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A really good rhythm game with a heckin weird storyline that I have been playing for over a year now and I am still having a lot of fun. Currently at ptt 11.40 as of right now. It introduces a new gimmick called Sky Input where there are notes coming towards you from the top portion of the screen and really fun idea that can make up a whole variety of chart designs in this game. but pls note that you have to play money to play this game at its full potential and i do not recommend for casual players, especially when playing the Future/Beyond difficulties. [難過] also i need to tell you that PREGG BAD and Modelista good [厲害] and lowiro pls bring bacc chunithm partner events i want chuni penguin Edit: July 16..... THE LOWIRO GODS HAVE ANSWERED MY PRAYERS AAAAA
It's a very challenging game but it is possible with thumbs since I've tried it but yes, sometimes it doesn't register my taps, especially the sliders (also you can play until present with thumbs but future, no [暈]) Pro's 1. Different game from any other rhythm game I've played, has sky notes which I adore [色色] I have no other pro's I can say about it [耍帥] Con's 1. It's very hard if you use thumbs, especially future mode, but it is possible [暈][暈] 2. It sometimes doesn't register your taps even though you're just a bit further from the tap line [驚訝] 3. Idk if I can get memories without paying for REAL money, so I guess it's a con But well, I love this game so I do recommend it [微笑]
I would sell my soul to the devil if I had to so I could continue playing this absolute masterpiece of a game. [ The story ] I'm not much of a person that's interested in lore, but Arcaea's is interesting, wacky, and so on. [ The gameplay ] The greatest thing about the game. It's so smooth, almost guaranteed to be inspired massively by Sound Voltex, I haven't checked though, but Sound Voltex is cool too so y'know. But even then, the charting (especially in the harder charts) utilizes the fact, that Arcaea's arcs can also move vertically, and the existance of sky notes and traces, making it play and just look much more different than Sound Voltex charts (and the non-existance of the fx buttons that Sound Voltex has). [ The graphics ] Very nice - the effects are smooth, the whole game just looks great. [ The sound ] I don't know about the hitsounds since I play with them off, but the sound effects for things like the slide thing sliding open and closed when transitioning to a chart or from it, etc. Also the offset calibration thing sounds nice, but I doubt that's something you'd spend a lot of time in. [ The value (money vise) ] You can play this game as a F2P, which is nice, but it is quite grindy, especially if you are, as mentioned, F2P, which is kind of a pain in the butt for people like me, that don't like grinding (generally). Also you've got more than 100€ worth of packs just sitting there, which is going to increase as the game updates even further, which is... interesting. The value can be disputed, but it's not thattt bad. [ The value (you could say... the... emotional value? ] Very good game if you want to play a game for a long period of your lifespan, you can really stick to it, probably even more if you buy more song packs or songs in the memory archive. Very much saves the value in terms of money.
Good: + Uniquely amazing aesthetics and bg music + Excellent song selection + Great story + Great character designs + Exciting gameplay Nitpicks: - I would pay extra just to have customizable hit visual and sound effects, and sidetrails(?) (those things that flies out on both sides when playing a song from the Memory Archive). - Some song backgrounds need rework - Many song backgrounds feel like it was copy-pasted from its song jackets. - A lot of partners' skills need reworks, especially the ones that can only activate their skill when playing a song from a specific song pack, which sucks because I prefer Kanae's skill instead of Reunion Hikari & Tairitsu's. Bad: - Beyond world mode (why does it uses 3 stamina bars..?) - I'm not sure if this is my phone or the app, but the game rarely registers multiple holds. I did test my phone via MutiTouch Tester, but it works fine. So I'm not sure what causes this problem anymore. Overall, despite the flaws, this game is still one of my favorite rhythm games imo.
If you used to playing handheld or without a tablet, expect to have a hard time. + Stunning graphic + Great collection and high quality of tracks as you might expect + Unique Arc in its gameplay that give the reputation. + Somehow you become a big D chad by playing this game (?) + Pretty good amount of tracks that you can get for free (Although still require grinding World Mode) - Song unlocking is very slow. You started with minimal selection and have to go through World Mode to get more (which also timelocked with Stamina). The rest of the songs need to unlock via paying for individual collection (which is understandable). - Most story seems to lock behind paywall ... which I am not a fan of (even the main story, which is wtf). - Specifically tailored to play with index finger. I dont think thumb is completely impossible but it will be much much harder. - As you get higher, you might want a tablet... for the space to move your fingers around, and not yeet your phone to the other side of the room accidently when doing some sliding action.
