Reviews(173)Sort by Popularity, English

ok, so i played it.... tbh its a nice game with star ocean(console) feel like battle gameplay though for whatever reason even i have a good phone when in-battle the battle is somewhat going slow-mo(i dunno if it has something to do with device compatibility) though its understandable since its just still new and hopefully sooner or later the devs will adjust the game for a better smooth gameplay. Overall its a good game and if you can handle the slow-mo(sometimes) battles then please continue, maybe some of you got a very high specs device that can easily bypass the lags and such then you have yourself a very quality game.
This game is great. The big concern is that this game require a lot on spec. If your phone isn't better LG v30, then this might not be for you. For gameplay, it took all elements from Alchemists game, improve it. Everything could be controlled by one hand which is what I love the most, but the criticise that I have would be the movement controller. I wish it could be less sensitive. Overall this game is great. It's one of the best this year after Idolm@ster shiny colors because these two games invent the new play style. Even if they didn't invent, but it's sure as hell that they improve it.
This is one of the best freeware games I have ever played. Grimms Echoes used to be free-to-start, but in August 2021 was rereleased as full freeware. The whole game is offline too, you don't have to have an internet connection to play it. There aren't even any ads or anything. Grimms Echoes is an absolutely massive Action RPG. Like most gacha games, raising your cards well, expanding your collection, and choosing appropriate cards for each battle is the key to victory. However in Grimms Echoes you can also make up for weak cards by skillfully dodging enemy attacks. Any card can be acquired in the highest rarity, so you never run into a situation where a character you like becomes unviable because they're too common. The game has a couple dozen characters, and they all play differently. The first two chapters of the game are extremely easy, but by the start of chapter 4 you have dozens of challenging boss fights available, each giving rewards worthy of their difficulty. The game is packed to the brim with content, and because there's no stamina system you're free to play it at whatever pace you like. The story has a bit of a rough start but recovers fast and well. It's quite melodramatic but also has a lot of small character moments. If you've enjoyed Kingdom Hearts's story I think you'll feel right at home. The soundtrack is beautiful but I wish it was larger. Due to the game's length you will end up hearing the same songs over and over again. It is what it is. Grimms Echoes is one of the best RPGs I've played by any metric. If I'd bought this game for $60 I would have thought I was getting a great deal. To receive a game of this size and caliber for free is bonkers. I heavily recommend Grimms Echoes to anyone at all who likes RPGs and either already knows Japanese or is interested in learning it.
great game. look like this game based on grim notes where I like their char design, I didnt like it 2D sprites and how stiff they are. seeing that game become like this really make me happy. so far the game really enjoyable. despite how great the game it still have few issue tho. not sure if it not exist or I didnt know where to find it but we cant check where to get certain materials. another one daily mission didnt have image of item we need, shorcut to craft section if it crafting mission, or place where we can get them. for example it ask me find cold/frost flower but mission page didnt show hint where we can farm it. hope they do QoL updates on this asap. another one, what happen if we get dupes from gacha? I know they turn to point that allow us increase character lvl cap but is it only that?
Haven't gotten far in the game yet but here is my thoughts so far: The 3d models are adorable and the environment looks lovely. Don't really have any complaints on graphics and sounds. Being able to perfectly dodge enemy attacks is the most satisfying part of the battle system. The ai for the party members isn't much of a problem thanks to being able to give them orders/tactics. There's a nice variety of weapon types so you can find a playstyle that goes with your tastes (granted that you get one from the gacha or from the dungeons). Progression for characters involves needing dupes (for the pts it gives) ,gold and AP(acquired from fights and picking up materials). Due to this it might be best to reroll for 2 4* or a bunch of 3* for less grind. skipping storyline cuz I can't read jp well Value: oh boy, the current gacha doesn't even have a guaranteed 3* on 10-pull... You are in the complete mercy of rng. At least some characters are farmable (from what I've seen)
frame drop made this game almost unplayable theres no setting to lower the graphic for the content it is consist of hard grinding of leveling and ability points (ap) ap is used for all, characters skill level up and main characters passive skill tips : make sure to spend your gold for potions early game really need potions if you want to progress without going back to checkpoint everytime your health low the enemies hit hard and the frame drop made it a bit hard to dodge so make your parties with a dagger/1 handed sword/spear type to be easier to dodge game is like console rpg so there is no energy and map isnt stage type, you get to full roam of map per episode just think like kingdom heart
Game looks beautiful, sounds beautiful, and seems pretty fun from what i've played so far. They really need to work on optimizing how it runs though, i'm using an S8 and while I run it just fine, it does make my phone a bit hotter than anything else i've played..which is pretty odd because i've played games that are definitely more heavy on the graphics than this. If your phone is more than a couple years old it's possible it'll be borderline unplayable, otherwise I recommend it.
This game looked great & play somewhat similar to traditional RPG with exploration & dungeon crawling rather than traditional menu-based mobile games, but it's very laggy on my phone sadly. The game recommend Android 7 phone with 3GB RAM, and there's no option to adjust graphic quality. If you're lagging, there's no helping it other than getting better phone. The game works with latest version of Nox app player now, although it's very laggy.
Game looks great! Hoping for English version.
amazing game. fun. wow -me (20/12/20) update log. Characters are noisy so I mute. Gameplay is fun to me. Theres autoplay and (*flash farm chars) for lazy play. Lots to grind. I dunno about story since i dunno jap. One of the storylines i felt was really good, as i could feel the emotions just from the pictures. But the 3D smiling models in storyline feel very creepy. Gacha is smart, but the rates is... special. Square pls eat $$$$. Daily missions are more generous and beginner friendly (maybe) now, since streamlined towards do daily freebies. The powercreeping is real apparent. PVP (Arena) is very lenient, and easy once you figure out team composition. Theres (complete all) button to clear towers, and ship (exploration). Slider bar for buy items and use AP & bread. But still no slider bar for the dildo shape building. Most lag since release have been fixed. Unexplored maps in caves/sewers caused lots of lag when they were released. Partially fixed, but still laggy. Lots of enemies spawning in battle cause lots of lag. DEVs at least bothered to improve the game, rather than leave it laggy. So i give 5 star rating.
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