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i have been playing this game for 30 hours total ingame time for 5 days now. I gotta says this is a HUGE GEM!. The reason why. PROS No enegry to do any missions compared to other app games , you can play from morning till night with no limits. Fast pace button mashing , easy to play but gets harder for those high level bosses, good for challenges. Gacha is so so , Epic Seven and FGO is far worst tbh. For me the gacha is meh out of 40 tickets gotten 4, 4 stars units. Very F2P friendly , usually the people complain is the gacha for 4 star characters due to level max higher but either way its possible to do with 3 stars as long your squad is stacked with good gear. Tips what i learned from playing. Get good gear at the hexagon map , super high rewards , difficulty for some hexagon have a chance to drop high level gear end gear however each gear is specific for certain characters. just keep farming from there for me, my 3 men squad group have all the end gear stuff after 5 days of playing 6 hours a day. All of them are level 70 to 65. Please do the event missions and get those material drops , exp drop , money , for me i dont bother with the cosmetic. You really need alot of this materials to make your gear to 4 stars. For the fighting aspect i rather level everyone in my squad together and have one high level character but not too far from the others so incase if your strongest went down , your other characters can at least have a fighting chance. CONS BULLCR*P boss fights. Bosses in the lvl 60 to lvl 80 fights are absolutely crazy , if your character have a low speed compared to higher speed characters. Your just gonna get yourself killed , make sure you have one fast unit in your squad like dodging lazers everywhere while they are tracking you with thier aimbot mechanics. BOSS AOE is super dumb u cant escape , there is a high chance you will get hurt from it. Some bosses will purposely fly out of the arena zone while spamming HUGE amount of lazers at you. so you have no choice but to go close as possible so that you weapon can actuall hit the boss. Bosses will purposely time your Ultimate kill move for example when i try to do my ulti on the boss , he would go immune for that whole ulti until its finish so some cases i recommed only for ulti when the red numbers shows at the top of the boss. Materials are very scarce when there isnt any events giving you or sold out when you brough the whole materials for that event exchange rewards. OVERALL i still love this game , i personally played on the DMM player PC version which they can transfer from pc to phone for the account data. But to you get the DMM player u need a DMM acc and a vpn to japan also changing your computer time zone which u can check tutorials online on how to make a DMM account. For the account transfer to phone to pc cause DMM dont accepte google play accounts , you got to check reddit or tutorial site. I hope my opinion was useful and have fun with the game.[不滿][開心][微笑] Thanks for reading till the end! ✌
this game gacha rate make me want to stop playing srsly its has been 1 and half month i play this game. getting just 1 scout ticket are so hard, and the gacha really bad drop rate (even worse than fgo) tbh i love this game uniq game play and voice actor but after saving 35 ticket and they only give 3* its really break my motivations, you know this game log in bonus are trash and you need atleast 2 days daily to get 1 scout ticket, if you telling me to top up dude, make it english first then make it global + SEA server, if i can buy your gem i can do it, iLL POUR MY MONEY TO COLOPL CEO FACE just for my waifu goddam it, this is suck
可以用螢幕翻轉軟體橫過來玩 像是rotation control或screen rotation等等 不過UI相對會變小 還是推薦在電腦上使用
こんにちは!日本語を学んでいるとのことで、理解できるように心掛けます。 まず、1週間で合計30時間以上、このゲームをプレイしていますが、それは本当に素晴らしいゲームだと感じています!以下はその理由です: このゲームは他のアプリゲームと異なり、エネルギーシステムがないので、朝から夜まで制限なくプレイできます。 ゲームプレイは高速なボタン連打を伴い、簡単に遊べますが、高レベルのボスに立ち向かうと挑戦が増します。挑戦を求めるプレイヤーにとって最適です。 ガチャシステムについては、まあまあだと感じています。Epic SevenやFGOほど酷くはありません。100枚のチケットから4つ星のユニットしか出ないプレイヤーもいるかもしれませんが、私は初心者の運で4つ星のキャラクターが5体手に入りました。 ゲームは非常にF2P(無料プレイ)に対応しています。4つ星のキャラクターを手に入れるのが難しいと文句を言う人もいますが、3つ星のキャラクターでも良い装備を持たせれば、十分に戦えることができます。 以下は私がプレイして学んだいくつかのコツです: 1. 六角形のマップから良い装備を手に入れましょう。報酬が非常に高く、一部の六角形では高レベルの最終装備が手に入るチャンスがあります。ただし、装備は特定のキャラクターにのみ適用されることを覚えておいてください。十分な収穫をすることで、私は2日間で1日18時間以上プレイすることで、3人組のチームの全員にレベル60から79までの最終装備を手に入れました。 2. イベントミッションに参加して、素材や経験値、お金を手に入れましょう。これらの素材は装備を4つ星にアップグレードするために重要です。キャラクターのレベルアップに関しては、私はチームの全員を同じレベルに保つことを好みます。最も強力なキャラクターが倒れた場合でも、他のキャラクターには戦うチャンスが残ります。 さて、欠点について話しましょう: ボス戦は挑戦的で、時にはイライラすることもあります。特にレベル60から80の戦闘では、ボスは非常に強力で、スピードが重要な要素です。キャラクターのスピードが高速キャラクターより遅い場合、すぐにやられてしまいます。チームにはボスのレーザーを避け、aimbotの仕組みでボスを追跡できる高速なユニットを少なくとも1体配置することが重要です。 