Reviews(491)Sort by Popularity, English

以我玩過女性向遊戲的經驗來說,很容易抽到好卡,曾經十連抽抽到三張SSR,官方也很佛心,鑽石不會很難收集,故事關卡也不會太困難 劇情方面,以四季為劇場主題集結了各種不同性格的男主,故事內容不會讓人覺得敷衍,活動也有不同組的成員合作的舞台,非常新鮮 玩法很適合懶人,除了活動期間外不會花太多時間在遊戲上,如果平常很忙碌的話很推薦這款女性向遊戲~
A cute game about "training" anime boys to act on the stage! It is fairly simple, arrange a team of character cards and put them into "practice" to level them and their skills up, along with gaining affection to unlock character stories! I enjoyed the translated version of this game, so I wanted to check the original out too! There are some cards and mechanics (like the train mission where you can get EXP to rank up) that are not available in the EN version yet, so I am happy I have both versions on my phone, haha!
[開心] Though the EN server is no longer available, I can ise the experience from there onto the JN version. Yoi will love these boys! The story is also a huge part of whh many pthers played this game. It's to get to know the characters, their background, and interaction with each other in their troupe and other troupes too! Also the other part of the fun os collecting the cards of your favorite characters too!
Ngl, I think what I love about A3! is the premise and the story. It's has a rather unique premise in the mobage community (theater, and iirc Revue Starlight (?) is the only other game that has this?) and the stories don't disappoint, maybe on the first read but rereading them over and over makes me realize how fitting the story and characterization can be. That doesn't mean it's a perfect game. I used to get pissed when people who decide to drop the game say it's because of the lack of gameplay but I can understand why. Compared to other games which need strategy and skill, A3! needs strategy and sheer willpower to stay alive while tiering for your oshi(s). But in the end, it kinda balanes out the idea of being able to get at least 1 copy of an SSR while racking up points in event(?). Iirc, most other games make the highest rarity card gacha only. In short, come for the cute cast of actors, stay for the intriguing stories, diverse music, and it's-all-fun-and-games-until-you-have-tier-for-your-oshi(s) gameplay. [Reposted from A3! EN review on QooApp]
Been playing this game for almost 6-7 months and I really enjoy the game! I've never been addicted to games but A3 is another thing! All characters are different and everybody has a special background, and their all have they charms that you can't ignore! The VAs did a good job too 💕 please give the game a try and stan harugumi and fuyugumi 💖
no need to say anything besides I'm in love with this game. the boys are just something else. they will make you smiling like crazy and all when you read the back stage story, Wich is their cards stories. A card collecting game, that I never knew the reason for myself for not bored out of my mind when all of my game are cards collecting game. Oh well, stan Azami, Banri, Tsumugi, Chikage, Misumi, all of them really. And thank you[微笑]
I really love this game! The arts are way too beautiful and the seiyuus also did a really good job in voice acting. The storyline are nice too. I must say, this game are so wonderful! Keep up the good work! Hopefully this game will continue for a very long time ^^ [色色]
I knew about A3! because of the Anime, as I heard it is a game I downloaded the EN version. I was sad that the EN version had to shutdown and played it until the end. I even screenshoted my home page and card collection for the memories. I did try the JP ver. and the game mechanics are confusing to me somehow... I adored and love all the characters in the game, specially the quirky, triangle boy, Misumi. My fave would absolutely be Tenma and Muku, also Chikage. My fave Troop is the Natsugumi, their quirky personalities and their interactions are the weirdest and that's adorable to me. Sadly, I haven't finished Act 2 back in the EN ver. I only got to Akigumi part in Act 2, though it was worth it of what progress I had made in the game. My fave troops, by ranking (but I don't have any hated Troops, because every troop and their memebers gave me a roller coaster ride of emotions in the main story for Act 1 and 2, specially Act 2 for Azami in the game): Natsugumi Fuyugumi Harugumi Akigumi The voice acting is top-tier, because