I've just installed it and completed the first campaign. Before I say anything further, I must comment on the graphics. The graphics are beautiful! the characters are responsive, and the combat mechanics seem decent. my experience of course, is tainted by the fact that I have no idea what any of the menus do. it took me 20 minutes to find the inventory, and even longer to find out where my gatchas went. I really enjoy this style of game, and am playing Last Cloudia, which is very similar. I'm enjoying that very much primarily because it's in English. I'm certain that if this game had an English patch, I would love it. but until then, it's unplayable because I simply don't understand the storyline, and I can't navigate through the menus for the simplest of things.
oh, by the way. obviously I live in the USA, and I have no need of a VPN. it connected straight away without any problem at all.
Blade X Lord é um RPG com muita cara de Final Fantasy. Normalmente eu não gosto de escrever resenhas de jogos comparando-os a outros títulos, mas nesse caso em especial é difícil evitar o comentário… O jogo é dos mesmos criadores de FF Brave Exvius (o que talvez explique muita coisa).
O jogo tem gráficos muito bonitos e em 3D para personagens e até para as armas e items. A música do jogo é maravilhosa! Só a música já vale o download. Os personagens são bem legais, ao melhor estilo FF: cabelos com cores e cortes inusitados, roupas que parecem misturas de peças diferentes e armaduras variadas, armas enormes e super detalhadas, chefes assustadores e desafiadores, uma história interessante e elaborada, vozes exageradas, ataques, habilidades e magias.
Precisa de mais? Acho que tá bom, né?
Extremamente recomendado pra quem jogou Final Fantasy X em diante!!!
the game's size is 1.41gb. takes about 15 minutes to get through the tutorial.
the only thing amazing about this game is the graphics. everything else is mediocre.
the gacha is 10% for a ssr the only damn problem is that you can roll both units as well as weapons (weapons have a lower chance of being rolled at 4%) every other rarity gives you weapons so that means as of right now all units are ssr. that's complete garbage.
they allow you to do a roll at the beginning for free (not sure if the unit is guaranteed or not) and they then give you 1k of the in game currency so that you can roll another 10roll. there is also 30 tickets that you receive as well.
not really much to say. rpg these days are just the same mechanics with different characters. character illustrations are beautiful, and it even reminds me of granblue, the 3d models not so much (or my phone is just crappy). gameplay is mediocre and you can auto play throughout the battles. gacha is bad imo, you only have one gacha banner that you can use as f2p and the rest are payed gems. but still give it a try, I might spare it for a week.
Guess I really need VPN to continue pass the Start Screen... So made this the First Jpn game i need vpn in order to play, and that's mean forget about it... move on to try other new games.
*P/S: Why the hell deleted the comment when you're so right, clown lightheaded? Didn't you claim would never see global release and went on giving BS of your righteousness?
good game. like that i can auto farm. no need for vpn tho(im from europe lol) . dont understand much japanese but its easy to go around. like that there is a little more higher summon rate and units. overall nice. i play the English version too but i feel the JP one is better atm.
I'm just loving the story, it is a very jrpg type of game giving the same vibe I got from Last Claudia too. The battle is simple real time rpg, a bit like xenoblade kinda, go close for autoattack, use 4 active skills, 3 brave skills from your party member, craft items and use them in battle, debuffs can be a pain so use items, give tactic orders and lastly soul burst which gives fast skill cooldown.
It's also cool you get to pull a free gatcha before downloading the game data, you get a guaranteed character so make sure you get someone you like.
If it wasnt for the fact that it requires VPN, this would really be a great game. The combat feels quite good in hand, even though the 3D models dont really live up to the 2D illustrations.
Equipping different weapons makes actually changes the weapons your character is holding, which in many cases affected what weapons I chose to use (looks > everything).
Really looking forward to a non-VPN version
Game is great overall, I'm enjoying it but only issue I have is that why did my linked account magically get deleted right when I was about to reach my 7 day login ticket lol but oh well, I can always catch back up to where I was at before my account got magically deleted.
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