I actually love this game so much oh my god The music has made me have an eargasm multiple times! The title screen music (including the old ones), menu, world mode, and everything just slaps in general. anyway... my favorites are lost desire, rise of the world, and sheriruth. This may change later. Thought I wanted to share this for the sake of sharing. This game also keeps me interested in reading the story and makes me want to read more, unlike some others... maybe because it's a wall of text? maybe because it's interesting? well, anyway, my current favorite ones are lasting eden and the main story. This may also change later because I haven't read everything yet. The gameplay is really fun as well. Even though there's not that much content I could access since I haven't spent a ton, and I mean A TON of money on this game, I still keep on playing it because it's fun. Maybe because I haven't been playing it for a long time yet, that may change soon. This is my own personal opinion. 2024: Turns out I was right! I'm barely playing this game anymore but the gameplay still remains to be really good. I love the character designs a lot as well! Everyone is so majestic especially tairitsu holy shit I love her As for how the game looks in general (including sfx), it's really good. I'm *kinda* surprised that devices don't really need much to run Arcaea properly because the quality is just so damn high. In my opinion, of course. I'm not exactly a fan of the fact that you have to spend money just to even unlock more than probably 20% of the game, but that's not really a thing huge enough to destroy my opinion on it. The only thing I dislike in this game is that goddamn world mode. Well no actually, I hate it.
Dear Game Makers: I love your mind that make you to make this game I love your hands that make you to make this game and also I love all of the people that help you to make this game.I pray all of you have a healthy life. I have a selfishly request.I want to play game story line but in my country,America not allowed us for pay the purches in game.[憋屈] so about that if your reading my notes please make the one of the storyline parts free.thanks for all that you did from start to the end.[微笑]
Hard rhythm game, been playing for 3 years, its not that great to the point that i pick it as primary game and play, i rather havent play the game for 4 months now, but its good enough for me to not delete it, unique floating notes, the difficulty and the 3d notes are what make this game standout, musics is a bit limited as a free user, but most of them are enjoyable to listen to
aku nub kaka
This games will be VERY hard for newbie but is it possible to started with it? Actually yes... Follow this step... 1) Turn off internet and also set the note speed and sound sync. I recommend you use the note speed a around around 1-5.5 Yes this is the game that its not bad to make the notes move slow. If anything even if its slow there's still a lot going which can makes it just as hard as fast notes. 2) Play level 1 till you full combo and step it up by each level to progress. If you fail to do the next level diffeculty clear all other song in the current level you just full combo. 3) You will find out that somehow you keep getting better at the game... Yes it happens to me... Because this games encourage you to train more than anything. Take notes 1) Being offline will not affect the potential and this is good for you as newbies. You will fail a lot so you don't have to worry about minus potential lol 2) Don't play too much though... Touch glass too this games won't ran away from you... 3) NEVER started out with collaboration or buying them first! Clear as lot of music in free chart still the hardest diffeculty first than you can move forward. Why? Cause collaboration songs are 10 times harder than the free songs... You will die guarantee. If there's names isn't enough to scare you I don't know now... USAO... Camellia... Nitro... Alice... Basically you kinda wasted most of your money on a song you can't complete for a long time... Well not me though cause I somehow managed it "half dead" Its pure pain and suffering... The game itself is NOTORIOUS hard but not impossible if you didn't count those troll map April's Fool days... Well even with that compare to every other game it's still winable. They just troll you with new gimmick not making it impossible. So yeah even the hardest chart is possible to win someday even if you started out in this game. You just needs training. There's also no gacha which is a HUGE plus... I don't understand why many rhyme games have to be gacha... This is the thing that highly limited the gameplay TBH. The paywall is huge but that's just because the music list are hired by an actual pro. It's basically like buying extra game feature so I can't complain... Plus it does give you a lot of bonuses for just one purchase... ***But all the stories one first though. Those are a must buy if you willing to use money!!! The most broken partners in the game ARE in that too!!! Now to the issues... World map... Yes it's notoriously slow as fk!!!! But with the said strongest partner I mention she can easily shredding the world map with literally 130-300 steps... That's like 1.5-4 times of a normal world progression btw... This is why I said STORIES song list are the first priority if you want to buy it... It will really change a lot in a good way. Oh yeah all the songs are a banger too!!! Even if you just enter the stage and left it alone can be a good experience... It's fun to even just listen to them...
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