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5 years into the making this review will be from a player who has spent close to 6 years in this game on and off. What to say this game has been part of every phone I've ever used besides the iPhone 4. My rating may be very high but that doesn't mean this is a great game its far from that. Its a very very addicting game ~ from the sound quality all the way to the GamePlay this game just makes u want to play it. The simple startup and tutorial after that its just beating your way through ranks and finding yourself a team you like but wait there's a catch! The meta yes the meta that'll gobble up all your efforts spit it out like its nothing your OP MegaPeka is now as good as a mini peka. The starting years were rough the game was still finding itself and the match making and the grind to lvl/meta ofc were horrid things. Getting to Master 1/2 which is peace of cake rn was the real deal back then. As a F2P you could only get so far honestly the horrible crate rates remain the same 2500gems for a legendary crate bruh fuk out here especially the prices of those gems. The BP system is really good and the only value you can get out of this game. The game has changed over the years especially Clan Wars oof the days when you had to be good to be selected to partake in the wars gone, and now the plebs can get in on some action as well lol. Much needed implementation. I could talk on and on about how the matchmaking system needs improvements but then you'd lose that rage addiction to lose match after match but still continue playing to lose more. Quitting the game and hearing the sound of someone else playing the game gets you relied up to play! That's just how they play with our pleasuremornes oof. We all leave but at the end we all eventually come back and leave again. Once you're down this hell hole you can't help but leave. Considering that the tactical combat is just great in this game for years I've wondered why dont other gacha companies just make something similar but with hot and cute waifus instead!! ( ˙灬˙ )
Impression : Another trendsetter game from supercell. My first game playing strategies real time card. Im playing this game on Dec 2019. Im only become comeback player just to review a bit on 2023 [厲害] Pros : - Ongoing event - Google play achievements - Evolution card ( New feature ) - Still many players playing this game - Season pass for growing Cons : - Unbalance decks - There's always new meta deck - F2p game but you need dedicated more your time - New players obviously can't defeat veteran experience in this game Graphic : The art itself basically represent supercell famous first game which is COC. i'd loved they making more characters in this game [色色] Sound : The voice of characters is really good. it just the home song sometimes get me bored. Gameplay : There's so many mode for now like war clans, tournament and etc. This is really good actually if you want to become dedicated in this game. They always making it some new feature to make it the old players keep playing. Storyline : N/A Value : Im not rating it high five because this game isn't really fun like it was before. im a comeback player and not really high ranked but somewhat my opponent have all cards around levels 10-12 [無語] [懵懂] [為什麼] Conclusion : Im recommend this game if you want to know how populer this game back then. Of course if you want to reach higher faster you need spend your money, but dont rush. You can still climb up higher, just be patience with your win lose game Happy Gaming Folks! [開心] -RA-
ok listen i have been playing this game for 5 year since beginning i will tell you this that it is hard to make progress if no money spent then you have the pass royal wich is like a really good value and knowing how to play the game and all the tactics its hard but you'll get use to it back then when the game was out we got like 4 or 5 new cards in one update but now the game wont give a new one until like a year or 4 or 5 months yes you heard me 4 or 5 months for a new card over all its a fine game dont worry
陆陆续续退游了好几次,前年又下上玩了。这个游戏挺经典的而且可玩性极强。但是平衡失调,卡牌超模的问题这两年老有(比如两次crl几乎都成公式流了) 要是让我在三四年前打分那肯定是满分,只不过现在么,一分都没有吧
as someone who started this game just 3 days ago and is level 7, i believe the game is mostly dependant on luck more than skill. The matchmaking is horrible as well for new players.(  ̄ 3 ̄)y▂ξ
Another banger strategic game by supercell. Really fun to play game, new units keep the gameplay fresh and new gamemodes keeps the gameplay from being repetitive. I highly recommend giving it a shot if you are looking for a light game to play in your free time~
Great game, requires a lot of skill, especially in challenges and tournaments, which is entirely f2p. Ranked is a different story though. You will struggle somewhat on ranked as a f2p player.
Before the new king level chest it was so hard to progress on it after that it becomes so fun to play but still p2w
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