edit: it's not worth your time to invest in this game now, the dev make stupid decision and that make players mad and make the game pretty much dead by now
Good game with great graphic(especially with many waifuable material) and enjoyable story(even thou it get kinda dark by end of chapter pandemonium), Sound is great too (i even sometimes open the game onlyto enjoy the ost haha), also they give you the choice to play auto or play manually (which i do most of time since auto never get you the dps your need to clear most content :v), and the character growth is manageable from start that i tried to speedrun the game by 7 hour to beat final chapter with my lvl 80 Seria(not included epilogue lol and without spending even one cent )...
well for those who can't manage their character and rubies it can be hell in certain stage like ch.4 or 5 thou.
I'm not gonna lie to you, im not that into games with super basic mechanics (like leveling up characters and equipment) and yet i really enjoyed this one. Somehow, its a bit ironic because these types of games dont make me stay for too long, however, i was able to play it for 3 days straight (lol i knowwww im SUPER HARD TO PLEASE)! Sure the download was hectic as hell because my wifi sucks but damn. I actually enjoyed the story and the characters are funny. I think even the rewards the game gives you is fair. I HIGHLY recommend. I still do think some people might see this game as a turn off and some might even like the style, as for me I am obviously in the group that enjoys it.
Extra praise lol:
Honestly, I didnt care too much for the sound, I just got so into the fight scenes. The monsters were cool looking and some even funny. LOVEEEEEE the graphics and the character art. Legit one of the best games I have ever played cause it even made me rate it which i never do btw-
I believe you dont even need to spend money because they already give you a handful of resources during every level and expedition. As long as you know what you're doing, you will surely like it 🤩
you can choose *2 hero from main story, not just "oh here you go character from main story" and you don't want to use him/her
some *2 and *3 is still good
main hero still good (frey, roi, clause, at least they didn't go that low becuase new heroes
roi need heavy investment if you want to make him main P.dps, but he can be use to clear tower when you need go to enemy back and didn't need that much investment (forget which floor)
cloe need heavy incestment and she doesn't that usefull (or maybe i don't know)
free hero from stage is still good for some content
can get free hero from event (xerah, hilda) they didn't that good but good for some raid, and they free with their unique weapon and unique trasure
you can use party to get carry, so you don't need to repeat stage 6 raid and go to stage 7, you can skip the farm and do 1 time clear
you can use party to push main story if you stuck
unique weapon can be upgrade by 3 ways
the star
the color (i forget the name)
for equip
the star
option enchant
enchant (give 1 more sub stats)
for TM
well you don't need to know if new player
and you need a ton of gold
costume can gift you + % gold or exp or both, but both give lower % only that so didn't make different in PvP
so you can follow your D or follow the stats
you can auto and dispatch if you don't have much time
this is my personal, this game make my phone so fckng hot
i'm not sure about hero balance because i rarely read it and check in my hero info, but
Pansi need nerf bitch
It's almost 2 years that I have been into the game and still enjoy to play the game.
When I first play King's Raid, I happen to drop the game and back when Fallen chapter released along with DLK and FFrey. After that I became more active, and rush all my old team to maxed lvl.
I have good and bad experience with the game in terms of forging UW and UT. I always make the chance when forging UW and UT with 100% chance and it takes a lot resources. I don't know that we even could get success with 1% chance when forging. I just realized that when forging my UW*4 Crow to *5 with 1% chance with 8% fairlure bonus.
Since the fallen chapter until now the final chapter. My team has grow so fast. I could do any TM raid solo up to stage 4 with my current team.
I most mainly only bring husbando hero to the battle.
The good things that I really love this game is about that the hero are most likely are easy to obtain. There are no gacha for hero, that's why I love it.
The costume system are also wonderful with only 3k rubies and sometimes there are discount up to 1.5k rubies which is very good.
I pretty much has complete all the costume for my main husbando, Crow, Esker, Lucias, Arch, Kasel, Chase, Kibera, Neraxis, Mitra, Ezekiel, Theo, and many more.
As for the gameplay, I prefer more into PvE than PvP. The highest rank I could achieve are Diamond Rank III LoV and Platinum V LoH.
But still I think if you guys play both PvE or PvP, as long as you play with you favorites waifu or husbando, you will enjoy and having fun with it.
I think that's it. I really want to write more about King's Raid but maybe I'll write here again after Vespa make Siegfried playable(≧▽≦).
I think I started playing way back 2017.
King's Raid is a unique F2P friendly game with generous rewards from events and the Developers.
Characters 10/10
•You are free to choose who you want to use. No RNG features they lock the characters behind so build them as strong as you want them to be (you still gotta work for their materials and equipments). Of course, no character fits every content.( I still love my Gau, though.)
•No character Gachas. Buy them with Rubies where they give plenty or just woo them at the Inn for free.
•No fodder characters to feed your other characters bullshit.
•I think this is the most prominent feature the game has, next to their QoL features.
Quality of Life 8/10
•Player friendly features such as Dispatch battles, Party runs, Permanent consumables, Server buffs, Auto Skills, Speed Multiplier, Generous event prizes and giveaways.
•Convinient modes to suit your playstyle, but having to Manual or running the game in Normal speed gives you more control of some content yet not mandatory if playing casually.
•Lately the quality of life dropped due to the effect of the pandemic, and a failed launch. Affected both developers,events, social media activity, and the players.
•Newbie friendly nerfs and adjustments to make gearing easier for them to catch up to late game contents.
Gameplay 8/10
•Contents differ from each other. Similar builds may not work on different raids.
