Reviews(113)Sort by Popularity, English

It's a strategy turn based game, but there's a lack of chances to use skills, and a lack of unit mobility. The game play is boring, so expect to buy a lot of「10 x Skip Tickets」(in game currency). These allow you to run a stage many times in a few seconds just to collect the job advancement materials. I do like that you can max out character abilities pretty quickly, given you open your game daily. The dailies give you a ton of energy to dump into job material & character shard collecting. Skip Tickets are an absolute must buy for grinding materials. A few systems in this game seems to be premium-centric, like the equipment crafting system. In the months I played, I never got any materials to craft a single equipment. The story is garbage and drags on for too many chapters.... How long can they drag on this "hero" & "justice" speal? I wish they shortened the unbearably long plot and put in filler episodes instead.. But I guess if you're playing this, it's not for the story..
Been playing this for almost 3 years now and gotta say, it really has it's ups and downs. The use of 3D models is neat, just that it eats up way too much storage that it turned my phone solely used on gaming now... The soundtrack is nice too, but could really use a new theme song since it's 5 years old now... Personally, I just adore the turn by turn gameplay since my brain can't handle too much movement all at once in fighting game, and I'm glad that we have mechanic update at the same time I hate them since these mechanics become staple too quickly... the story is decent and then it isn't, not to mention that there is high priority to the pre-Main Story stories which sucks since I really want to move on the what the hell happens in the present time... Grinding gems is relatively okay but then there's just way too many limited stuff to go on about, some if not most of which are meta but you may have to be a whale or a very patient person to get them... Bottomline, it's decent but still some improvements
Easily one of the best mobile gacha game ive ever played so far. The gameplay mechanic is entertaining as it need player to be strategically competent. The background story gives the character much more in depth and personality and I like that each of their story intertwining, creating a huge lore. The community is active too, with chat rooms available for players to interact and help each other. The gacha is fairly generous in in this game, something that I took comfort of Not everything is perfect though in this game. Almost like any other player, i find that the need to grind in this game is so much higher than any other games. Auto battle feature and skip tickets help to alleviate that problem but in my opinion, it is still not enough. Even with the said feature, I need to spend at least an hour everyday in one sitting to clear out the daily events and farming all the character shards (that I intend to levelup). And that is only the daily necessities that i have to do everyday. With numerous events and challenges coming monthly I need to spend a lot more time, more than what I can manage to give. I stopped playing for a while to focus on my life and when I came back, it seems I was heavily punished as a lot of new mechanics appeared and the increase in level cap means I have to grind again for the unit that I have maxed before, in addition to the unit that have yet to be maxed. All in all, I wholeheartedly believe that this is a great game, but only if you have the time to invest on it
TAC has a very good story. Many disagrees, here's why (Not trying to spoil any of the story content, but eh... Mild spoiler alert) -The story is too long that people got bored on the first chapter, but they never been in the good part At first i also thought the story was trash, and I'm only here for the collab units... then i started Sacred Stone Memories story. It was good, kinda long but good. -Some stories fragments are an event, which means they're not available if you miss it. -Babel stories are good too, but the missions are sometimes too hard with a forced team setup, a weak one. Most of the vilains are not evil at heart, so sometimes it gets so emotional that we see them fight each other, holding on to their logics and what they believe is right. They has their own sad, and tragic story Even i still think the main story is not so good compared to the other, so i skipped story of chapter 2 & 3 for faster progress but kinda regret it because one story mode links to another. The gameplay also boring for newbies with only a few units, but when you maxed a full team (including enlightment) for 1 element, you'll get excited to raise more units. Well, i think it is already too late to start this game now, but if you have some incredible patience you'll get the fun.... after you're done grinding for a long time. But they also change the newbie missions and rewards, so maybe it won't be as hard as before to grow stronger. New players will likely have some hard times on event quests, and might need to throw a few gems on mp quests. Just know when to roll and don't try to push your luck. Saving is always better than giving a shot at a banner without guarantees. Well you need to try it yourself to fully understand the value of gems here. I recommend new players to learn about units first, their role, and how hard it is to collect their gears and mementos. For me, it's all worth it. Really, they has good 2D arts, good story, enjoyable theme and they optimize units time to time. In short, enjoying this game requires time.
FFT style gameplay, artworks are amazing but the 3d models look a bit old now. Story is quite good by gacha standards. Worth picking up if you're willing to spend some money (level packs, monthly card), otherwise you can completely ignore the summon section of the game for months at a time since you won't have enough currency to do the 7 and 9 step banners, which guarantee you goodies from the last step. The game also runs paid banners every weekend, and those are usually objectively the cheapest way of getting things. This all doesn't mean f2p life is impossible, just that you will mostly have to use normal, non-limited characters. Nothing wrong with that for all non-competitive part of the game. Also, this is a long game. Even if you whale you still will raise most your characters via farmable shard quests, which approximately take 6 months to bring one character to a playable level. So you will have to level them in batches, farming maybe 20 characters at a time (otherwise AP issues). Early game is still pretty fun though, if you love working with what you got. Grinding is not manual. Stages that can be skipped with skip tickets end in a second, those that can't can still be auto-battled, assuming your team is strong enough. However it's still a fairly time consuming game in the beginning when you are not in fact, strong enough, therefore if you're a busy person this might not be the game for you. If you're interested, find the game's tierlist, as well as news section, and pick a good moment to reroll for a good limited (potk, crystal of reunion, brave frontier collabs, genesis), even if you plan to spend. Read guides to avoid doing stupid stuff like using limited character shards to limit break. Or be brainless and ask to spoonfeed you in discord without ever understanding why you're doing what they tell you to do. Send a friend request to QVSB5S35 for an early game carry :) Or to Nivenfaal#6220 on discord if you want to talk. Hope this review helps you decide whether to pick it up or not.
this is very good its make me remember old game and here the old game is evolved being better and great
been playing this game since it realese on global, absolutely loving playing[色色]
I really like this game although a specific unit made me move to the JP version since it was so cancerous, it made strategy obsolete. I heard from my little brother that it was nerfed but somehow it only had a tiny change to it. Going to rate 5☆ since I'm still addicted to this. But I only play the JP one.
I was a veteran for like 5 years since the disgaea event. i am still greiving (ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु
The game is good, not bad and not good either. The story is great. It is one of those FFT games and yet the strategy, which is the good part in these type of games, is rare in this game. Babel Chronicles is what makes this, in my opinion, great strategy-wise, it's not the same 'strong unit obliterates map you win'
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