Reviews(2606)Sort by Popularity, English

one of those mile wide inch deep games. There's so much to do, but it's all the same stuff, just tucked away in a different menu location. Drop rates are abysmal, and everything is heavily monetized. The character designs are done well, and the story isn't bad, but those can't carry this title. It just becomes bland and taxing to play. Also, support is atrocious. Hopefully, you never have to interact with them. Overall, I'd say STAY AWAY.
Copy paste Of Echocalypse sea Nothing different The beginning of the game The way they force us to go through the tutorial And I bet 100 % of all of it is the same A waste of time Kindly don't download it At last if you are trying to make a new game Make something new Not a copy paste of your own old game Since you are going to spend money to make a game Spend that money on making your game better Because it is 👎 What is the point of putting Scarlet convent and than global ? If it is the same actl game?? Even in the Japanese version It is just the same name beside Japanese version Is their any need to put that Scarlet convent before and than after that sentence global? And why would you people be so freaking slow at creating global version?!
i put my personal experience detail story if you click my profile to see my details, for short explanation good is great story is amazing so far, the girls are pretty, cute or sexy design and the Japanese voice actors are never disappointing for me, maybe its because i could recognize a few from the anime i watched or cartoons they've might dub in there language. I may not be a person of great interest of Strategic game but i love RPG, Valkyrie Connect and Fate Grand Order had me massively enjoy RPG, as other games too but since Strategic system is heavily involved the game farming/grinding might take a while and I can not wait to obtain Vivi in the future... Ever since the the event for this game popup on QooApp, I couldn't stop myself for joining the free rewards, the design and story! So far I'm rank 29 and soon to be higher rank later in life. I may Uninstall and reinstall because i have other games i may want to try or might get bored. Its cool you can choose a role of male or female of the game and you can be a rarity, for now your rarity is a simple Rare. But with clothes you can be upgraded to an SR or SSR. As a female player im enjoying the design of the sister for the protagonist, shes soo cute, she must be protective at all cost! [驚訝]
i played the SEA server version for anoittle bit. this looks pretty similar so far. its a fairly fun game, but i ended up putting it into my casusl folder just because there are a few other gacha games i am enjoying better. i wish the gane did not use chibi. Sone if the fan-service artwork is pretty nice.
Wow!! The animations are as if its a real anime and the voice acting is top teir! Its really immersive especially as a headphones user. The battle mechanics are really cute and easy to learn and i cant wait to progress more into the game and character lore!!
Everything about this game aside from graphics and sound are just okay. Nearly bog-standard anime gacha RPG with a bloodthirsty monetisation scheme. If you don't care about PvP or spend a light amount of money on the game, you'll have a good time, but a good time is something a thousand other gachas can already provide. Ultimately it's not that special. Plenty of PvE to slog through, enemies scale extremely quickly, so and such. Also I'm sure this game would put me on a watchlist if I happen to play it in public. Which I don't. Whoever designed Levia (?) is a freak. An absolute freak.
OKAY so after playing this game for like two hours I can say that lore is really good, characters are the cherry on top, voice actors are literally CHEF'S KISS, but the gameplay... it sucks for me. I mean, it's not THAT BAD, but it's not very good either way. You're just skipping battles and BOOM. You can't skip this stage. It's really frustrating for me. But aside from this, the game really has potential and I hope I'll stay longer playing it <3
i don't know if game admin will read this or not but I'll write in here anw.. so.. the problem with many games like this is new server, creating new server is the actual problem I don't mind playing in old server, it's actually better, since i can't compete with p2ws in new server anw. my issue is one, the non active players on the leaderboard..GET RID of them ! they are not playing anymore, i know you can get it done, just do it ! and change the yellow colour to green again ! make the old server populates and live again !
Well loved the game, art is great, voices are great, the gameplay was also great. The story had continuity, but I didn't read it so up to you to decide if its good. The only problem I have is that the game does not let me play on my dedicated server (the server with my save file). Every time I try to log in it switches the server and refuses to let me see the server I was in before. So I decided to not play, especially since I had a lot of progress on that account. Don't know if its just a problem on my end, but if you want to test your luck then go ahead.
Don't know how this game has such a high rating. The character designs are pretty nice, but that's really all the game has going for it. They shove microtransactions in your face for everything. Need more stamina? Here, buy it! Here's coupons for buying pulls! Please use! They're so desperate to make a quick buck before the game gets shut down.
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