•Endgame equipment has become more grindy compared to the outgrown contents.
•Requires planning if your team is leaning towards non-meta for the specific content. (Looking at you, ArcdimX)
Story 7/10
•It grows on you. If you're the type of player who reads, then you're in for a plot twist. The story is very generic for RPGs until you reach the later part.
•Side stories. Somehow the game is lacking in this department. Quite a nice feature to teach the players on how to utilize the hero while telling their story and their place in the game.
•Archives. Kinda same as side story but it has a direct connection with the main plot.
PvP and GvG 7/10
•Meta-driven. People tends to gravitate towards meta. They copy and paste builds so they could get ranks above others.
•Real-time. Speed is the heart of battle, but strategy is where the mind is. Speed is one thing, but knowing how to counter and surprise your opponents is a lot more satisfying.
•Sometimes you're queued against lazy High level players because they're only rushing to meet a quota. (Sorry Newbies, I may have bullied a lot of you.)
Sound ?/10
• Music is a matter of preference.
•There are sounds queues to call shots and mech activations to help.
Community ?/10
•A fair share of toxicity, white knights,and silent hopefuls.
•They closed a minor feature because a group demands it and called it imbalanced and too P2W.(Lil' Raiders)
•People in worldchat are helpful and friendly to Newbies who ask for party runs.(Or at least in Asia)
•Avoid reading Patchnote commentaries.
King's Raid is one of a kind. A special place in my heart.
They updated the game to add new runes. Albeit, a grindier way than their usual range of grindiness.
Despite the downward spiral of the company, bad reviews of unsatisfied players,and lack of events due to reasons;
King's Raid is still a good game.
I ❤ the game it has an amazing graphics the sound is fine as well + i enjoy the characters theres a lot of lovebale characters in there the only good thing is you dont have to draw them only the weapons the story is good but at the end of the chapter it has a few grim stuff thats happening but ok
Good graphics, sounds are not bad. Interesting storyline. Great mechanics that enables you to collect each and every character if you wanted to. Remember to go either with all physical or all magic team. I was able to build a all female demon like team and raise them to 5 stars. Good for F2P players. Unfortunately, combat is quite reliant on auto but you can click on the skills to have some control even on auto. Can't control who to target and action is quite fast to control manually (for me, maybe others are better). Got bored after the 4th chapter of the story as it's just the same rinse and repeat (go into scenario fight on auto, repeat). Think the later chapters will be harder and that will require some grinding to power up the team to clear them. You can skip PVP by not joining the Arena. Can auto-repeat battles to farm but they have to keep going back to the battle start team loading screens all the time, which sometimes taken longer than the actual battle itself! Interesting concept to collect XP in XP bottles for those who are max level that you bring into a battle. Uninstalled after a month
Well its been one month since i play this game and i notice there is two types of player. There is one that like to compete with others and will get research about every character, if u are that type of people this may not be your taste as i think i seen a lot of people commenting on the character balance but if u are like me like to collect all the character and slowly getting more and more strong i think this game is the most suitable as the character design, art style and graphic is top notch and they also did a good job on the voice with famous VA.The way to get chareacter is also quite refreshing as u can just buy them with the gem that can get for free just by playing the game so it is quite easy compare to other "gacha game"as u did not need to gamble for those character that u really like and jump back to the gacha pool full og other character that u already owned.Saem for the costume or should i say the "skins", u also can buy them straight with the same gem that u can get just by playing the game. And i am using huawei p30 and the game is running smooth and did not get any crused like some of the others user are gettingso i think this game is pretty good compare to others. Lastly i would like to request for a feature and will be happy if can get a reply. It about the art or cg for every character and when they had costume on because when u press to see a character info it only show the 3D design, even though it is quite good as the 3D model is well made but i would like to request so we can swap between 2D and 3D, i want the full image of the costume i buy please :D , if it is already in the planning i would be really galdful and if not i would be happy to be the first one to suggest that. Thank you and keep update us with content.
King’s Raid é mais um colecionador de personagens, como tantos outros. No entanto, a arte e os gráficos não são como tantos outros! Os personagens são muito bem desenhados. O estilo anime dos personagens foi traduzido perfeitamente para os modelos 3D disponíveis durante o combate, e eles são muito bem animados também.
Como era de se esperar por ser um RPG, classes diferentes têm habilidades diferentes. O jogo ataca de maneira automática, e as habilidades são ativadas por você (se não estiver no modo automático).
Colecione heróis diferentes e interessantes, melhore eles e aumente os níveis e equipamentos, o de sempre… Mas com visuais incríveis, acabamento impecável, alta qualidade de vida…
King’s Raid não é SÓ mais um colecionador de personagens como tantos outros!!!
The hollow shadow of its former glory. This game, while remain superior in terms of graphics and character designs, has seen massive decline throughout the years and spawned numerous problems such as the infamous bugfest (unknown error, plagued the game for a few months until it got fixed recently).
Make no mistake, this game is very visually appealing and is renowned for its non-gacha method of acquisition of heroes (they are even purchasable with in-game premium currency) known as 'inn recruitment'. However, there is an equipment gacha and weapon dupes are necessary to ascend heroes' unique weapons in order for them to shine in Pvp as well as World boss ranking etc. The punch in the gut would be the rng gear ascension that basically wastes your hardly earned unique weapon should it failed.
However, the main issue of this game lies within the makers of it. Vespa.inc who had time and again turned a cold shoulder over the playerbase and commited various pro-P2w decisions.
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