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too cash heavy bait.. even if you whale you wont get what you want w awful gacha rates.. and to build 1 hero require alot of grinding and materials.. before you finish 1 hero you will find better hero and regret later for all golds, catalysts, runes you wasted Not very friendly game unless you are masochist
Been playing here and there since launch, game has some good points but the bad stuff is just to much that it comes creeping out every time I try to come back to this game. First, is the gacha, this game has the worst gacha system ever! They fixed some of the problems with it at the start, but the rates are still so low that you will be very lucky if you ever get anything good from it. ML and Limited units are everyting in this game, dont trust anyone saying that you can get by with the crappy 3* to 4*, sure, some of them are useful but only when paired with the OP units. ML and Mystic gacha is basically pay to win and the worst thing is that even if you whale you might not get what you want unless you spend thousands of dollars. Which brings another problem, the game devs are soooo greeedy, which makes every package in the store a joke. Then there's the RNG, everyting in this game is made to screw you over with RNG mechanics, might not feel bad at first but once you played enough you will start to burn out of how bad the range is on everyting. Once you realize that the only thing you do in this game is leaving your cellphone all day auto farming it will hit you, theres no meaningful content in this game. Things will turn into a chore once you start reaching endgame. In my honest opinion, try the game if you like anime and stuff, but my advice is not to get too attached to the game since it will chew you up alive, spit you and chew you up again untill you cant go anymore, and for the love of all that is holy, dont spend money in this game!! I honestly dont know why would anyone would spend money in the game packages when they offer a bunch of crap for all the money you are spending. If you can, stay away from this game.
Phenomenal graphics, music, and character design. A lot of people complain about the grind, and yes, endgame grind can be hell. But compared to other gacha games I've played, you're not solely grinding for the summoning currency. You grind for gear, runes, and such to actually build a unit. Story is nice, I personally haven't read to much into main story. Side stories provide a nice insight on units. The Developers are being a bit more responsive than the past. By far my favourite gacha style game. EDIT 1: smilegate is killing the game. Getting good gear is near impossible, content feels more like a chore and is not rewarding at all, new content is lackluster, auto battling is trash. I like this game, I really do, but smilegate is slowly killing it. EDIT 2: Smilegate has made auto battling good now, however the rest of my complaints are still valid. I recently quit because of the garbage gear I was getting, despite the improvements to the equipment conversion. RNG rolls for gear are just frustrating, and it's not fun when you grind the same stage over a thousand times.
Graphic is good, the animation and background is superb been playing GBF, FGO, and now im stuck in this game Since they've added the jap voice over and got some fav seiyuu to note, pretty neat BGM is not that much tho, gbf was great hahaha Gameplay is kind of bland unless you got godlike rng gear rolls and super status Not really into the pvp one, really rigged with that wtf luck on defending AI the RTA is only for heavy grinder, wont stand a chance for casual player always back to square one, God Gear Rolls Some stage is pretty niche, which require certain hero needed to easy clear You can clear with hero X, with hero Y, but still back to the rule 1, God Gear Rolls so its not really helpful not really friendly with beginner or low luck player Gacha rate is good imo, 121 pull, better than 300 pull to guarantee 1 hero You got daily 1 summon, which is really helpful (got lots of good heroes here, during first 3 months of playing i got no *5, but now i have like 65% of all heroes) f2p here which is obtainable within 3 month playing since you get the gacha material around 1000 weekly for f2p could be faster if you get pulling ticket from shop, event, and drops from adventure Some event give very useful *5, not that many tho Pet allows auto battle and gaining odds in the game, also got daily pet summon as well, starts from lv 45 if im not mistaken There is mystic summon (from guild war) and element summon (from guild as well, got 2 *5 here, nice) element started from lv 50 to appear on the summon menu if the guild is not active, better leave it and search for active one for free summon some story was good, some was not just like gbf imo, fgo is better at the story imo just did it daily since i played as usual, and some days with grind fest (during double drops event or some crucial event with nice prize) i had better time than in gbf not that same with fgo but this game is worth a try, the dev is fixing stuff at really slow pace which is kinda worrysome if youre going to play this game, the grinding is like arknight (once you cleared it easily, it will go auto), the gear collecting is like magna grind in gbf (looking for gear drops), the upgrade stuff is like fgo (the material and stuff) if youre not familiar with those games, this game is kinda tiresome good luck and stop playing the one that stop sparing joy game is for refreshment, not the stressor. have a nice day
Just past ch. 1. Art and animation are amazing. Gameplay is somewhat satisfying, but repetitive. Free 10x roll, 30 times once you complete the 1st chapter. Characters and equipments are in the same roll and 1.25% to get characters. 300 dollars doesn't get you a 5*, I've made the mistake for you :) other than the gacha, game is fantastic and emersive with dozens of ways to earn free crystals.
