I am someone who's been playing roughlt 2-3 years. The game used to be super fun. After Reborn update however, everything kind of got bland. The UI change is.....okay, but the old UI was totally better. They also shut down Live Pvp and club matches temporarily and deleted lots of game modes so there's not much to do anymore. Not to mention maxing Legends is going to take absurdly long. Superboosting Legends to +1 will take roughly 1-2 months. Considering how a unit needs to at least be superboost 2 to be useable, and goalkeepers need to be superboost5. Speaking of Goalkeepers, SR Goalkeepers are pretty much useless in higher up leagues(Leagues above Diamond.)
Also, at this point you'll want dupes instead of new legends to get those sweet L spirials. But with the higher rate ups, I guess that's not much of a problem. Anyways the game has become slightly boring ever since REBORN. New players are obviously not exposed to these problems because the Devs are spoonfeeding them resources. However, once you use up all of your free resources you'll start seeing these stuff.
Although apparently they will be doing some nice spirial changes to help ease up on the L spirial problem, so I guess that's good.
Community wise, SS has a really nice community. All the people I met through this game have mostly been really nice people who were always ready to help. However, all those pals are also slowly starting to leave. Honestly, I only lasted this long in SS because of the community. At this point I'm only logging in to grab rewards and do my spirial matches. I might quit at some point as well.
However this game also has some good qualities, such as the art and the graphics. The team building and gameplay are also quite good. The Gacha is also better now. If you love this game and want to continue playing, then just do so!! Have fun :D.
With the recent REBORN update, it now feels.like a real mobile game. There are bugs here and there but that is expected from a pre-release update.
Rates are now super good to draw on from 0.025% before to 1.5% now for a Legendary Player.
Live skins are now also cheaper from compared from before.
Climbing to the Universe League has never been as much fun as before as it is now!
New players can get up to 5 Legendary Players from doing the story quests and New Player Login event.(2 random Legend ticket and 3 Legendary Player select tickets) and probably at least 1 more Legendary Player with the 400 custom ticket compendation coming this August 26th's Major Update.
L E T ' S G O ! ! ?
the game was fun I guess... I like to kill some designs and the gameplay was very fun my only problem is talk to many strong people most people can foster children one side so who is no reason I've been playing a game not to mention the developer do not like to fance I'm constantly put up dates that we don't want let's talk about the comeback it is it is very boring some kids are too strong some kids are too weak even though both of them are ssr but overall I still enjoyed it so you can get with you for me good job you made a good game
Superb Graphics, nice art work, effect is cool, waifu n husbando players
Sound is Amazing, recommend using earphone for best experiences
Gamplay are Unique, there are many modes for pve and pvp include Guild systems, rich systems with many aspect to make your player grow more stronger on a match and much more.
Storyline are fine many player have different lore, different background, many races, beautifull artwork
For value i dont think there are perfect, as i know the games occur many issues and error but its fix it ASAP so they really have good care for the gamer and rich of inward rewards
That it for me thx.
i play this long time ago and recently replayit because i remember this game is pretty fun and its still fun.
Sure you gotta grind to do well in pvp but dont necessary need to whale because they pretty generous (at least right now) and give a lot of ticket.
i love part when you interrupt the enemy skill such as block and intercept. its make this game more interactive. the bgm is pretty good too, usually i mutey game because i watch youtube while playing game but the bgm and sfx in this game is pretty good and decided not to mute it. and for the voice, im a scum weeb so i prefer if the dev add japan voiceover. I appreciate they add the value combo for whaler bit the skin is too expensive for me.
I hope they made soccer spirit sequel.
game nya unik ini, walaupun ini game udah lama banget rilis nya (gua masih SMA kelas 1) tapi masih aja banyak yang main..
cuman di mode PVP, gak bakal ketemu lawan yang seimbang, pernah lawan team yang "LLL" padahal team gua masih di "L"
The game's tutorial is good, it helps beginner players progress by giving resources when they do certain things/level up. The 6 star catch rates aren't that bad. You just need to somewhat grind for crystals and premium tickets to draw them . Luckly, there are alot of events that help with that. Online matches seem easy, but are later on strategy/character based. Lastily, the art in this game. 5 STARS
*Edit* China has taken over apparently, the forced hive login requires real name authentication apparently now, and the game was discontinued September 13 of 2021. It's dead.
Unedited review here:
Been playing since approx. 9 months+ and some things have improved, but really losing a lot of its sustaining factor for me. I really only log in now just to collect daily gifts and that's about it.
Idk why this game has a high rating, it is one of the most boring games i have ever played, only the artwork is good, hope they make an anime out of this tho
Good game. I will say, I love the character design. But in terms of gameplay, there are times where it feels too against the player, mostly in harder battles. Having said that, this game is nice.
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