I love this game I do, but I have one gripe. The division matches are terribly matched. I have a 1 million power so why am I getting matched with people who are 1.5 to 1.3. That's like one step forward two steps back. I can't beat them and so end up giving up on the rank matches and just kinda find something else to do. I'd spend more time playing if the match ups were actually fair.
I love this game, it's the only game I considered paying money for. I give it 5 stars because I have a teensy thing to say one im dyslexic and I have to re-read alot of my sentences amd with the timer that makes it hard. Also y'all need to check your language in put because "making friends" registered as cussing and it makes it hard to communicate a bit with people. That's all though 😁
HELLO TO THE DEVS OF THIS GAME. I downloaded your game because I saw an ad in FB with Chinese song playing. I sometimes hear the characters speaking in Chinese, but I don't hear it when they attack. I hope you can have an update that gives us an option to have the written language stay in English and the voice lines in Chinese! I REALLY, REALLY like it when I hear the Chinese voice lines. PLEAAAAASE. WIll change to 5 star when you do so :)
Very enjoyable and fun way to wake up too in the morning with coffee before the day starts. I enjoy the main story to the game, and to each characters back story. It's a strategy game that involves choosing characters wisely to level up for battles. It is completely playable without paying.
The story kept skipping by as I was trying to read it and a lot of it was hard to understand. But the gameplay was fast and fun there is a lot of bugs that should be fixed and a lot of small glitches but other than that it passes the time. Tutorial could use a big boost as well.
Its very amazing, the rewards are generous yet doesn't make the game feel play to win.. Unlike other rpg games. But it has a lot of bugs, and the wonder stalk like auto battle offtab is blocking everything. I cant to anything so please how the hecc do you exit this cuz i cannot just switch servers and come back every time
Graphics / Animation & twists of story plots are incredible!... This game has its POTENTIAL!... THINGS TO IMPROVE (initial review) : 1. Hope to play this game even if it's OFFLINE. 2. Privileges of playing even if it's OFFLINE. 3. Takes to long to log-in the game. You always have to click "REPAIR" option. I'll be changing my review if these will be resolved.
I like the game very much but there have been alot of updates very recently.. seems everytime i get on to play.. I hope they're about done with the updates for awhile.. I understand they're needed but not every other day..
Great job, team! Very good playing, although the walkthrough is a bit long. Also, the characters look similar to Disney style while also having characters of their own design. My suggestion is to alter the ones similar to Disney so it has a more uniformed style. Other than that, I like this game.
Enjoyable so far . But just unlocked arena. One round I fought against one character opponent against my full team and better power strength 68k against single character whose level is 100 and lower power strength. and wiped me out . Is this right ???
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