I've played Epic Seven on and off for just shy of 1000 hours. Basically, at the end game content where it's all about this grind. To explain my experience is a debate that would take an actual sitdown. Ive spent enough money to equal paying slightly more than a dollar an hour. I make plenty of money, Im casual as hell and here's what I think. Everything positive and negative people about this one holds merit. Is smilegate a money grubbing bunch of bastards? Basically. Is this game still awesome? Pretty much. Is it pay to win? No, because rng will do it's damndest to give you shit gear. You can throw all your money at it, and E7 RNGesus may not bless you. It's balanced, or some toons are too OP/game breaking. It's all true and it's also not. If you like fantasy anime, you will probably enjoy this game right up until you teeter too far on one side of the smilegate sucks fence or the other. Im slowing down on how much I play, but it's only a matter of time until they add something else awesome to do. It's my favorite guilty pleasure.
alright, as a player who has played nearly 4 years... i shall share my point of view about this game. As we can see in the game preview... it has very its SUPERB animation with no chibi characters. If we compare to other gacha games.. most of the characters are chibis. So I choose Epic 7 bcs of this. For gacha.. well i think it's okay.. with a normal covenant 5* heroes rate of 1% is actually good when compared to other games like fgo, and genshin. And plus, you can actually F2P pity it in all banners. And of course with right technique of spending. (just search in the yt about it). For characters.. in terms of design wise.. YES IT IS AWESOME! Though there is some issue before like the censoring issue, the developer team manage to handle it. Plus the character is not chibi and it seems pretty cool. To note that, not all characters is a must have especially ML5s. Well, I have been playing for a long time with previous arena has many toxic ML5 such as Apocalypse Ravi, Conqueror Lilias, Belian and bla bla.. there are not important but if you have them it's a bonus. However, I have proven it by hitting Champ in last season with good draft in RTA and I don't have those good ML5s. Just play with convenant heroes and with good gearing.. then everything can be handled. Just search in YouTube for good convenant heroes. Gear - well it's all about RNG and gold spending management. Even whale have troubles with gearing. It's all about dedication and passion. Arena - for normal arena... well you can hit legend easily with good gewrs and team comps and a bit of RNG on your side. But you it is not easy to maintain the legend position. RTA/ World Arena - it is toxic and you must be prepared for it. Dont dive in without proper gear and characters comps. Dont be suprised with opponents insane gear and dont blame the game for it's unfainess (unless speed RNG and other RNGs). Sometimes RNG is good and sometimes it is not. Play the game if you want to know. To note that, most opponents will use ML5s to oppress you, so try close the gap by having better gear and comps and right preban and ban Btw. you can easily becomes rich in this game. Try search Astranox on YouTube to know about the tech. Overall.. just try it first for a few months.. burnout from farming is normal..but if you feel the game is not right for you then try to find other game. Not everyone has same opinion on this game, some can be positive or negative. Thank you for reading
Do not listen to these scrubs that rate this game lower just because they suck at playing. First of all, The gacha is very good. Why? Because it has a pity system. You can farm gacha currency easily if you do your research properly. (seriously, talk to vets on the community and learn at your own pace) once you get the hang of it, gacha will no longer scares you. Second, PvP isn't P2W at all. There are F2P in the highest rank in PvP so if they can do it, you can do it too. You just need to be smart on your decisions and grind hard for your gears. Third, PvE is also super fun plus there are tons of events that give you many stuff to make your life easy. Fourth, With the new update you can now get a free ML 5 star for free of your choice. (This is a game changer because Arby is among the choices and one of the most broken units in the game and you can get him for free! that's insane) Trust me, this game is so much better now compare to when it was release. It is super F2P friendly now. I used to avoid this game because of the bad reviews but still gave it a shot and after learning the game, I realized how dumb those reviews are. I used to main FGO but after playing this game, I quit FGO and Epic 7 is now my main game! 10/10 give it a try!
