Reviews(110)Sort by Popularity, English

First thing you should know is that summon rates are pretty bad for specific units, more often than not you will almost always get dupes on 10 part rolls and almost always the same unit dupes at that... The soundtrack the game uses is kinda bland, nothing good, nothing bad... The gameplay is pretty much auto with just skill use when you tap them. Gear and meta characters makes pretty much useless to try to use other units unless your aim isn't being at the top. Kinda ok game but outdated gameplay and system to this day.
please update for lengangue english and update for new character anime Loli kawaii, i like it this game so good graphic and please update from new costume for all character, thanks Ateam inc.
神作也好, 糞作也罷, 不用太在意, 只是個遊戲而已, 小弟家貧沒閒錢課金, 有的話還不如拿去和兄弟喝酒泡妞, 還來得爽快舒暢! 不過在此我也感謝一眾課主, 有他們的付出, 遊戲才得以營運下去, 否則關服之後, 還不是剩低一堆癈鐵, 和一班把血汗錢掉進溝渠的凱子 ^3^
Omg I love this my favourite games! I would have playing Valkyrie Connect in Japanese. They created the Valkyrie Connect,the original. So,I love it and It's cool!
Play mostly for collabs as it's very fun to try to get them all. Collab units are usually easy to get as you can get them from collab quest
good game
One of few games that I still played for years.
when this game anniversary ?
alway have trouble with downloading
not that bad game[賣萌][賣萌]
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