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Better than love live
basically Guitar Hero, but with waifus
This game is super awesome! The storyline is good, the characters are kawaii and best of all, the songs are superb! I can't resist to just sing along!! I love the gacha too but the dreamfest gacha is kinda like a lie because the drop rates of 4 star cards are higher than any other gacha but I just seem to just get 1 4 star.. (I was hoping more.. [大哭]) Other than that, the game overall is great! [色色]
BanGDream GBP features 25 characters, 5 of each belonging to one of the game's 5 bands. They are depicted using Live2D, rather nicely at that, and also as chibi's that are also well animated. The music spans from original content to cover songs of many different popular songs, and the list is constantly updated as new events occur every week. The gameplay is typical of the mobile rhythm game genre, though personally it's the music that keeps me coming back. However, I do find the game difficult to play at times, so it's highly recommended you play on a smaller device like a smartphone for the best experience. There's a main story following all the bands putting together a cooperative concert, as well as stories for each band and even more stories for events, all fully voiced. The gacha is rather expensive and F2P players will have a tough time getting enough for a full pull. Overall, it's definitely a great rhythm game for BanGDream fans!
Tbh, I'm not a fan of Garupa's character design coz they look like junior high students to me and Ako, a grade school student. But the music is GREAT - I love all of them, especially the covers. Also, all of the characters are lovable - I can't tell you how many times these girls made me cry. I do have complaints about the connection though. There are times when it tells me that I lost connection but my WiFi is fine and I also find it hard to earn stars now that I've finished reading the stories and area conversations. I also have issues with the gachas, but it's not so bad that it prevents me from enjoying the game and loving it. Do I recommend it? YES, YES and YES 😊
I love this game! A lot. By the way there's no real explanation like the pros and cons, and are just opinions I wanted to share. Just in case you're assuming. It doesn't look... good either. I'll keep this short, I think, but anyway, the overall sfx of the game are nice to hear and just like how sekai does, some of the charts melt my brain with the sfx. Though this only applies to note sfx 3... if that's the right term. God damn it I hate terminology. I love the characters and bands too. Some of them don't have much depth, but they are still quite likable for their personality, looks, maybe for their voice too. Morfonica and MyGO are personally my favorite bands because they're either silly, adorable, and/or relatable. And their stories personally appealed to me more than the others. Plus Morfonica has Mashiro in it. Anyway, I can't wait for MyGO to release in this server because their story and characters are so well-written and full of depth, and their cards look good! The anime about them is literally a damn masterpiece with lots of depth, a really stressful build up leading up to ep 10 that I did NOT like at all, and great character development (imo ofc). I think you guys went just a *liitle* too hard on creating them. They deserve all the popularity they have. I love the music too. I think this is because of my preference for more strong-sounding stuff. As of now, I can't decide which ones would be my favorite because they're just so damn good. The cards in other gacha games are really cool and all, but Bandori's just hit different. They make me ascend to heaven and it's like my soul got snatched the moment I saw some permanent card that definitely does NOT look like a permanent card. It even has what some people call Kirameki Festival cards, that have LITERAL CUTSCENES and beautiful artwork after said cutscene. (and btw my favorite is Sky-Colored Sea) Another thing though... SHIRO MY BELOVED 😭😭😭 I am willing to spend (more like waste tbh) all of my effort, blood, sweat, tears, money, and sanity just to dedicate myself to you and feel the pure bliss of having lots of Mashiros, more Mashiro titles, entirely Mashiro-themed decorations in multilive, Mashiro event titles, and knowing that I truly love Shiro-chan with all of my heart and existence. I beg of you, PLEASE give me all the Mashiro cards and ALL OF THEM, gacha gods. And not only her but the entirety of Morfonica. In fact, it is a need. I have done nothing very wrong to experience such horrid luck and I don't think this is too much to ask. Please don't steal all my money (pixels on a screen shaped like a star with a number beside it) that I earned from pure hard work, endurance, and dedication. (please send help)
I'm really a fan of rhythm games (mostly games that has same concept with Piano tiles). Honestly, I only Installed this game since they covered song which I've already known. but damn, even their original is also amazing especially Roselia and RAS. I'm also a type of person that as long as it has cute girls in it, it is an Auto Install for me. Pros: -Cute Girls(Still Rimi Best Girl) -Amazing Ui -Challenging Charts(Flicks and Slides are the usually what i hate) -Music is good(especially the Covers) -Amazing Artworks(also love their chibi ver.) -Story is an ok I guess(I usually skip them for free gems) Cons: -Not really recommend with low end phones really laggy -Gacha rate up(usually in event banner) is a lie, Just save when there is DreamFes or a Collab Event Update: Stan/Stanning is a cringe word... (Seriously who came up of those words) Pls stop get some help...
currently my favorite gacha/rhythm game!! :D ive been playing it for a few months now and i absolutely adore the girls, especially misaki. the songs are bops and the card art is terrific!! one thing that i really dont like about it is the gacha rates and lag [大哭] i wasted around 22.5k for the re:zero collab and i only got an ako 💔 the lag is so-so. sometimes its very difficult to play a song but other times it runs really smoothly?? i don't know if this is just on my device. i haven't really read the story so ive put n/a, but as far as ive heard it's good :] tl;dr: i love the game and the girls, gacha and lag sucks.
Bandori is a lovely game. It has an outstanding, consistent artstyle and beautiful cards, with relatively good scouting rates. The game relies on chibis for Live Shows and animated 2D models for some of the menu screens and the stories, which is a solid mix in my opinion. They have a very wide range of music, including a lot of covers of well-known music used in anime. The gameplay is pretty challenging in my opinion, you won't be able to FC many songs at first, so it takes a lot of practice. Farming stars in this game can be a bit of a challenge, as you need to spend a lot of tickets on weak cards to be able to unlock their stories (that give out stars), so it's balanced, but your access to the items that you spend on the cards to train them are limited, which makes farming unpleasent at times. The characters and bands all have their very own individual stories as well as mixed band "crossover" stories, which is pretty cool. The major flaw I see with the stories for the individual bands is that they seem repetitive, which makes you loose interrst in some of the characters. Some story chapters deliver a lot of character development, while others just seem pretty dull. And the anime sadly doesn't really give any character too much of a noticeable development either, as it tries to focus on all 30 characters at once. Overall, this game has a lot to offer! Due to the common pairings of the characters in their bands they don't really grow too much as characters, but still remain loveable. I think from a personal standpoint I lost a bit of interest in it because I expected more from both the anime and the game's story, but it's a beautiful game and amazing franchise regardless.
gameplay, story, characters and especially MUSIC are amazing!!! stopped to play it for around 4 months i think? but now that im back i really fell inlove again!! ITS JUST SO AMAZING!! I really love it especially the music as i said before ,my fav bands are Rosalia and Hello happy world and also Raise a suilen(mostly because of the songs) but what i find very fun in this game is the gameplay, even though i very deeply and passionately in my heart hate the slides,but if you get them right its not a problem!! you just need to get used to the pain:) also the story is decent i guess, the graphic is very very good! i really like the art style of the cards, theyre just so so sooo pretty!! and gorgeous!! [開心] Also... WHEN WILL I GET A POWERFUL YUKINA 4*?? [大哭]
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