I had played a lot of gatcha games of all type and languages including english, japanese, korean and also dmm games. Epic Seven is the best game I played so far. Some people may have toxic thoughts about this game gatcha rate and rng stuffs but hey, that does not matter if you just want to chill and enjoy a gatcha game. The graphic in this game is absolutely supreme to other games, almost every hero have their animation on ulti skill. They also have a journal system for revision of stories and collectable in game scenes. The music is what lead me to this game at first, the lobby music is so good that make you wanting to hear it over and over again. Yes, every unit have their own voice line in English, Japanese and Korean. It have a down point as 2 or more unit being hit by aoe, their voice collapse and it a bit chaos. The story is not enormous so far, it grows slow and adding bit to bit but if you look close enough, you will find it very interesting and cute. Every unit have their own role and building strategies which need to combine with other units to form a team of 3 or 4. So there is nonsense if someone say that a Moonlight 5 star unit is better than a 3 star unit, other game may, but not in this game. Gatcha is about saving to an enough amount and spend them all on a unit you really want. There are basically three type of gatcha currency in this game 1. Convernant Bookmark - which is for premium summon and new unit banner summon 2. Galaxy Bookmark - which is a bonus accquire from Millege of Convenent summon and other event of game. This can be use to summon a guarantee 3-5 star moonlight unit. 3. Mystic Medal - which you can get from guildwar, secret shop, login and some event. This is where people mainly get their Moonlight 5 star unit because it have a guatantee system with no reset regardless of changing banner until you get the ML5 unit in it. Certainly, you can clear all PVE contents with a team of nat 3 star unit. PVP need alot of investment and strategy so it may be a bit hard for new comers. For grinding: Clear main story and weekly event give you tons of skystone. Imo, I use those skystone to refresh the secret shop cause it can give you mystic medal sometime.Not recommended if you dont have tons of gold. Averagely 2 months you can 121 convernant summon Averagely 4 months you can 201 mystic summon. Galaxy bookmark come from events and login. So dont be worry, it just a bonus anyway. In conclusion, just enjoy the game.
It's not even a month I played this game. my review for this game is the game was good enough for people who likes to collect the heroes. I already finished the Episode 2 last week with only (Kayron,Ray,Tywin,and ml charlotte). I got a lot *5 on my Asia and Korean server. I don't get my luck on Global and Eu server. I knew this game since last year but decide to play the game this month my friend keep showing me that Kayron faceಥ‿ಥ I fell for him and decide to go for it to get him. Finally I got him after 7 days playing from *4/*5 summon ticket. After that I keep getting lucky, got Ravi, Tywin, Destina, Chloe, Aramintha, Ml charlotte, Basar, Vivian and Kawerik from the previous banner and Ray from ML krau mystic banner. I got him 2 copies from the 2nd and 8 pull and decide I won't getting ML krau after 2 copies of Ray :( I'm f2p player, I only bought leift pack once because I don't have enough energy for grind greater runes for speciality exchange adventure ras. Overall this game is really good and entertaining for me. You girls can get your husb or boys can get their waifu. There are so many option if you don't having fun with this game. I forgot to mention that smilegate always listen to the community. It will takes sometimes for them to fix some problem in the game but it would be good to be supportive. Now my goal in this game is I need to get Rikoris no matter what it takes. I will whale for him hoping that I didn't get any *5 ml on ml summon because I only have one chance༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
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