I knew very famous Seiyuus in the game. The Act 2 in the main story had put me through a rollercoaster ride, the main story, card story and more gave me so much comfort. I'm giving you the Seiyuus in the game that are famous by name and a character they voiced that I mostly know by heart (For the others with this mark [*], I searched for their other roles): Director/Tachibana Izumi - Nazuka Kaori (Shimuzu Kiyoko - Haikyuu) (Note: For the Director, she only has a voice in the anime. She doesn't have one in the game, Kaori's voice is lovely in Anime btw ^^ ) Harugumi: Sakuma Sakuya - Kōdai Sakai (*Kisugi Teppei - Captain Tsubasa) Usui Masumi - Shirai Yūsuke (Sasaki Shūmei - Sasaki to Miyano) Minagi Tsuzuru - Nishimiya Kōtarō (Kashima Ryuichi - Gakuen Babysitters) Chigasaki Itaru - Asanuma Shintarō (Aohitsugi Samatoki - HypMic) Citron - Igarashi Masashi (*Takahashi Minato - King of Prism) [ <--- I'm not familiar with this tbh] Utsuki Chikage - Hatano Wataru (Shinsō Hitoshi - My Hero Academia) Natsugumi: Sumeragi Tenma - Eguchi Takuya (Loid Forger - SpyXFamily) Rurikawa Yuki - Toki Shunichi (Allocer Schneider - Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun) Sakisaka Muku - Yamaya Yoshitaka (Shax Leid - Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun) Miyoshi Kazunari - Ozawa Ren (*He debuted as a stage actor and a former band member of B2takes!) Miyoshi Kazunari - Akazawa Tomoru (I'm not familiar with his roles while searching :'] ) (*Note: Ozawa Ren was Kazunari's first seiyuu, Akazawa Tomoru is now Kazunari's current seiyuu. Also Akazawa is Kazunari's Stage Actor [ <-- I saw this info at yaycupcake's A3! wiki blog, new info for me and you probably...] I put both of Kazu's Seiyuu, because both of them are really good) Ikaruga Misumi - Hirose Daisuke (*Tsukasa Tenma - Petit Seka) Hyodo Kumon - Hatanaka Tasuku (Kaminari Denki - My Hero Academia) Akigumi: Settsu Banri - Sawashiro Chiharu (*I searched for his other roles, but I'm not familiar :'] ) Hyodo Juza - Takeuchi Shunsuke (Kyōtani Kentarō - Haikyuu) Nanao Taichi - Hama Kento (*Kimura Ryuu - The Idolm@ster SideM) Fushimi Omi - Kumagai Kentarō (*Hideo Akuno - The Idolm@ster SideM) Furuichi Sakyo - Jose Yuichi (*Felix - Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Izumida Azami - Konishi Seiya (*Seems like he's more famous in the Stage Plays :0 ) Fuyugumi: Tsukioka Tsumugi - Tamaru Atsushi (Kunimi Akira - Haikyuu) Takato Tasuku - Satō Takuya (Albert James Moriarty - Moriarty the Patriot) Mikage Hisoka - Terashima Junta (Sakunami Kōsuke - Haikyuu) Arisugawa Homare - Toyonaga Toshiyuki (Shirabu Kenjirō - Haikyuu) Yukishiro Azuma - Kakihara Tetsuya (Wanderer - Genshin Impact) Nishiki Gai/Guy - Hino Satoshi (Sawamura Daichi - Haikyuu)
ive been in this fandom for 3 years coming up to year 4 i still love this game with all of my heart all of the boys will always gave a special place in my heart i first started playing the English game in 2020 march time it git me hooked completely once the English game closed i moved to the JP server i remember where everything was from the English game so i got the ropes pretty easily and im so happy to still be able to play this game idk what ud do without it it is quite literally my life and all i have to say is addict is in the name and i will continue to love these boys for the rest of time
gorgeous men that come from all different walks of life with various different motivations, careers, and character designs. this game has helped me find meaning in life more times than i can count. on days i dont feel like doing much, i am reminded of the dialogue and especially characters like itaru. i could go on a rant—no, i could write a 24-paged essay about how much i love chigasaki itaru, but I won't take up your time like that. give it a try, even if you're new or not big on otome/ikemen games. besides, you don't do any romancing anyways! this wonderful app will never leave you bored, and you don't at all have an obligation to play everyday. in fact, I've only recently returned to this game as life got busy and the connection sucked. what more do i need to do to convince you to play? now, if you excuse me, I'll be on my way to go save more gems for my husband's birthday <3
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