もう1つの厄介な点はボスのAOE(エリア攻撃)です。これからは逃れることはできず、かなりのダメージを受けることになります。 一部のボスは、アリーナゾーンから飛び出して大量のレーザーを連射する戦術を使います。これにより、ボスにできるだけ近づかなければならない場合もあります。 ボスは必殺技のタイミングを計って、技を発動している間は無敵になります。場合によっては、必殺技を使う前にボスの上部に赤い数字が表示されるのを待つ方が良いでしょう。 最後に、素材はイベントで提供されない場合やイベントの交換報酬が売り切れた場合、不足することがあります。 それでも、私はこのゲームがまだ大好きです。 私の意見が役立ったことを願っています。ゲームを楽しんでください!最後まで読んでいただき、ありがとうございました。 .... アカウントをこのゲームに紐付けるのを忘れてしまい、今アップデートのせいで全ての進行が失われてしまいました。 .... 大丈夫です。少し落ち込んでいるかもしれませんが、大丈夫です。 どうしてなのかは分かりませんが、もう一度最初から始めることに決めた時、前回よりも本当に運が良かったです。ガチャの最初の引きで4つ星のキャラクターを2つ手に入れ、さらに多くの報酬ももらいました。まあ、もう一度最初から始めることになるのかもしれません。 ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Made by the same team behind other games like DariusBurst or Busou Shinki Battle Masters (2 incredible games) this game does not dissapoint, fast paced gameplay, almost if not console-like, very intuitive controls, amazing OST, very enjoyable characters, insanely good storyline, events for a variety of sagas. There are better reviews than mine, but I hate typing on phones, so just read someone else's, let's just say that if you are into mecha, especially for "Mecha Musume" like the before mentioned Busou Shinki, Megami Device, Frame Arms Girl, and others like Strike Witches, you can't go any wrong with this game, at all.
one of COLOPL's masterpiece, just the downside its potrait view, it would be better if it comes with landscape or an option to change the point of view
I love everything about it!! All the updates so far have fix most of the problems(which not really a big issue) and even improve the game. Though I use to have problem with changing enemy target. I can only change target to an enemy in front of me and can't change target to the one behind or out of my view. When this happen, I often got stuck on locking on to an enemy way~ further out of my reach in front while being hit by nearby enemy I can't see.. but then I just bring a sniper in my team all the time so it's no longer a problem. I never spend a money on this game and I don't even need a 4☆ Actress to fully play the game. All of my friends who I recommended to really like this game too. Overall; Love it soo much!! Thank you for such a wonderful masterpiece!! Keep up the good work! Gatcha is not the problem. Just stick with whoever answer your call. I'm still with Yotsuyu. And yea, I have no problem reading Japanese.ヾ(´▽`)
Alice Gear Aegis is like a character action game, probably closest to a mecha game really! Combat has you controlling your Alice Gear girl, dodging incoming attacks and shooting enemies. You hold down on your touchscreen, then let go and tap once your shot is powered up. The game auto-locks for you though, so you can focus on dodging and timing your actual power shots. And when you're close enough, you can tap to melee. And there's a surprising amount of different weapons to use! I went with a giant hammer and an assault rifle. So I was able to hit hard and fast from a distance, but then close the distance and smack enemies hard! [哇噻] As for the graphics, they're fully 3D! All of the girls are super cute and fully voiced, so the production values are high! Also, I noticed that despite the 3D characters and backgrounds and all the effects going on, the game ran super smooth on my phone! Which surprised the heck out of me! And for value, the game rewards you with scouting tickets if you play and complete objectives. Since it's also an action game, I haven't had any trouble completing levels. Each girl and weapon has different advantages / disadvantages, so as long as you're practicing and getting better, you shouldn't have any trouble! Definitely give this game a try if you want some solid action and impressive 3D visuals on your mobile device!
The game is quite good, here's my take : pro: it's fun, the game it self are quite generous and buying gems are completely optional. the OST are good and the CoOP aspect are quite great as well. every Actress ( the characters ) have this special dedication to their design starting from their story, their armors, their best usages and cons, their personality, making them unique to each other, it was great and I applaud their dedication on it. cons: well... I did said buying gem are optional, but let's get real, as F2P you'll farm a lot... like quite a lot, you'll need a bit resilient will to keep at it all the times until you get some result and after reaching some point ( at least for now ) it felt like you've seen it all, diminishing a bit will. the rates are... quite questionable, of course if you use gems, you get a special rate-up, so there's that P2W aspect. as such you need to come in terms that you can't always get what you want even after all the farms you did.
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