play Imperial SaGa EC. Or both, for the balance, but just know a lot of characters are neglected here.
A very good game, yes its quite grindy, but you can play it casually (i do). The music is very very good, plus they have a jukebox (BGM player) containing the SaGa series musics. My advice on how to play if you're F2P/low budget player: - save gems and only pull gacha on good/great character styles (or if its your fave charcters) - mercy system is at 45k gem pull (this wil give you 15k gacha token of that gacha which you can trade to the character that you want) - dont go around and pull every gacha, research on several japanese wiki on how good the characters are
i love japanese version more than global version, jap version had a lot of event while global had nothing if you want to play Japanese version the best!!!!!
Romancing Saga Re;UniverSe é um RPG desenvolvido pela SquareEnix e tem tudo o que se espera da companhia: gráficos fantásticos (em estilo anime combinado com um pixelar maravilhoso), músicas épicas e envolventes, sistema de combate interessante e elaborado, personagens super estilosos e maneiros, uma história longuíssima. Tudo isso no seu celular! Pra quem curte RPGs como os Final Fantasy clássicos, não perca!!!
I love the retro feel of the game, while it still maintains a clean User Interface. I have not kept up with the series from the time I tried RS3 Almost 25 years ago. Most of the spin-off titles seemed uninteresting up till the RS: Scarlet Grace remake, which I still want to play, but they still have it JP region blocked on STEAM platform. Until then I guess I'll be keeping this in my rotation.
I love the art style and gameplay! This really brings back old school rpg vibes and reminds me of ff brave ex too. The summon pulls feel pretty generous in the beginning. I stopped because I'm too occupied with other games rn. I really hope this gets released in English so I can play it more.
(JP) > ガシャポンのモデル/スタイルが原因で殺された別のライセンス/ゲーム。 (CN) > 由於扭蛋模型/風格而被殺死的另一個許可證/遊戲。 (EN) > Another license/game that was killed due to the gashapon mod/style.
best JRPG with how generous they are, also im not familiar with SaGa series
The SaGa franchise has always had great art and music. It's also well known for being difficult and quirky. I hope the franchise's differences will continue to be celebrated for years to come.
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